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Daemon, daemonium vviht, unhold.
damnatus farvvarht, fargripan, afehid.
damno adêlian, fortellian, ahtian, afehian.
damnum tiono.
dator gebo, gibo.
de fan, fon, far, for, be, bi, umbi.
debeo sculan.
debilis vvêc.
debilito slekian.
debitum sculd, geld.
decas –tig, in numeralibus tuên-, thrî- etc. tig.
decem tehan.
decens metlic, somi.
decenter cûsco.
deceo girisan, teman.
decerno marcon, givverthan.
decerto vverthan an gevvinne, strîdian.
decido driosan, antfallan.
tehan sidun.
decimus tehando. decimae degmo, tegotho.
decipio bidriogan, bisuîcan.
declino afheldian.
decor vvliti-sconi.
decreta fati regan-giscapu.
decretum giscap, giscefti.
decubitus legar, legar-bed.
decuplus tehan-fald.
decurro agangan, fargangan.
dedecus scama. esse dedecori vverthan te scamu.
deduco lêdian.
defectus givvand.
defendo vverian, bivverian, far-standan.
defessus môthi.
deficiens vvan.
deficio brestan, suîcan, tefaran. deficit ist vvan.
defleo bivvôpan.
deflexio givvand.
deformis unsconi.
dego sittian; farslîtan is lîf.
dehine hinan.
dejicio fallian, fellian, bifellian, farvverpan. deinoj suith.
delabor antfallan, farfâhan, fâhan.
delectabilis lustsam.
delectatio lust, blidzea, blizza, niud.
delecto giniudon, blidzian.
delector dromian, gelievon.
deleo fardiligon, fellian, farterian.
delibero githenkian.
deliciae lust, vvunnia.
deliciosus vvunsam.
delictum vvam-dâd, vvam-scaft, farvvurht, sundia, mis-dâd.
delinquo farduan, suîcan, gisuîcan.
demergo bisenkian, bisincon.
demergor sincan, bisincan.
demitto bisenkian.
demonstro togian.
denarius penning, pennig.
denego vvernian.
dens tand.
dense thicco.
densus thikki.
deorsum nithar.
deploro vvôpan, bivvôpan.
depono antsettian.
deprecatio vvord-helpa.
deprehendo bifindan.
derideo bihlahan, bihoscon.
descendo nitharstîgan.
desero suîcan, gisuîcan.
desertum vvôstinnia, vvôstunni, sin-vveldi.
desertus vvosti.
desiderabilis niudsam.
desiderium niud, vvillio.
desidero langon, gernian, geron, gern vvesan.
designo marcon.
desolatio testornussi.
despondeo gimahlian.
destruo tevverpan, tislahan, ti-fellian, tistorian.
desum brestan. deest ist vvan.
desuper obana.
after thinsan.
Deus god, thiod-god, irmin-god, drohtin god, drohtin, man-drohtin, sigi-drohtin; erlo, firiho, folco, liudio, manno, thiodo, managoro, usa drohtin; metod, adal ord-frumo; vvaldand, alo-vvaldand; hebenes, landes, vveroldes vval-dand; al-vvaldo, ala-vvaldo, alo-vvaldo; thiodan; heban-cuning; hebenes, himiles vvard; himil-fader, allero firiho fader; râd-gebo.
devasto avvôstian.
devenio sigan.
devotatio bihêt.
devotus andhêti, anthehti.
devoveo farvvâtan.
dextra suithra, forthora.
diabolus diubal, diubul, vviht, balo-vviso, fiund, gêr-fiund, liud-scatho, mên-scatho, thiod-scatho, vvam-scatho; costondi, vvreth, craftag, grim, hettiand, hettiandi, unhiuri siund; the gramo, the lêtho; plur. fiundo barn.
diadema hobid-band.
diaeta dag-thingi.
dico quethan, seggian, sprecan, spracan, tellian. jus dicere adêlian dômos.
dictamnum staf-vvurt.
dictum quidi, spel, vvord.
dies dag. dies vitae vverold. dies condieta dag-thingi, daga-thingi, ên-dago. dies dominica, solis sunnun dag.
difficile unotho.
difficilis unothi.
digitus fingar.
digne vverthlico.
dignitas hêth, hêrdôm, hêridôm, cust.
digno, dignor givverthon.
dignosco undar-vvitan.
dignus vvirthig, vverth.
