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Commentary To the Germanic Laws and Medieval Documents
From the tenth century on we find bruscus and brusca (44)
for buscus and busca, but in the northwest of Italy bruca and bruga became the
most popular words for "faggots, fuelwood, twigs," while in France
we have the fuller forms bruscia, broca, etc. Where formerly buscalia, buscaria
was used, we find in the south brucaria, bruguera, bruaria, brueria for "brush
grown country." This group, spreading to the north into regions where there
was no forest, has been applied to heathergrown land. The Welsh brwg "forest,
brush, ferns," which is borrowed from the English, shows the meaning "forest"
and "fern" side by side, because the underlying meaning is deserted
land, brush grown land, etc. The early loss of s in bruscus, brusca is explained
by the influence of the Lat. brocchus, broncus, bronchus "provided with
teeth," while Lat. branca "paw" produces branca, branchia "fuelwood,
faggots" (45) and then "branch." Similarly
bropa results from a crossing of brosca with Lat. scopa "thin twig,"
(46) and under the influence of Lat. frondem arises
bronda. (47) But brusca "firewood" has produced
bruscare, bruxare, brusare, and French brûler, from an older brusculare. We now can treat the Romance representatives of the group in a
summary manner. We have "OFr. boschaille bois, boscheer, bouchoyer, bocheyer
couper du bois, boschel, bochal, etc., buisson, bosquet, bocage, petit bois,
bouche botte fagot, bouchage tas de fagots, boissier boisier, boichier qui travaille
le bois, buschier abattre du bois et en faire des bûches, couper des branches
d'arbres, busche, boize buche." If we keep in mind that boscare was the
act of finding and knocking down the dry branches with the wooden stick, we
see at once why we get "OFr. buschier, busquer, bucquier, bucquer, busser
frapper, heurter, boucheter émouter, battre, mal traiter, busquer chercher."
Forms with inserted r are: "broce, broche, brousse, brouce, brouse, etc.,
broussailles, hallier, petit bouquet d'arbres, broceron, brocheron petite branche
courte, broçonner bourgeonner, reverdir, broisson rejeton." As early as
the tenth century brustum means "forest fodder, young leaves, food for
goats," (48) and from this
comes "OFr. brost, brout, jeune pousse des arbres au printemps, broster
brouter, brotage droit qu'on payait pour faire brouter ses bêtes quelque part,
brotel, broteau taillis, broterie, brouterie lieu on broutent les animaux."
From brusculum are derived "OFr. bruliau fagot, broussaille, brûlis portion
de foret incendiée, de champs dont les herbes ont été brûlées, brusler brûler."
Burjon "bourgeon," like "Prov. burca, burga, burja fourgonner,
tisonner, aiguilloner, pousser, taquiner, cogner, heurter, bourjouna, broujouna,
brouchona, brounchouna fourgonner, patrouiller, bousculer, Centre broquer, bruquer
heurter, choquer" owes its origin to a contamination with Lat. brocchus,
bronchus. A similar wealth of forms is to be found in the Provençal: "bos,
bosc, boch, boi, bo, etc., bois, bousca rechercher, quêter, gagner les bois,
déguerpir, bouscaia, bouscalha ramasser du bois, bouscaio, bouscalho bois en
général, toute sorte de bois, bouscaren, bouissaren forestier, bouscas grand
bois, futaie, épaisse forêt, forêt affreuse, mauvais bois, sauvage, bâtard,
bousco recherche, bois en général, bousquet bosquet, petit bois, bousa boiser,
couvrir de bois, bâtonner, rosser, boustiga remuer, fouiller, bouleverser, busc
broutilles ou brussailles épineuses, busca busquer, bûcher, buscaia glaner des
buchettes, buscaio broutille, brindille de bois mort, busqueja ramasser du bois,
bussa cosser, heurter de la tête; bro, broc, brot, boc branche morte, scion,
bûchette, épine, dard, buisson, bâton, broco bûchette, broutille sèche, brous
broussaille, broussa balayer, broussaio broussailles, bruyère en général, brousso
bruyère à balais, touffe de broyère, broust brout, pousse d'un taillis ramée,
brousto pousse, ramée, branche, taillis, pousse de chou, chou brocoli, brout
brout, jeune pousse des arbres et des plantes, brouta pousser, vegeter, brouto
rejeton, nouvelle pousse, broutouna pousser, bourgeonner, brusc bruyère commune,
