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Latin to Old Saxon Dictionary


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maceria tûn.
machinor râdan, gisidon.
macula vvam.
maculo unsûbron.
magis mêr, suithor, hald, bat, bet. eo magis thiu bat, thiu bet.
magister mêster, lêriand, lêreo, lêro.
magistratus hard-buri.
magnificentia gôdlîcnissi, -nissia, mikili.
magnifico gimikolon.
magnificus gôdlîc, mahtiglîc.
magnitudo mikili.
magnopere suitho, hardo, grotun, so.
magnus mikil, grot, mahtig.
majestas megin-craft, man-craft.
major mêro. majores furthron, eldiron.
male ubilo, vvah, an avoh, un-rehto.
maledico farflôcan.
maledictio harmquidi.
maledictum harmquidi.
maledictus farflôcan, fargripan, vvarag.
malefacio forvvercon.
malefactum balu, firin, mên-, vval-, vvam-dâd; farvvurht, harm-givvurht.
maleficus sculdig.
malevolentia unhuldi.
malignitas invvid.
malignor farvverkian.
malignus los, derni.
malitia nîth, nîthscipi; vvitod??
malitiosus nîthin.
malleus hamar.
malum balu, harm, unspôd, ubil, lêth.
malus ubil, los, lêth, bettar, bittar balu-.
malva pappilla
arundi, ban, gibod, anbusni, vvord.
mando gibiodan, bifelhan.
mandor gibiodan.
mane morgan, adro primo mane adro an uhtan.
maneo bîdan, vvonon, mid-vvonian; vvaron, afstandan, lêstian.
manifesto cuthlico, barlico, gegnungo.
manifesto mârian, cúthian, cúth duan, scîn duan.
manifestus scîn torht, torhtlic, bar.
mano rinnan.
mansio ard, hêm, selda.
manus hand, folm.
marceo senian.
mare meri, geban, lagu; sêo, flôd, strom, vvatar.
margarita mere-griota, mere-grita.
margo bord.
maritus brûdi-gomo, thegan.
martyr martir.
mas, masculus thegan, erl, vver, magu.
mater môdar.
matrimonium eht, ehti, bedscipi.
maturesco rîpon.
maturus rîpi.
matutinum tempus morgan, morgan-tîd; uhta.
maxilla vvanga, hlear, hleor, hlier, kafl, kinni.
maximus mêst.
medeor bôtian, hêlian, gihêlian.
meditor athengian, thenkian, githenkian, talon.
medium middia.
medius middi.
medulla marg.
met honeg, hanig.
melior betara, betera.
melius bet, bat. eo melius thiu bat, bet. multo melius rehta bet.
membrum lith.
memento gehugi.
memini gihuggian.
memor gehugdig; memor sum athenkian.
memoria gihugd.
memoror gihuggian.
mendacium lugina.
mendax luggi, vvâr-logo, vvâr-los.
bugi, hugiscaft, gihugd; sebo, môd, môd-sebo, givvit, ferh; briost-hugi, briost githaht.
mensa biod, disc, benc, benki.
menstruus mânohtlic.
mensura gimet.
mentior liagan.
meo sithon, gangan (cf. eo).
mercatura, mercatus cop.
merces, -edis lon, meda, mieda, fruma, vverth, êra.
mercor mangon.
mereo gisculdian, githionon, vvirkian.
merges garba.
mergo bisenkian.
mergor sincan.
merus ênfald, súbar.
merx cop.
messis bevvod, aroa.
metior metan.
metropolis hobid-stedi.
metus forhta, (gibada?). metu percello underhadon.
meus mîn.
mica brosmo.
mico glîtan.
miles vvîgand, hildi-scalc, rinc, heri-rinc, vvâpan-berand, helm-berand, helm-gitrosteo.
mille thûsundig.
minax thrîsti.
minimus minnisto.
minister rinc, ambahtio, ambahtman, gisith, thegan.
ministerium ambaht, ambaht-scepi.
minor, -ari githroon, thregian.
minuo minson.
minus les.
mirabilis vvundarlîc.
mirabiliter vvundarlîco.
miraculum vvundar, vvundar-têcan.
mirifice vvundron.
mirus vvundar, seldlic.
misceo mengian.
miser arm, arm-scapan, iâmar, giâmar.
miserabilis armlic, iâmar, iâmor, iamôrlîc.
misereor ginâthian.
miseria aramuodi, armmôdi, armôdi, vvanscefti, vvîti.
misericordia ginâtha.
misericors egroht-ful, ginâthig. misericorditer egroht-fullo.
mitis lithi, mildi, madmundi.
mitto sendian, duan, lâtan. missum facio ageban, afgeban, lâtan.
mixtio gimang.
moderator râdgebo.
modius muddi.
modus vvîsa.
moereo mornian, mornon, gnornon, caron.
moeror cara, briost, hert-, môd-cara; harm, sêr, sorga.
moeste sêrago.
moestus môd-carag, hrivvig, hrivvig-môd, hrevvag, iâmar-môd, sêrag, sêrag-môd, sorgondi.
mola kinnebako; quern.
molestia arbêd, sêr, lêth.
molestus lêth, sêr, arbêd-sam.
molior biginnan, gisidon, talon, githenkian, athengian.
molitor malere, mulenire.
mollio vveicon.
mollis vvêc.
molo malan.
momentum stunda.
moneo manon.
monetam signare vel cudere muniton.
monile meni, halsmeni.
mons berg, gibirgi, holm, stên-holm, vval.
monstro ogian, vvîsian, vvîson.
morbus suht, balu-suht, suht-beddi, suht-bed, legar-bed, legar, lêfhêd.
mordeo bîtan.
morior doian, sterban, sueltan, quelan, aslâpan, vverold vvehslon, scacan ellior, afgeban gardos, afgeban gadulingo gimang, forlâtan liudio drom, forlâtan eldeo barn, sôkian lioht ódar. moriturus fêgi, afúsid an forth-vvegos.
moror biduelian, merrian.
mors dod, êndago, orlag-huîla, regano giscapu, vvurth, fer-vvegos, hin-fard, hinen-fard, rasta. morti designo afehian, far-fehon.
morsus biti.
mortales eldi, eldi-barn, eldeo barn, mancunni, firih...., irmin-man.
mortuus dod, gifaran, aslâpan.
mos sidu, land-sidu, vvîsa, land-vvîsa, thau.
mores and-bâri, gibâri. morem gero ful-gangan.
motio, motûs hrôr.
motus animi môd-vvillio.
moveo hrôrian, vvagian.
mox ni is lang te thiu that...., sân, sâna, sâno.
mucro ord.
mulcto ahtian.
mulier vvîs, femia, idis, quena, quân, magath.
multicolor sêh.
multifarius manag-fald.
multiplex manag-fald.
multiplico gimanagfaldian.
multitudo menigi, megin, heri, heriscipi, craft, man-craft, folc, scola, vverod.
multus ginôg, manag. multum filu. quam multum huat manages. multa manages huat.
mundanus vverold-(cuning, herro etc).
mundiburdium hand-mahal.
mundo recon.
mundus vverold, vverold-rîki, middil-gard; lioht, drom.
mundus adj. sûbari.
munificus gebul.
munitus fasti.
munus mêthom, meda, geba.
murmuro murmulon.
murus mûra, vval.
mutabilis vvancol.
mutatio givvand.
mutilatus scard.
muto vvehslan, -ian, -on, vvandlon. muto in... duan te....
mutuo datus lêhni.
mutus stum.
myrrha myrra.
mysterium girûni.

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