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De Correctione Rusticorum

[9] Deus autem omnipotens, quando caelum et terram fecit, ipse tunc creavit lucem, quae per distinctionem operum dei septies revoluta est. Nam primo deus lucem fecit, quae appellata est dies; secundo firmamentum caeli factum est; tertio terra a mare divisa est; quarto sol et luna et stellae factae sunt; quinto quadrupedia et volatilia et natatilia; sexto homo plasmatus est; septimo autem die, completo omni mundo et ornamento ipsius, requiem deus appellavit. Una ergo lux, quae prima in operibus dei facta est, per distinctionem operum dei septies revoluta, septimana est appellata. Qualis ergo amentia est ut homo baptizatus in fide Christi diem dominicum, in quo Christus resurrexit, non colat et dicat se diem Iovis colere et Mercurii et Veneris et Saturni, qui nullum diem habent, sed fuerunt adulteri et magi et iniqui et male mortui in provincia sua! Sed, sicut diximus, sub specie nominum istorum ab hominibus stultis veneratio et honor daemonibus exhibetur.

[10] Similiter et ille error ignorantibus et rusticis subrepit, ut Kalendas Ianuarias putent anni esse initium, quod omnino falsissimum est. Nam, sicut scriptura sancta dicit, VIII Kal. Aprilis in ipso aequinoctio initium primi anni est factum. Nam sic legitur: et divisit deus inter lucem et tenebras. Omnis autem recta divisio aequalitatem habet, sicut et in VIII Kal. Aprilis tantum spatium horarum dies habet quantum et nox. Et ideo falsum est ut Ianuariae Kalendae initium anni sint.

[11] Iam quid de illo stultissimo errore cum dolore dicendum est, quia dies tinearum et murium observant et, si dici fas est, homo Christianus pro deo mures et tineas veneratur? Quibus si per tutelam cupelli aut arculae non subducatur aut panis aut pannus, nullo modo pro feriis sibi exhibitis, quod invenerint, parcent. Sine causa autem sibi miser homo istas praefigurationes ipse facit, ut, quasi sicut in introitu anni satur est et laetus ex omnibus, ita illi et in toto anno contingat. Observationes istae omnes paganorum sunt per adinventiones daemonum exquisitae. Sed vae illi homini qui deum non habuerit propitium et ab ipso saturitatem panis et securitatem vitae non habuerit datam! Ecce istas superstitiones vanas aut occulte aut palam facitis, et numquam cessatis ab istis sacrificiis daemonum. Et quare vobis non praestant ut semper saturi sitis et securi et laeti? Quare, quando deus iratus fuerit, non vos defendunt sacrificia vana de locusta, de mure, et de multis aliis tribulationibus, quas vobis deus iratus immittit?

[12] Non intellegitis aperte quia mentiuntur vobis daemones in istis observationibus vestris quas vane tenetis, et in auguriis quae adtenditis frequentius vos inludunt? Nam sicut dicit sapientissimus Salomon: divinationes et auguria vana sunt; et quantum timuerit homo in illis, tantum magis fallitur cor eius. Ne dederis in illis cor tuum, quoniam multos scandalizaverunt. Ecce hoc scriptura sancta dicit, et certissime sic est, quia tamdiu infelices homines per avium voces daemonia suadunt, donec per res frivolas et vanas et fidem Christi perdant, et ipsi in interitum mortis suae de improviso incurrant. Non iussit deus hominem futura cognoscere, sed ut, semper in timore illius vivens, ab ipso gubernationem et auxilium vitae suae expeteret. Solius dei est antequam aliquid fiat scire, homines autem vanos daemones diversis argumentis inludunt, donec illos in offensam dei perducant et animas illorum secum pertrahant in infernum, sicut ab initio fecerunt per invidiam suam, ne homo regnum caelorum intraret, de quo illi deiecti sunt.