tige de bruyère, brusqueirolo petit champ de bruyère, brusquié taillis de bruyères,
brusquiero champ couvert de bruyère, bruyère, bruga taillis de bruyères; broundas
rameau dont on se sert en guise de balai, brounditoun, broutihoun petite broutille,
petit rameau, brounca, abrounca, brouncha, brunca, bruca, breca, ruca broncher,
heurter, bruia, brulha, broulha pousser germer, reverdir, bruioun, brulhou,
brellou, broulhou, bourlhou, orboulhou bourgeon, rejeton de chou, brula, brusla,
brunla, burla, bourla, brouda brûler, incendier, bruscla, baruscla, bourouscla,
brucla, bristoula, brounzi, brousi, brausi, abrausi, brusi, brui, broui haler,
brûler, brusa, bruza, bruisa brûler." Since the corresponding Italian words have evolved out of the
French terms, we naturally find them at first in the north. Beginning with the
twelfth century we find recorded broco "twig, faggot" (49)
and crossing with frasca we get frusca, (50) so later
that Ital. bruscolo, fruscolo fuscello are synonymous, while broco develops
further into sbrocco, sprocco. The forms with and without r interchange in the
dialects, hence Genoese brusca bûsca = buscare "to seek" and bruscare
"to brush," while Friul. busca = busca, busco, brusco, bruscolo, and
brusçhâ and buschâ = dibruscare, bruscare, buscare. If we now consider that
Ital. busso, buscio, fruscio at the same time mean "noise," it becomes
at once clear that not only all these belong to the busco group, but that also
French bruit is to be included in it. The development of "noise" is
universal in Europe, as has been seen under vasta. Spanish brotar "to form
buds," brote "bud," bruza "brush," buscar "seek"
have developed from the French, and a careful search will in the Romance languages
reveal a much larger number of words that belong to this group. I now turn to the second part of the expression arbustum vitatum.
In Langobard Italy terra vitata is opposed to "terra campiva, aratoria,
prativa, ortiva," to field and garden land, and also to "terra olivata,
selvata," olive grove and forest. (51)
Much older and much more popular is the use of vitis in the sense of terra vitata,
"vites meas petia una in fundo bonate quem ego emmi" (745). (52)
Although now and then the combination terra cum vitibus occurs, (53)
from which may be assumed that it has the original meaning of vine-covered land,
such expressions as "ipsa petiola est de uites et uacua terrola,"
(54) "petiola una de terrola cum uite et uacuum,"
(55) show that vites means "brush grown land." This vitis, which occurs in Langobard documents since the beginning
of the eighth century, occurs at least as early in Frankish documents. In a
spurious Merovingian document of the sixth century, which is, no doubt, not
earlier than of the eighth century, the pertinence runs as follows, "haec
omnia cum mancipiis desuper manentibus, mansis, domibus, aedificiis, curtiferis,
widis, campis, vineis, silvis, pratis, pascuis, aquis aquarumve decursibus,"
(56) and again, "tam mansis,
colonicis, aedificiis, silvis, ingrediciis, widis, campis, pratis, pascuis,
aquis aquarumve decursibus." (57) Pardessus reads
incorrectly for it unidis, campis, (58) while Quantin
has the significant reading vuidis, campis. (59) In
another, most likely spurious, document, which is said to be of the year 499,
but which exists in a copy of the thirteenth century, we find the same pertinence,
"haec omnia cum mancipiis desuper manentibus, mansis domibus aedificiis
cultiferis mudiscapis vineis silvis campis pratis pascuis aquis aquarumve descursibus,"
(60) where, of course, mudiscapis is a misread vuidis
campis or widis campis. The position of this vuidis campis between curtiferis
and vineis does not permit any doubt that we are dealing here with some kind
of a plantation, and the identical juxtaposition of vitis and campum of the
Langobard documents shows that what in Italy formed two distinct words and concepts
here begins to be conceived as one idea, so that in the last quoted document,
but not in the first two, campis is once more repeated before pratis. The constant
use of vuidis campis in the pertinence has led to regarding this as a compound.
