A Brief Introduction to Heithni.

Heithnir Symbols

       Runes and symbols of energies or processes may be bound together and set into motion through the force of will. These are referred to as either galdramindr - signs taken from naturally occuring processes, or galdrastafir - symbols pertaining to the tying together of natural or created energies, forces, or processes. There are many instances of these found on runic monuments, on weapons and implements, and in old books. The most commonly occuring are listed below. When runes themselves are bound together the nature and dynamic of the runes blends into a new form of energy that may be either positive or negative in force. Great care must be taken in binding any runes for any reason, as two seemingly 'positive'runes may act in tandem to create a negative energy, and once set to motion this energy will require being put to rest through an act of will. Binding several runes together further layers the complexity of the interaction. This is also true when a series of runes are sung or written in sequence and bound either within end staves or onto an object.

geboaujageboauja - 'giving luck' the runes gebo and ansuz tied together.

trifot trifot - three 'footed'dynamic bindrune, which may tie any three runes, an unbalanced spinning force that is in perpetual rotation - most often is seen using laguz.

fylfotfylfot - a four 'footed'bindrune that turns either with Sol or opposing, a stable gyroscopic force that is balanced and solid.

solarhvelsolarhvel - 'sun-wheel' - representation of the tying together of the four major directions of the worlds'energies within Sol's arms, or his realm of energy. This is an expanded form of the energy of the rune raidho.

aettirhringrættirhringr - 'directions-ring'- representation of the direct energy of the aettir themselves within the nine-worlds.

ættirhvel ættirhvel - ´directions-wheel´ - representation of the expanses of the aettir, or the winds-of-the-directions, within Sol´s purview.

Aegishalmir ægishalmir - 'covering of awe' - pulling together of the strongest dynamic forces from the aettir into the form of a sheild, and tying them. Once these forces are tied into a static form they may be used as one force to stun, stop or freeze the motion set before them.

ægishalmir ægishalmir - pulling together of the strongest dynamic forces from the four major directions, and tying them.

solarskjöldr solarskjöldr - 'sun-sheild'- a stylized form of the fylfot tied into the solarhvel.

Mjöllnir mjöllnir - 'thunder-strike' - symbol of Mjollnir, strongest breaking force in the Nine Worlds.

Mjöllnir mjöllnir - symplified form of Mjollnir.

spiral spiral - cyclical, seasonal, or repetitive motion, either declining or increasing, turning either outward with Sol or against Sol's motion, representing either motion toward skuld and repretition of a process, or toward urthr, toward the decay and demise of a process. The spiral may also represent layers of orlog working within a given frame of time.

valknotr - 'knot of slain'- representation of any nine fields of energy bound together either in open, expanded or closed configurations. Most often these nine represent the Nine Worlds, but they may also represent aspects of the soul or various natural manifestations.

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