[13] Pro qua etiam causa, dum vidisset deus miseros homines ita a diabolo et angelis eius malis inludi ut, obliviscentes creatorem suum, pro deo daemones adorarent, misit filium suum, id est sapientiam et verbum suum, ut illos ad cultum veri dei de diaboli errore reduceret. Et quia non poterat divinitas filii dei ab hominibus videri, accepit carnem humanam ex utero Mariae virginis, non ex coniugio viri, sed ex spiritu sancto conceptam. Natus ergo in humanam carnem filius dei, intus latens invisibilis deus, foris autem visibilis homo, praedicavit hominibus: docuit illos, relictis idolis et malis operibus, de potestate diaboli exire et ad cultum creatoris sui reverti. Postquam docuit, voluit pro humano genere mori. Passus est mortem voluntarie, non invitus; crucifixus est a Iudaeis sub iudice Pilato Pontio, qui de Ponto provincia natus illo tempore provinciae Syriae praesidebat; depositus de cruce, positus est in sepulchro; tertia die resurrexit vivus a mortuis, et diebus quadraginta cum duodecim discipulis suis conversatus est, et, ut veram carnem suam resurrexisse monstraret, manducavit post resurrectionem ante discipulos suos. Transactis autem quadraginta diebus, praecepit discipulis suis ut adnuntiarent omnibus gentibus resurrectionem filii dei, et baptizarent eos in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti in remissionem peccatorum, et docerent illos qui baptizati fuissent recedere a malis operibus, id est ab idolis, ab homicidiis, a furtis, a periurio, a fornicatione, et quod sibi nollent fieri aliis non facerent. Et postquam haec praecepit, videntibus ipsis discipulis, ascendit in caelum, et ibi sedet ad dexteram patris, et inde in fine istius mundi venturus est cum ipsa carne quam secum levavit in caelis.

[14] Cum autem finis mundi istius venerit, omnes gentes et omnis homo qui ex illis primis hominibus, id est ex Adam et Eva, ducit originem omnes resurgent et boni et mali; et omnes ante iudicium Christi venturi sunt, et tunc qui fuerunt in vita sua fideles et boni separantur a malis et intrant in regno dei cum angelis sanctis, et erunt animae illorum cum carne sua in requiem aeternam, numquam amplius morituri, ubi iam nullus illis erit aut labor aut dolor, non tristitia, non famis aut sitis, non calor aut frigus, non tenebrae aut nox, sed, semper laeti, saturi, in luce, in gloria, similes erunt angelis dei, quia iam in illo loco meruerunt intrare unde diabolus cum sibi consentientibus angelis cecidit. Ibi ergo omnes qui fideles deo fuerunt permanent in aeternum. Nam illi qui increduli fuerunt aut non fuerunt baptizati aut certe, si baptizati fuerint, post baptismum suum iterum ad idola et homicidia vel adulteria vel ad periuria et ad alia mala reversi sunt et sine poenitentia sunt defuncti, omnes qui tales fuerint inventi damnantur cum diabolo et cum omnibus daemoniis quos coluerunt et quorum opera fecerunt, et in aeterno igne cum carne sua in inferno mittuntur, ubi ignis ille inextinguibilis in perpetuum vivit, et caro illa iam de resurrectione recepta in aeternum cruciatur gemens. Desiderat iterum mori, ut non sentiat poenas, sed non permittitur mori, ut aeternos perferat cruciatus. Ecce hoc loquitur lex, hoc loquuntur prophetae, haec evangelium Christi, haec apostolus, haec omnis scriptura sancta testatur; quae vobis modo vel pauca ex multis simpliciter diximus. Vestrum est dehinc, filii karissimi, ea quae per nos dicta sunt recordare, et aut bene agendo futuram in regno dei requiem sperare, aut (quod absit!) male agendo futurum in inferno ignem perpetuum expectare. Nam et vita aeterna et mors aeterna in arbitrio hominis posita est. Quod sibi elegerit unusquisque, hoc habebit.

9. When He made Heaven and the Earth, omnipotent God created also the light that, by the distinction of the works of God, manifested it self in seven days. Because, in the first day God made light itself, which as called day. In the second, the firmament of the sky was made. In the third the earth was separated from the sea. In the fourth the Sun, the Moon and the stars were made. In the fifth, the quadrupeds, the birds and the fishes. In the sixth, man was made. To the seventh day, completing all the world and its ornament, God called rest. Indeed light, which was the first among the works of God, manifested seven times by the distinction of the same works, was called week. What alienation isn't then that men, baptised in the faith of Christ, honours not the day of Sunday in which Christ resurrected and says to honour the day of Jupiter, of Mercury, of Venus and of Saturn, which have no day, but were rather adulterous and iniquos, and died ignominiously in their land! But, as we've saying, under the appearance of these names is the worship and honour given by the foolish to the demons.

10. In the same way it was introduced among the ignorant and the rustic that mistake of thinking that the year has its beginning at the Calends of January, which is entirely fake. For, as the Holy Scripture says, the first year of the year was at the equinox of the 25th of March. In fact, this is what one may read: And God divided light from the darkness. As in all strait division there is equalness, so at the 25th of March as many hours has the day, so has the night. And that is why it is false that the beginning of the year is at the Calends of January.

