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Latin to Old Saxon Dictionary T
|T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z tabula bôc. taceo suigon, thagian, thagon. tacite stillo. tacitus stilli. taedeo lêthon, tregan. taedium trâgi. talis sulîc. talis...quallis sulic so. tam so, sus. tam diu than lango the... tam...quam.. ge....gi; gie...gie; ia....ia; so...so. tamen thoh, be thiu. tamquam so so, sama so, far, for. tango hrînan, bihrînan. tantum sulîc (e. gr. odes). tantus sulîc. tardo latian. tardus lat. taurus stior. tectum hrost. thecina. tego bihlîdan, bihangan, bivverpan, bithekian. tela vvebbi. teloneum tol, tolna. temerarius frôcni. tempero avvîsan, avvîsian. temperies vvedar. tempestas vvedar, hoh-vvedar, gevvidere; vvurth. templum alah, vvîh, fridu-vvîh, duom, kirika, gódes hûs, racud, seli. temporarius lêhni. tempus tîd, huîla, stunda, vvurth. tendo spanan, thenian. tendo ad quid rômon. tenebrae nebal, gisuerc. tenebrosus mirki, derni, thiustri. teneo haldan, bifâhan, hebbian. tenere mildo, mildlîco. tentator costondi. tento coston, fandon, niusian, niuson. tenuis smal. ter thrivvo, thriio. teredo matho. tergiversor vvenkian. tergo suerban. tergum bac. a tergo hindan, bi hindan. terminus gital, êndago, marca, gemerki. terra ertha, land, griot, folda; grôni vvang, rîki, erd rîki; gardos, middilgard. in terram te foldu. terra extera eli-lendi. terrefio acuman. terrestris erth. terribilis forhtlic, egislic, eislic, eiselic. terricola erth-bûandi. territorium marca, land. terror egiso, ugiso. tertio thriddeon sidu, an thana thriddion sith. tertius thriddi. tertia hora undorn. testamentum urcundscap. testimonium givvitscepi. testis givvito, urcundio. testis falsus mên-givvito. texo vvindan. thesaurus sinc, hord, mêthom-hord, gold-vvelo. thorus maritalis bedscepi. thronus stôl, cuning-stôl, hoh-gisetu. thuribulum rôc-fat. thus vvîh-roc. timendus forhtlic. timens forht. timeo forhtian; vverthan vel vvesan an forhtun; andrâdan, antdrâdan. timiditas blothi. timidus forht, blothi, giblothid, vvêc, vvêc-môd, fleu, flac. timidum reddo blothian. timor forhta, (gibada?). titulus vvord. tolerantia githuld. tollo niman, neman, losian, ahebbian, afhebbian. tonitru thunar. torqueo vvindan; vvaragian, vvitnon. torrens aha-strom. tortor vvitog. totus al. trabs bom, balco, treo. trado sellian, bifelhan, farvvîsian, farcopon; tellian. traho thinsan, tiohan, atiohan; vvenian, vvennian. tranquille stillo, smulto. tranquillus stilli, smult. transeo lîthan, farlîthan, thuro lîthan. transigo thingon. transitorius lêbni. tremo bibon, drubon. trepido drubon. tres thria. tribulatio arbithi. tribulo vvitnon. tribulus hiopa. tribunal rîki, thing-stedi. tribuo fargeban. tributum tins, geld, gambra, hobid-scat. tricenarius mid-firi. triginta thrîtig. trimanus thri-hendig. tristis sêrag, iâmar-môd, môd-carag, drôbi, un-frah, sêr, hrivvig. tristis sum vvesan an sorgun. tristiem reddo vverthan huemu te sorgun. tristor drôbian. triticum huêti. trudo scaldan. trunco bihavvan, farhauvvan. truncus stamn. tu thu. tueor bivverian. tum than, thô, thar. tum...quum than...than. tumultuose flîtlîco. tumultus givver, gibrac, braht, brahtm, vvroht. tumulus hlêo. tune than, thô, thar. tunica pêda. turba menigi, craft, heri, heriscepi, gimentho; gibrac, braht, brahtm. turbatio thrim. turbidus drôbi. turbo úst. turbo, -as, -at drôbian, blandan; merrian, vverran, givverran, vverrian, farvvinnan, tuehon, irrian. turbor thrimman, drôbian. turbulentus irri, gisuorkan. turgesco vvahsan, suellan. turma eorid, ierid. turpis vvam. turris turn. tutamen mund-burd, êra. tutor mundboro. tugcanw thiggian. tympanistra timparinna. << Previous Page Next Page >>
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