dilabor tiscrîdan, tefallan, ti-gangan.
dilectio minnia.
dilectus vvirthig, liof.
diligenter sûbro, niudlîco, gerno, firivvitlîco.
diligo minnion, frahon.
diluculum uhta.
dimicatio gêr-hêti.
dimidius half.
dimitto farlâtan, alâtan, lâtan.
diplodo testotan.
dirigo girihtian.
dirus vvreth, grim, slîth.
dis-, di- te-, ti-, an tuê.
discedo farlîthan, faran, givvîtan.
discerno undar-scêthan.
discipulatus iungar-dôm, -scepi, thegan-scepi.
discipulus thegan, gisith, rine, iungaro, giungaro.
disco linon.
discordia mis-tumft.
discrimen scêth, nod, tharf, spil.
discurso huerban.
disjicio tivverpan, tifellian, ti-slahan.
disjicior tifaran.
disjungor tilâtan.
dispendium arvithi.
dispergo tivverpan, tispredian.
dispergor tefaran.
dispono recon, scerian, scapan.
disscindo slîtan, farslîtan, scrîtan, vvrîtan.
dissensio mis-tumft.
dissidium givver.
dissimilis mislîc.
dissimiliter ungilîco, unefnu.
dissimulo mîthan.
dissipo merrian, farmerrian, te-suingan, tistorian.
dissolvor tigangan, tilâtan.
distinguo undarscêthan.
distribuo dêlian, gidêlian.
distringo antclemmian.
diu lango, langa, langa huîla, managa huîla.
diuturnus langsam.
diversorium gast-seli.
diversus mislîc, vvand.
dives odag, rîki.
divido scêdan, dêlian, tidêlian.
divinitas godcundi.
divinus godcund, godlîc.
divitiae vvelo, od-vvelo, vverold-vvelo, gold-vvelo, glot-vvelo, sinc, rîkidôm, fehu, gistriuni.
do geban, givan, fargeban, ge-boian, gebogian, gibidian, sellian, farlîhan.
doceo lêrian, vvîsian.
doctor lêriand, lêrio, lêro, lerre.
doctrina lêra, spel, spâhida, bôc-craft.
doctus spâhi, bôc-spâhi.
dolens treghaft.
doleo caron, hrevvan. dolet vvê is imu, ina.
doliaris circulus côpan-band.
dolium scap, côpa.
dolor vvê, cara; briost-, hert, môd-cara; sorga, môd-thraca, sêr, harm.
dolorem afferre cui vver-than huemu te sorgun, te vvîtie.
dolosus derni, fêcni, fêgni, los.
dolus drugi thing, fâr, fêcn, fêgn, invvid, losunga, loshêd.
domesticus suâs.
domi hême, at hûs.
domicilium bodlos, bû; gard, hêm, ôthil.
dominatio rîki, druhtscepi.
dominator thiodan, vvaldand.
dominatus druhtscepi.
dominica dies sunnun dag.
dominium rîki, stôl; êgan.
dominor vvaldan.
dominus thiodan, drohtin, fraho, frao, fro, froho, froio, fro mîn, herro, herro mîn, herro the gôdo, bag-gebo, bog-gebo. dominus fundi ecso.
domus hûs,hof, bodlos, seli, seli-hûs, racud, flet, fletti, gard, bû. domus regia rîki. domus regia rîki. domus judicii thing-hûs. domi at hûs. domum te hûs.
donarium mêthom.
donec unt that, unthat, untat, be-that, und êr, huan êr, untes.
dono êron, gebon.
donum êra, mêthom, geba, helpa.
dormio slâpan.
dorsum ruggi.
dubitans tuîfli.
dubitatio tueho. in dubitationem inducere tuehon.
dubito tuehon.
dubium tueho, givvand.
dubius tuîfli.
ducenti tuêhund.
duco lêdian, brengian, bringian, fôrian. duco in uxorem niman te quenun, buggian te brûdi, halon ên idis te brûdi.
dudum furn, hardo Iango.
dulcedo suôti.
dulcis suôti, vvôthi.
dum than, huan êr, be that, so.
dummodo thar, simbla.
duo tuêna, tuâ, tuê.
duodecim tuelifi.
durabilis langsam.
duro lêstian, vvaron, fordfaran.
durus hard, starc, hard-môdig.
dux folc-togo, heri-togo, lêdo, lêdor.

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