Crumbs on the Table.
George one day
said to his little chickens, come into the parlor and enjoy yourselves,
and pick up the bread-crumbs on the table. Your mistress has gone
out to pay some visits. Then the chickens said, no, no, we will
not go. If the mistress gets to know it, she will beat us. George
said, she will know nothing about it. So come. After all, she never
gives you anything good. Then the chickens again said, nay, nay,
we must let it alone. We must not go. But George let them have no
peace until at last they went, and got on the table, and ate up
the bread-crumbs with all their might. But at that very moment the
mistress came, and seized the stick in great haste, and beat them
and treated them very harshly. And when they were outside the house,
the chickens said to George, do, do, do, do, do, you see. Then George
laughed and said, didn't, didn't, didn't, I expect it. So they just
had to run away.
Brosamen auf dem Tisch
Der Güggel
het einisch zue sine Hüendlene gseit 'chömmet weidli i
d'Stuben ufe, go Brotbrösmele zämmebicke ufem Tisch: euse
Frau isch ußgange, go ne Visite mache.' Do säge do d,Hüendli
'nei nei, mer chömme nit: weist, d,Frau balget amme mit is.'
Do seit der Güggel 'se weiß jo nüt dervo, chömmet
er numme: se git is doch au nie nit Guets.' Do säge d,Hüendli
wider 'nei, nei, sisch uß und verby, mer gönd nit ufe.'
Aber der Güggel het ene kei Ruei glo, bis se endlig gange sind
und ufe Tisch, und do Brotbrösmeli zämme gläse hend
in aller Strenge. Do chunt justement d,Frau derzue und nimmt gschwind
e Stäcke und steubt se abe und regiert gar grüseli mit
ene. Und wo se do vor em Hus unde gsi sind, do säge do d'Hüendli
zum Güggel 'gse gse gse gse gse gse gsehst aber?' Do het der
Güggel glachet und numme gseit 'ha ha han is nit gwüßt?'
Do händ se chönne goh.