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Latin to Old Saxon Dictionary L
|T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z labium lepora. labor arbêd, arbedi; man-arbêdi, thiod-arhêdi; môd-thraca. labor, -eris, -itur sincan, bi-sincan, fallan; slopian, serîdan, glîden. laboriose arbidlîco. laboro vvinnan, arvidon. lacerta egithassa. lacrymae trahni. lacus sêo, flôd. laesus scard. laete frolîco. laetor blîthon, mendian, faganon. faginon; vverthan, vvesan an lustun, an vvunnion. laetus blîthi, blîdlic, fagar, frah, frah-môd, frao, fro, fagan, fagin; glad-môd, gladmôdi, faginondi. laevus vvinistar. lambo liccon, leccon. lamentatio hofn. lamentor quithian, gnornon, gornon. lampas lioht-fat. langueo senian. lanx scala. lapido avverpan stênon. lapis stên, felis, filis, leia. laqueus sîmo, heru-sêl, vvurgil, strik. largior farlîban, geboian, gebogian, giunnan. largitor –gebo, bag-gebo, med-gebo. largus vvîd; mildi. larva helid-helm. lascivus gêl. late vvîdo, hoho. latibulum hlea. latro thios, scatho, mên-scatho, land-scatho, regin-scatho. latus, -eris halba, half, sîda. latus, -a, -um brêd, vvîd. laudabilis lof-sâlig, lof-sam. laudo lobon, diurian. laus lof, lof-vvord. lavacrum bath. lavo thuahan, vvascan. lectio leccia. lectisternium bed-givvâdi. lectus bed, legar, legar-bed, suht-bed. legatio bodscepi. legatus givveldig, bodo, bodo kêsures. legio eorid, ierid. lego lesan. lenis lithi, lithlic, lihdlic. leo leo. lethalis heru-. lethum vvurd. levamen gibada? levis lihdlic. levo, -as, -at hebbian, hevan, haban. lex êu, êvv, êo, êvva, land-reht, vvitat. legis peritus êo-sago. libens vvillig. libenter an thanke, te thanke, gerno, vvillion, an vvillion. liber bôc. liber adj. tômi, tômig, atômid. liberalis mildi. liberator neriando. libero antbindan, losian, loson, antheftian, tômian, atômian, ginerian. libet lustit. libido hôr-vvillio, firin-lust. ad libitum an vvillion. licet conj. thoh. lignarius vvideri, timmero. ligneus bomin. lignum bom, treo, holt, vvidu. ligo bindan. lilium lilli. limpidus hluttar. limus lêmo. lingo leccon. lingua tunga. linteum lîn, fano, lakan. linteus lînîn. lis saca, fehta. litem intendere saca biodan vel sôkian. lithostroton stên-vveg. litigans sac-vvaldand. litigatio dag-thingi. littera bôc-staf vel bôc-stabo, vvord-gimerki. litteris mandare an bôc scrîban. litteratura buoc-staf. litteratus bôc-spâhi. littus stath, land, sand. loco, -as, -at stellian. locus stedi, stad, rûm. locus concilii thing-stedi. habeo locum môtan. loco for. lolium durth. longe vvîdo, ferro. longinquus vvîd. e longinquo ferrana, obar fer-vvegos. longus lang; sumar-lang; vvîd. loquela vvord, girûni. loquor sprecan, spracan, rethion, rethinon, mahlian. bene loquens gôd-sprâki. lorica brunnia, gúd-hamo. lubens vvillig, gôd-vvillig. lucco liohtian, scînan. lucerna lioht-fat. lucide liohto, hêdro. lucidus lioht, hêdar, blêc. lucror vvinnan, givvinnan. lucrum givvunst, gistriuni, gifôri. ludibrium hose, gaman. habeor ludibrio te gamne vverthan. ludus spil, gaman. lues vvôl, man-sterbo, balu-suht. lugeo mornian, mornon, grornon, gornon, hniuon, hrevvan, cûmian, caron. lumen lioht. luna mâno, tungal. luo geldan, ageldan, copon, buggian, hliotan. lupus vvulf. luscinia nahtigala. lutum horu. lux lioht, scîn, liomo. << Previous Page Next Page >>
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