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Latin to Old Saxon Dictionary V
|T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z vacillo vvenkian. vacuefacio tômian, rûmian. vacuus lâri, tômi, tômig. vacuus a culpa sicor. vador plegan. vae vvê, vva, vvah. vagina scêdia. valde tulgo, suitho, sêro; firinun, grotun; fasto, hardo, filu, so. valens suith. valeo dûgan. validus strang. vallis dal. vanitas îdilnussi. vanus îdal, îdil, gimêd, gimêdlîc, unbitharbi. varius fêh, mislîc, vvancol, vvand. vas vinarium orc, scap, fat, alo-fat, vvâgi, vvegi. vas, -dis: vadem esse plegan. vasallus man. vastus brêd, vvîd, vvîd-brêd, vvôsti. vectigal tins, tol. vehemens suith, suithi, starc. vehementer suítho, suíthlîco, hardo; mahtiun, nîthon, firinon. vehementia hét. vehes vôther. vehor lîthan, sithon. vel eftha, eftho. velamentum getheki. vellus velli. velo bihelian; bihangan. velociter sniumo. velox lungar, horsc, sniumi. velum segel, lacan. veneficus touferi. venenum hêttar (êttar). venerabilis diurlic, hêr, gihêrod, berht. venereus hêrlîc. veneror vvitan êra; hêron. venio cuman, vverthan cuman, vverthan huarod. venturus vvis-cumo. venter vvamba, bûc, hrif. ventus vvind. venum te cope. venum do farcopon. venustas vvliti-sconi. veracitas trevva. verax sóth-fast, vvâr-fast, givvâr, givvâri. verbero suingan. verbum vvord, quidi. verbum Dei spel godes, godspel. vere te sóde, te sóden, te sódan, sóthlico, vvârlico, givvâro; vvârun vvordun, te vvârun vvordun, te vvârun. vergo sîgan, afheldian. veridicus vvâr-fast, givvâr. veriloquium sóth-spel, sóthvvord. veritas vvâr. vermis vvurm. vero than, eft, givvisso. verosimilis vvanlîc. verres bier-suîn. versicolor fêh. versor huerban, haldan, vvonon. versus aftar. verto gihuerbian, vvendian, (deorsum) sêgian. verto me huerban. verumtamen novan thoh. verus sóth, sóthlîc, vvâr, vvârlîc. vesicula blâsa. vesper aband. vespere an aband. vester iuvva, euvva, ivvar, euvvar. vestigium stôpo, trâda, fard, hôfslag. vestigia pone stapan. vestio garuvvian, gerevvian, vvâdian. vestitus gigarevvid, garo. vestis girobi, vvâdi, givvâdi, hregi. vestitûs garevvi, gigarvvi, gervvi, gigervvi. vestrum iuvvar. veto varbiodan. vetus ald. vexo vvêgian, givvarogian, vvrôgian. via vveg, síth, strâta. via longinqua fer-vveg. vibro suingan. vicinus na-bûr, gibûr. vicis síth. vicissimeft. victoria sigi. victus nara, lîf-nara, vviss. vicus vvîc, thorp. video thunkian. videtur mihi, visum est mihi sc. statui givvirthid mi (thi, ina). vidua vvidovva. vigilo vvacogean, vvacon, vvardon. viginti tuêntig. vigor lud, megin, ellian. vigorosus ellian- in compositis. vilipendo farmôdian. vincio bindan, heftian, fastnon. vinctus fast, haft. vincula bendi, clustar-bendi, heru-bendi, lithu-bendi, feteros, fiterios, litho cosp, clustar, sîmo, binithi. vindicta vvraca, vvreca. vinea vvîn-gardo. vinum vvîn, lîth. violenter, vi nîthon, firinun. violentia nod, nîth, githuing. violentus heru- in compositis. vir man; vver (plur. folc-vveros, liud-vveros), gomo, gumo, erl, segg, rinc, thegan, helid, hagastold, hagastuod. virga gerda, ruoda. virgo magad, thiorna, idis. viridis grôni. virtus craft, megin, megincraft, maht, cust. vis maht, craft, mancraft, megin, strengi, strengiu, herdisli, ellian. visio gisiht. visito, viso vvîson, niusian, niuson. visum gisiuni. visus gisiun, gisiuni, vvliti. vita lîf, aldar, aldarlag, aldarlaga, ferh, lioht, vverold. vita terrestris erthlîf, liudio drom, manno drom, lîf mid firihon. vita aeterna sinlîf, sinsconi lioht. vitellus dodro. vitio avvardian. vitium lastar, vvam. vito avvîsian, mîthan, bivvardon. vitrumgles. vitulus calf. vituperium lastar. vitupero bisprecan, lâhan. vivacitas quichêd. vivifico aquicon, gequicon. vivo libbian, libon, libbon, lebbian, lebon. vivus libbiandi, lubig?, quic. vociferatio vvôp, hrôm. vocifero vvôpan. voco hrôpan, nemnian, halon. vocor hêtan. volo, -as, -at faran an fetherhamon. volo vvillian, vvellian; is mi vvillio. volucris fugl. voluntarie an dôme, an vvillion. voluntarius vvillig. voluntas vvillio, môd-vvillio, thanc. voluntatis bonae gôdvvillig. voluptas vvunnia. voluto sulian, suilivvan. volvo vvindan, gihuerbian. volvor vvindan. vorax grâdag. vos (duo) git. vos (plures) ge, gi. votum bihêt, geheit, vvillio. ex voto an vvillion. voti compos fio gistandid mi the vvillio. voveo anthêtan. vox stemna, stimma, stemma, galm, vvord. vulgus smala thiod. vulneratus scard, vvund. vulnero vvundun vvrîtan. vulnus vvunda, bên-vvunda, scur. vulpes vohs, vuss. vultus vvliti, ansceini. vulva vvamba. << Previous Page Next Page >>
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