11. And with what grief must we refer to that foolish error of honouring the day of the clothes moths and of the mice? And is it allowed to say that a Christian worships the mice and the clothes moths instead of God? If they close to these animals the locker or the chest, if they hide from them the bread and the clothes they will spear nothing of what they find. The miserable man believes in these mistakes without any basis, just as he believes that, if he is fed up and joyful in the first day of January, thus he shall kept himself throughout the year. All these observations are from the heathens and inspired by inventions of the demons. But beware he who has not God propitious and sees not in Him the cause of the abundance of bread or the safety of life! Thus you observe the vain superstitions, hidden or in public, and never put an end to these evil sacrifices! And why do they not protect you so that you will be always fed up, safe and joyful? Why, when God is angered, the vain sacrifices do not defend you from the locust, the mice and of many other plagues, which, when He is angered, God sends you?

12. Don't you clearly understand that the demons lie to you with these practices that you in vain follow, and that they delude you frequently in the auguries to which answer? Indeed, just like the most wise Solomon: Vain are the auguries and the fortellings. And the more men will fear them, the more their heart will weaken. Give them not your heart for many they lead astray. This says the Holly Scripture and thus, in truth, it is, for so many times do the demons persuade the unfortunate men to be aware to the singing of the birds that they end up losing their faith in Christ by these frivolous and vain things and risk themselves to an unfortunate death. God did not allowed men to know the future but, instead, that he would live in fear of Him and of Him expected the government and help for his life. It is exclusive of God to know things before they happen. However, the demons delude the vain men with several arguments until they lead them to offend God and drag with them their souls to hell, like they did in the beginning, for envy, so that man would not enter in the Kingdom of Heaven, from which they, the demons, were expelled.

13. By this cause, as God saw miserable men so iluded by the Devil and his evil angels that they [men], forgotten of their creator, worshiped the demons instead of God, sent His Son, that is, His Wisdom, His Word, so that it would lead them back from the error of the Devil to the worship of the true God. And as men could not contemplate the divinity of the Son of God, He assumed a human body in the womb of Virgin Mary, without human interference, but by the work of the Holly Ghost. So born the Son of God in human flesh, enclosing hidden the invisible God and showing the visible Man, He preached for men. Tough them to leave the idols and the bad doings, to come out of the bondage of the devil and to return to the worship of his creator. After teaching He wished to die for the human kind. He suffered death voluntarily, was not constrained. He was crucified by the Jews under the government of Poncius Pilate, which, born in the province of Ponto, presided at that time to the province of Syria. Once down from the cross He was laid on a tomb. At the third day He resurrected from the dead, lived among His disciples for forty days and, to show them that His true body had resurrected, He ate before them, after the Resurrection. Once the forty days were gone He ordered His disciples to announce to all the people the Resurrection of the Son of God and to baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holly Ghost, for the forgiveness of their sin, and to those already baptise to run escape from the bad doings, that is, from the idols, homicides, robbery, perjury, impurity and not to do to others what they wish not for themselves. And after he ordered these things, sought by the disciples themselves, He went up to Heaven, where he his siting at the right of the Father and from where, at the end of this world, He shall return with the same body He took with Him to Heaven.

14. When the end of the world comes all the people and all the men originated from those first, that is, Adam and Eve, shall resurrect, both good and evil ones. All shall be brought before the Judgement of Christ and then, all those that were faithful and good in their lives will be separated from the evil ones, entering in the Kingdom of God with the holy angles. Their souls will be with their bodies in the eternal rest, no more shall they die. No more will they have toils or pain, hunger or thirst, heat or cold, darkness or night but, always happy, satisfied, in the light, in the glory, shall be alike the angels of God because they deserved to enter in the place from where the Devil and the angels that made a common cause with him came down. There, in fact, all that were faithful to God shall remain eternally. Now those that were incredulous or were not baptised or, if they were, went back again, after Baptism, to the idols, the homicides, the adultery, the perjury and other evil doings and died without penitence, all those that this way will be found shall be condemned with the devil and all demons to whom they served and whose works they did, being sent to the eternal fire in Hell, along with their bodies. Here they shall remain eternally in that inextinguishable fire and the flesh, recovered in the resurrection, shall suffer moaning forever. He [a condemned] will wish that he would die again in order not to feel the penalty, but he will not be allowed to die once more so that he will suffer torments forever. This says the Law, this say the prophets, the Gospel of Christ, the Apostles, that is, all the Sacred Scripture of which we have made you a small summary. Therefor, dearest sons, it is convenient for you to remember of what we have told you and that, doing the right, you expect a future accomplishment in the Kingdom of God or, what must not happen, doing wrong, expect a future eternal anguish in Hell. Indeed, eternal life and eternal death are in men's freedom of choice. What each will chose for himself, he shall have it.

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