Now, as vasta has led to forestis, and bustum to bruscus, etc., and uacatum
to vacartum, (61) so widis campis
has changed into widriscapis, (62) wadriscapis, (63)
watriscapis, (64) watriscafis, (65)
vatriscafis, (66) wardi scampis, (67)
uuatriscapud, (68) wardriscapis, (69)
warescapiis, (70) wariscapiis (71)
quadriscapis, (72) quadris campis, (73) wastris campis,
(74) votris campis. (75) Ducange
also records wadiscabum and waskium. From this variety of forms has arisen OFr.
warescais, warescait, warescape, wareschel "tierres vagues, lieux destinés
à la pâturage publique," (76) and to these are
to be added Wallon. warechais, wareschaix, Liège wercha, Mont. warescaix, waréchaix,
wareskaix "pâturages communaux, vaines pâtures." All these words belong to the north of France. Otherwise the older
form widis, vuidis has spread over a very large territory. In the Chanson de
Roland we have once voide place, (77) and once voide
terre. (78) In the latter case we have a precise rendering
of Ital. terra vidata, and from a large number of documents of the thirteenth
century we know that wide, voide terre was the technical expression for "wasteland."
This is also the case in the Chanson de Roland, where the word never occurs
again, although one would expect it, if it already had the current meaning of
"empty." Besides, the last quoted verses sound like an imitation of
the documentary pertinence "cum viis et semiteriis et vidis terris et arboribus
et planis." Godefroy quotes several passages in wich wide terre means "pasturage."
(79) However, the wides terres are
not exactly pastures, but fallow land overgrown with brush, used as pastures.
They are opposed to pleines terres "cultivated lands," as may be seen
from a discussion of Philippe Beaumanoir in the thirteenth century. (80) For vuide terre we also find vaine et vuide. (81)
This vaine is only a learned adaptation to vana, but has in reality arisen from
gain. (82) Gain means "extraordinary, unexpected
gain." In Godefroy there are a number of quotations in which he falsely
translates gain by "fruit de la terre, recolte," where it should have
been rendered "regain, rowen." In the lines:
Si a veu en une pleigne
Berbiz qui paissoient gain (Renart VIII. 175). The distribution of this word in the south is particularly interesting,
because it shows to what wild transformations, utterly baffling philology and
phonetics, a word may be subjected. Levy records gaim in the Provence. In Berry
we already find regouiver for reguiner. In the south the case is much worse.
In Lyons we get the forms reviouro, revioulo, revuro, revivro, revioro, reviula
"regain." (86) After this one will not be
surprised at the extravagances recorded in Mistral. Here we get revieure, rouibre,
rouire, rouibre, rebouibre, reboulbre, roubibre, roudibre, gouibre, reboulibre,
rebouribre, reboulume, relubre, rebouchouire, reboujouire, reboussouire, rourieu,
bourieu, abourieu, aurieu, bouirieu, vourieu, vouri, voueiri. (87)
One sees plainly how, beginning with gain in the north of France, the forms
get worse and worse as they proceed south. If we turn to the Atlas linguistique
de la France (N° 1139), one can get a clear idea how it has happened. Gain occurs
only sporadically in the northwest, in Côtes-du-Nord, Orne, D.-Sèvres, while
in Belgium forms arising from wain are universal. If a straight line is drawn
from Bordeaux to Châlonssur-Saône, we get to the north of it the regain group.
