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Latin to Old Saxon Dictionary


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sacer vvîh, hêlag.
sacerdos vvîhes vvard.
princeps sacerdotum biscop.
sacrificium geld.
sacro vvîhian.
saepe oft, ofto.
saevio grimmian.
saevitia heti, gêr-heti.
saevus grim, heru-grim, heti-grim.
sagax vvitig, givvitig, glau.
sagena segina.
sagitta scaft.
sal salt.
salio springan, hlopan.
salmo salmo.
saltatio gaman.
salto spilon.
saltus vvald, sin-vveldi.
salus ginist, hêli, fruma, sâlda.
saluto queddian.
Slavator Hêliand, -i, -o, Râdand, Neriand, -i, -o.
salve hêl vvis.
salvo haldan, bihaldan, nerian, losian, hêlian.
salvor ginesan.
salvus gisund, hêl, ala-hêl.
sanete diurlîco.
sanctifico vvîhian.
sanctuarium hêlagdôm.
sanctus hêlag, vvîh; givvâr, givvâri.
saneti et sanctae vvîbethi.
sane sóthlico, te sóde, te sóden, te sódan, te vvârun; huat.
sangulnolentus blôdag.
sanguis blôd, dror.
sano hêlian, bôtian.
sanus gisund, hêl, alo-hêl.
sapiens vvîs, vvitig, givvitig, frôd, ferht, spâhi, môd-spâhi.
sapienter spâhlico.
sapientia spâhida, spâ-hêd, vvîs-dôm.
sarcina burthinnia.
sarrio vviodon.
Satanas (v. diabolus).
satelles gitrosteo.
satio giniudon.
satiatus sad, ful.
satis ginôg.
satisfactio gimôdi.
satum sâd.
satur sad.
saucio stecan, vvundun vvrîtan, mâlon.
saucior brestan.
saucius vvund.
saxum stên, felis, leia, griot.
scabellum scamel, fôt-scamel.
scamnum banc, benc, benki.
scandalizo merrian.
scandalum givver, besuic hêd.
sceleratus sundig.
scelus mên.
sciens vvîs, vvitandi.
scientia list, bôc-craft, vvîsdôm.
scilicet huat.
scindo snîthan, vvrîtan, scrîtan, slîtan, forslîtan.
scio vvitan, cunnan, bicunnan.
sciscitor frâgn.
scissura scur.
scribo scrîban, vvrîtan, vvirkian bref.
scriptum bref.
scrutor undarsôkian.
sculpo hauvvan.
seyphus bikker.
secessus hlea.
secretum girûni.
seculum vverold, aldar.
secundum thurh, aftar.
securis acus.
securitas hlea.
sed ac, than; novan.
sed etiam than hald.
sedeo sittian.
sedes stôl, sedel.
sedes regia hôh-gisetu.
sedile banc, benc, benki.
seditio givver, givverr; eorid, ierid.
sedo stillian.
sedor stillon.
seduco farlêdian, merrian, tuif-lian, tuiflon.
sedulo niudlico.
seges beu, aroa.
segrego ût scelthon.
sejungo scêthan.
selectus acoran.
selecta quaeque cust.
semel ênes.
semen sâd, sâmo, corn, corni, curni.
semino sâian, sêhan.
semivivus sâmquie.
semoveor ahlîdan.
semper io, eo, sinnon, simbla, simla, simblon, simlom, simnon.
senectus eldi, aldar.
senesco gamalon, aldron, frôdon
senex ald, gialdrod, gialdod, gi-gamalod, gihêrod, gifrôdod.
senium eldi, aldres aband, ureldi.
sensatus môd-spâhi, ferht.
sententia urdêli, dôm, vvord-quidi, quidi.
sententias fero adêlian dô-mos, adêlian te dôme.
sentio fôlian, afsebbian, mênian.
seorsum sundar, an sundron.
separatim sundar, an sundron.
separo scêthan, dêlian fan..., te-dêlian.
sepelio bidelban, bigraban, foldu bifelhan.
septem sibun, sibuni.
septentrionem versus north.
septies sibun sithun.
septuaginta sibuntig, antsibunta, atsibunta.
septum edor.
sepulchrum graf, stên-graf, erth-graf, rasta.
sequor folgon, folgoian, farfolgon, aftar gangan, aftar cuman; lêstian, fulgangan, vvonian mid.
serene hêdro.
serenor hêdron.
serenus suigli?, hêdar.
series gigengi.
serius, postea sîthor.
sermo quidi, mahal, spel, sprâca, vvord.
sermocinatio spel.
sermocinor rethion.
serpens vvurm, slango.
serratus scarp.
serus lat. serius sithor.
servator neriand, -iendi, -iendo.
servio thionon, thionogian, thionoian.
servitium thionost, ambaht, ambahtscepi, asna.
servo haldan, bihaldan, nerian.
servor ginesan.
servus scalc, thegan, hagastold.
sessio sethal.
sex sehs. sexaginta sehstig; scok. sextus sehsto.
si ef, of, geb.
sic so, thus.
sicee drocno.
sicera lîth.
sicut so, also, so samo so.
sidus tungal.
significatio têcan.
significo bocnian, mênian.
signo seginon.
signum têcan, bocan, bilithi, cumbal.
sileo suîgon, thagon.
siligo roggo.
similis gilîc, gimaco. similiter gilîco, so samo, so sama. similitudo gilîcnessi, gelicnussi.
simplex ênfald, ên-uald, ênvvald.
simul efno, efnu, samad, saman, samen, samod, samon. simul ac... so reht
sineere hlûttro, hlûttarlico.
sineerus hlûttar.
sine âno, âna, ûtar, for ûtar, sundir.
sinister vvinistar.
sinus bôsm, barm.
siquidem thar, nu, simbla.
sitio thurstian.
sitis thurst.
sive eftha, efiho, efthuo.
societas gisithi, drom.
socius gisith, ginot.
sodalis gisith.
