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Latin to Old Saxon Dictionary O
|T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z obdormisco an sueban, aslâpan. obduco obar-fâhan. obduresco farhardon. obduro herdian. obediens gihorig. obedio horian; gihorian, fulgangan. obexfercal. objicio ant-vverpan. obitus hin-fard, hinan-fard, orlag-huîla, fer-vvegos, dod. obligatus sculdig. obliviscor fargetan. obnixe agalêto, aglêto. obnubilatio gisuerc. obnubilor suercan. obscuratio gisuerc. obscuritas finistri, thiustri. obscuro suercan, thismon? obscurus duncal, duncar, thimm, thiustri. obsequium huldi, trevva. obsequor thionon, horian, gihorian. observanter diurlico, holdlico. observo vvaron, after-vvaron, lêstian, githenkian, haldan, bihaldan. observo insidiose fâran, fâron. obsideo bihebbian, bisittian. obstinatio strîd. obstinatus ên-hard, strîdig. obstrictus sculdig. obstruo bestuppon. obstupesco acuman. obsum derian. obtempero gihorian, far-folgon. obtineo thiggian, hebbian. obtingo vverthan huemu. obtrectatio bisprâki. obturo stuppen. obumbro scadoian, scadovvan. obvenio môtian, vverthan huemu. obviam angegin, tegegnes. occasus nithargang. occidens: ab occidente vvestan, vvestana. ad occidentem vvestar. occidentalis vvestroni, vvestrani. occido (de sole) ti sedle gangan, scrîdan, sîgan, vvîtan; an sedle vverthan, sedle nahor gisêgid vverthan. occido slahan, aslahan, irslahan; quellian, spildian; bilosian aldru, ferahu, lîbu; ahtian aldres, fera-hes, lîbes; biniotan aldru; ver-than te banon huemu. occisio man-slaht, sleki, qualm, banethi. occisor bano, hand-bano. occulo bihelian. occulto helan; bi-, far-, for-helan; bihelian; bihullian; bihaldan; dernian, bidernian occultus derni. in occultis an hulingon. occupo undar-grîpan. occurro angegin cuman. occursus geginhloup. octavus ahtodo. octo ahto. octodecim ahtetian. octoginta ahtoda, ant-ahtoda. oculus oga, siun, gisiun, gisiuni. odi hatan, haton, hetian. odiosus lêth, vvithar-vvord. odiosum reddo alêthian. odium heti, nîth. odio sum lêthon. odor stanc, suec. oestrum bremmia. offa môs. offensa vvitod? offero biodan, fargeban, offron. offusco blandan. oleum olig, olei. olfactus stunk. olim iu, iu forn, iu lango; furn; êr huanna; huîlon; an êrdagun, an forn-dagun, an furndagun. Oliveti mons oliveti berg. olla ula. omen bocan. omitto lâtan, farlâtan, mîthan, bimîthan. omnino sân, garo, garolico. omnipotens alomahtig, alavvaldo. omnis al. onager vvildi esil. onus burthinnia. opacus thim. opera givverc. operam do vvara niman. operarius vvurhteo. operio bihlîdan, bivverpan, bihangan, bithekian. operor vverkian, vvercon, macon. opes vvelo; glot-, gold-, vverold-vvelo; od, od-vvelo; gistriuni; scat; fehu; sinc; hord. opinio vvân, githaht, dôm. opitulator râd-gebo. opitulor formon. oportet girisid. opprimo bethuingan. opprobrium bismer. optime best, bezt. optimus best, bezt. optio cust. opulentus gebul. opus givvurht, vverc, givverc, vvirc, givvirki, dâd, gidâd, ara-bid-vverc. opus (Noth) tharf, thurft. opus habeo thurban, bithurban. ora stath. orbis terrarum middil-gard, hring, hehring. ordino scerian. ordo (sacerdotalis) hêth; (vicis) gigengi. oriens, partes orientales ostar-vvegos. ab oriente ostan, ostana. ad orientem ostar, te oster-halvon.orientalis ostroni. Orientales ostar-liudi. orior vvahsan. oro bedon, biddian, thiggian. orphanus vvêso. ortigometra veld-hôn. os, -oris múth, mund. os, ossis bên. osculor cussian. osculum cos, cus. osor hatandi, hettiand. ostendo ogian, togian, scîn duan. ostentatio hrôm, gelp. ovis scâp. ovum êg. ei. << Previous Page Next Page >>
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