From Belgium, where the rewain froms are exceptional, the rewain words go straight
south, here and there alternating with wain. Towards Switzerland begin the corruptions
which produce the Provençal forms. In Doubs regain, rewain, wain meet. In the
southwest of Switzerland we get rekwai, while in Jura and Doubs we have rewain.
Towards the east rise the forms rekwa, rekwar, rekor, reko, and these go south
to Savoie and Ain. In Isère rekor stands side by side with revur, and the latter
explains the other corruptions of the south. In the south, along the coast,
and along the Pyrenees, in Landes and Gironde, that is, at the periphery, derivations
from regain are exceptional. Here we have the freely formed reprin or retaille,
and Covarubias was certainly right when he derived Span. retoño from the synonymous
retallo. If this map may be safely trusted as representing a historic tradition,
and there is nothing to contradict such an assumption, the whole group must
have had its birth in the north, spreading in two streams, one directly to the
south, the other along the western border, equally to the south and towards
Switzerland, taking from there a westerly direction. We are, therefore, compelled
to assume that an intensive use of the rowen proceeded from the north. French
gaim, waim has entered Italy in the form guaime, and guimeau, waymal has produced
there gomireccio, grumereccio, again proving the assumption that the group proceed
from the north of France. The same confirmation is found in Germany. MHG. amat,
üemet, Swiss amad, German Emde, Oehmd, Ohmet, Ohmt "rowen" are transformations
of the French waim, with a leaning towards the MHG. mat "mowing,"
and as Fr. guimeau has led to Ital. grumereccio, so it has also produced German
Grummet, with a possible popular derivation from "grün" and "Mahd." 44. "Brusca Marcofeldis" (949), Bouquet, op. cit., vol. IX, p. 382; "Pumar cum toto caverso usque in toto Brusco" (1042), Muñoz y Romero, Coleccion de fueros municipales, p. 191. Back 45. "Brancas etiam de Leia, quantum necesse fuerit ad focum monachorum" (1073), Prou, Recueil des actes de Philippe Ier, p. 168; "in saisina habendi usagium suum subscriptum, videlicet percipiendi brueriam, fulgeriam, et folium quod cecidit de arboribus, pasnagium ad 3, denarios pro porco, pasturam ad animalia sua in vallibus, secando herbam a festo S. Joannis usque ad Assumptionem B. Mariae virginis in defensis etiam forestae...percipiendi etiam branchas siccas cum croceo ligneo sine ferro" (1271), Ducange, sub branca. Back 46. "Statutum est, quod aliquis laborator.....non audeat aportare aliquas sarmentas, vel bropas, vel alia ligna absque expressa licentia illius cujus laborat," Ducange, sub bropa. Back 47. "Brondae olivariorum, vel aliarum arborum," Ducange, sub bronda. Back 48. "Capreae quoque ad sotularia monachorum facienda brustum habeant per totum boscum," Ducange. Back 49. "Ramos et brochas cuidam alboris pini" (1289), P. Monti, Vocabolario dei dialetti della città e diocesi di Como, Milano 1845; "fructus a brochis separatis" (1176), ibid; "pecia una campi cum brugis" (1269), ibid. Back 50. "Fruscas vel ramos de arboribus" (1313), Statuti di Brescia, in HPM., vol. XVI, col. 1720. Back 51. "De suprascripta terra vidata me nihil reservo" (785), Cod. Langob., col. 113; "pecia prativa....pecia vidata, pecia campiva" (857), ibid., col. 337; "estas