Sodoma Sodomo land, Sodomo burg.
sol sunna, sunno; suigli lioht.
solamen frôfra.
solarium soleri.
solatium frôfra, gitrost, bôta, hêlpa.
solemnia tîdi.
solemnitas tîd, fîringa, samnunga.
soleo givvonon.
solers glau.
solidus scilling.
solitarius êncoro.
solitudo ênodi, sin-vveldi, vvôstinnia, -unnia, -unni.
solium stôl, cuning-stôl.
sollertissimus clên-listig.
sollicitudo sorga.
sollicitussum sorgon, mornian, mornon, rôkian.
solum grund, folda, griot, efnissi.
solus êno.
solvo geldan, fargeldan; anthef tian, tômian, atômian, antbindan; irrian. solutus tômi, tômig, atômid, sicor.
somnium sueban, drom.
somnus slâp, suef-rasta, suef-resta.
sonitus galm, braht, brahtm.
sono hlamon, ahlûdian, suôgan.
soporo besuebian, besuevian.
sordes horu.
soror suestar, sorores gifuester, gifustruoni.
sors hlot.
sortior hliotan, thiggian, thingian.
spargo nithar-giotan.
spatium rûm. temporis stunda.
specialiter an sundron.
species sconi, sconida.
specto scavvoian, scavvon.
sperno farhuggian, afterfâran.
spero getrûon, bitrûon.
spes vvân, tôhopa.
spina thorn.
spiritualis gêstlic.
spiritus gêst, âthom. spiritus sanctus hêlag gêst, the hêlago gêst.
spissus thikki.
splendeo blîcan.
splendesco glîtan.
splendidus berht, vvlîtig, vvliti-sconi, huît, ala-huît, vvanum.
splendor scîn, scîmo, liomo, glîmo, vvanami, vvliti, vvliti-sconi.
spoliatio rof.
spolio birobon.
spolium girobi.
sponda banc, benc, benki.
spondeo gihêtan, bithîhan, plegan, and-hêtan.
spongia spunsia.
sponsa brûd, idis and-hêti.
sponsus brûdi-gomo, vverd; andhêti, anthehti, an ehti.
sponte an dôme, an vvilleon.
spuo spîvvan.
stabilis stedihaft.
statera vvâga.
statim sân, sâna, sâno, sniumo.
statio stadal.
statuo macon.
statura land-reht.
stella sterro, tungal.
sterno strêian, strêvvian, stroian, strovvian, strâvvian. sterno lapidibus fôgian felison.
stillicidium dropo.
stillo driopan.
stipulor thingon.
stirps cunni, stamn, giburd, adali-giburd.
sto standan, stân.
strages vvâl.
strangulatio vvurgil.
stratum stro.
strenuus snel, starc-môd.
strepitus braht, brahtm.
strepo hlamon.
strideo tandon bîtan, grimmian.
stridor grist-grimmo.
stringo nodian.
strix hagetisse.
struo gisidon.
studeo tâlon; is mi niud.
firivvitlîco, niudlico. studiosus gern.
studium niud, firivvit, strîd.
stultus ungivvitig, gimêd, gimêdlîc.
suadeo râdan.
suavis vvunsam, vvôthi, suôti.
sub undar.
subditus undarthiudig; thegan.
subdolus fêcni, fêgni.
subduco antfôrian.
subjectus undarthiudig.
subigo undargrîpan, bethuingan.
subito sân, sârungo, gâhon, gâhlico.
submisse thiolîco.
subsisto stillo standan.
substantia givvesannussi.
subter under.
subtilis hlûttar.
succedo thîhan.
successus spôd.
sudor suêt.
suesco givvonon. suetus givvono.
suffero adogian, adrogen; tholon, tholoian, thologian, tholian.
sufficiens ginôg.
sufficiens ginôg.
suffulcio vvrethian.
sum vvesan, vverthan.
summopere te vvundron.
summoveo gihuerbian.
summus hêrosti, hêrosto, herrost, herrosto.
sumo niman, neman, halon, thiggian, fehon.
sunnis sunnea.
super obar, uppan.
superbia obarmôdi.
superbus môdag, obar-môdag, malse, vvlanc.
supercilium brâha, brâvva.
superior obor-vvard; superiores hêrdôm.
superne obana.
supernus oban-vvard, obar-vvard.
supersum bilîban, vverthan te lêbu.
supinus vvidervvard.
suppedito bimornian, bimurnian.
suppliciter thiolîco.
supplicium quâla, morth, vviti, firin-quâla, ferah-quâla.
supra oban, uppan, uppa, bi-oban.
surculus kîth.
surdus dof.
surgo rîsan, arîsan, ûp-arîsan, ûp-sithion, ûp-síthogean, ûpstân, upstîgan.
surripio (furto) farstelan.
sursum ûp, ûp-vvego.
sus suîn.
suscipio fâhan, antfâhan, niman.
suscito vvekkian, avvekkian.
suspendium henginnia.
suspensus sum hangon.
suspicor undar-thenkian, vvânian.
sustento vvrethian.
sustineo ant-hebbian, adogian; ant-standan, vvrethian; bîdan.
sustollo hebbian, ahebbian.
suus sîn, is.
sylva vvald, sin-vveldi.
syrtis sand.

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