cum curte, orto, area et terra vidata" (859), ibid., col. 346; "una vitata et alia campiva et vitata uno tenente" (867), ibid., col. 405; "terra campiva et prativa, vitata et silvata" (915), ibid., col. 803; "terrola aratoria seo et vidata" (869), Muratori, Antiq., vol. I, col. 721; "petia una de terra vitata cum campo" (878), F. Odorici, Storie bresciane, vol. IV, p. 65; "duas pecias terras uni in parte vidata et in parte aratoria et alia aratoria" (961), ibid., vol. V, p. 14; "pecias septe de terra tres vidates cum quadtuor arbores olives supabete, et tres aratorias setima ortiva" (1016), ibid., p. 27; "una pecia terre arative vidate et prative" (1104), ibid., vol. VI, p. 14; "terrae aratoriae, vitatae, et olivatae et vegrae" (1221), ibid., vol. VII, p. 98. Back 52. Cod. Langob., col. 26. "Curtes terras vites pratas et silvas.....terra vitis, prata" (761), ibid., col. 49 f.; "terra aratoria seu vitis" (768), ibid., col. 69; "media juge de terra aratoria" (769), ibid., col. 76; "campis pratis vidibus et selvis" (799), ibid., col. 130; "secunda petiola vitis cum castenellum in simul se habente" (812), ibid., col. 163; "petia de vites" (867), ibid., col. 411 f.; "quarta pecia de vites jacet ad vinea Vicana" (974), ibid., col. 1314; "vites et oliveta" (983), Cod. dip. pad. dal sesto, etc., p. 66, and similarly pp. 85, 116, 117, 124, 136, 218, 278; "vineis.....et ortos duos duasque petias de vite" (1033), ibid., p. 162; "pecia una de terra cum vitibus" (1073), ibid., p. 245; "terra una de vite et alia de terra arva" (795), M. Lupi, Codex diplomaticus civitatis et ecclesiae Bergomatis, Bergomi 1784, vol. I, p. 606. Back 53. Troya, op. cit., vol. IV, p. 469 (753). Back 54. Bullettino dell' istituto storico italiano, N° 30, p. 64 (758). Back 55. Ibid., p. 69 (762). Back 56. MGH., Dipl. imp., vol. I, p. 133. Back 57. Ibid., p. 134. Back 58. J.M. Pardessus, Diplomata, vol. I, p. 132. Back 59. M. Quantin, Cartulaire général de l'Yonne, Auxerre 1854, vol. I, pp. 3 and 4. Back 60. MGH., op. cit., p. 116. Back 61. "Que conjacet in vuacatis ipsius villae" (954-986), C. Ragut, Cartulaire de Saint-Vincent de Mâcon, Mâcon 1864, p. 179; "que conjacet in vacartis ipsius villae," ibid., p. 178. Back 62. "Hoc sunt sessi cum widriscapis, casis" (722), Martène and Durand, Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum collectio, vol. I, col. 19. Back 63. "Cum domibus, edificiis, curtiferis, cum wariscapis (waris campis), terris," MGH., Formulae, pp. 266, 268, 269, 270, 175, 179, Martène and Durand, op. cit. (837), vol. I, col. 127, D. Haignéré, Les chartes de Saint-Bertin, Saint Omer 1886, vol. I, p. 20 (975), Monumenta Boica, vol. XXVIII, p. 69 (796). Back 64. Pardessus, vol. II, p. 289 (711). Back 65. Ibid., p. 293 (713). Back 66. Ibid., p. 291 (712). Back 67. F. Dahn, Die Könige der Germanen, Leipzig 1905, vol. IX, div. 2, p. 85. Back 68. Warnkoenig (Gheldolf), Histoire de la Flandre, Paris 1835, vol. I, p. 326 (839). Back 69. Ch. Piot, Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint Trond, Bruxelles 1870, vol. I, p. 2 (741). Back 70. Ibid., p. 5. Back 71. MGH., Scriptores, vol. X, p. 371 (745). Back 72. D. Haignéré, op. cit., p. 9 (800). Back 73. D'Achery, Spicilegium, vol. III, col. 342 (850), J. B. Mittarelli, Annales camadulenses Ordinis Sancti Benedictini, Venetiis 1755, vol. I, col. 22. Back 74. W. Ritz, Urkunden und Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des Niederrheins und der Niedermaas, Aachen 1824, p. 7 (824). Back 75. Ibid., p. 14 (895). Back 76. Godefroy gives an extremely large number of citations for these words. Back 77. "Que mort l'abat en une voide place" (v. 1668). Back 78. "Il n'en i ad ne veie ne senter, Ne voide terre ne alne ne plein pied Que il n'i ait u Franceis u paien." (v. 2399-2401). Back 79. "Les pasturages de toutes les wides terres qui sient (1284); de laquelle wide terre vendue si com dit est li dis venderes se devestit en la main du prevost de Maisieres (1336); asqueles III. quartiers il ne prist nul pourfit a le premiere anee, et les doit laisier a wides (1360)." Back 80. "S'il avient que li mors muire avant que le blé soient semé, mes les terres ont leur roies ou aucunes de leur roies, ou les vignes sont fouïes ou taillies ou provignies, mes les grapes ní aperent pas encore, en teus cas ne vienent pas des despueilles qui puis i sont mises en partie, mes li labourages tant seulement de tans passé: si comme se les jaschieres sont fetes au vivant du seigneur et li douaires a la dame li est assis en terres vuides, se les jaschieres furent fetes du sien et du son seigneur it est bien resons que ce qui i fu mis de sa partie li soit rendu de ceus qui en portent les jaschieres toutes fetes. Voir est quant il convient que li douaires soit essieutes de la partie as oirs, la coustume est tel que la dame qui veut avoir le douaire, fet la partie et, quant ele a la partie fete, l'oirs du mort prent laquele partie qu'il li plest; et pour ce est il bon a la dame, s'ele met les terres vuides d'une part et les pleines d'autre, qu'ele face retenue que, se li oir ou li executeur prenent les terres pleine (terres wides ou pleines), que sa partie de muebles li soit sauvee; car s'ele lessoit courre la partie simplement sans fere retenue, ele n'avroit nul restor des terres pleines, pour ce qu'il sembleroit qu'ele avroit tout avalue l'un contre l'autre," Am. Salmon, Philippe de Beaumanoir, Coutumes de Beauvaisis, Paris 1899, vol. I, p. 220 f. (chap. XIII, 458 and 459). Back 81. In Gaston Phebus, quoted by La Curne de la Sainte-Palaye, sub vuit. Back 82. See the chapter on Quovis genio. Back 83. "Lorr., Fillieres wayin, culture d'automne pour semer le blé. S.-Dizier, semer le vain: 'Quand nous serons en vain nous payerons les domestiques.' Apres le vain, on fait le chien. Fr.-Comté, vahin, vaihin, vouaihin, vouain, vain, automne; vahin, voyain, vouyain, regain. Gain, guien, synonyme de regain dans le departement des Deux-Sèvres et dans le H.-Maine. Centre de la France, Issoudoun, aller au gain, aller en vendanges. Poitou, gain, guiain, regain, seconde coupe des prairies." Besides, Godefroy cites gaaigneau, gaigneau, gaynau, ganneau, guimeau, guimau, waymal, "qui se joint habituellement avec le mot pré pour designer un pré à regain, un pré qui se fauchait deux fois par an" and "en Touraine, l'on disait gaimau, en Saintonge gueymaulx." Back 84. E. de Chambure, Glossaire du Morvan, Paris, Autun 1878. Back 85. H. Moisy, Dictionnaire de patois normand, Caen 1887. Back 86. N. du Puitspelu, Dictionnaire étymologique du patois lyonnais, Lyon 1890. Back 87. To these must be added Vosges. woye, woeye, r'woye, N. Haillant, Dictionnaire phonétique et étymologique, Epinal 1885. Back
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