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... In Iron Age Britain two brothers struggle for supremacy. The Archdruid prophesies kingship for one, banishment for the other. But it is the exiled brother who will lead the Celts across the Alps into deadly collision with Rome...
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Old English Lexicon


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| Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Æ | Þ |

Old English English
Andefera: 1. Andover
Angelcynn: 1. England | 2. England | 3. English people
Angelþeod: 1. English people
Anlaf: 1. Olav
a:1. at some time, ever, sometime
abbod: 1. abbot
abbudisse: 1. abbess
abelgan: 1. angry, cross
abeodan: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. give an account, report
abidan: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
ablawan: 1. blow
ablendan: 1. dazzle
ablinnan: 1. cease, stop
aborgian: 1. advance, lend | 2. borrow, lend, loan
abrecan: 1. assault, storm | 2. assault, storm
abreotan: 1. destroy, quash | 2. kill, liquidate, slay
abreoþan: 1. abort, fail, miscarry
abutan: 1. about, round, around, towards
abysgian: 1. occupy, take
ac: 1. but
acan: 1. ache, be painful, hurt
acennan: 1. bear, give birth to
acennednes: 1. birth
aceorfan: 1. cut off
acierran: 1. turn
acus: 1. axe
acweccan: 1. agitate, shake, shock | 2. shake | 3. quiver, shiver, tremble
acwelan: 1. die, expire, pass away
acwellan: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
acwencan: 1. extinguish, put out
acweþan: 1. speak, talk
acwielman: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
acyþan: 1. acquaint, let know, inform
adesa: 1. adze
adilegian: 1. destroy, quash
adilgian: 1. destroy, quash
adl: 1. ailment, disease
adlig: 1. ill, sick
adon: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
adreogan: 1. overtake, pass by
adrifan: 1. chase away, drive away, expel
adræfan: 1. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo
adwæscan: 1. extinguish, put out
aebbian: 1. ebb
afæran: 1. alarm, frighten
agan: 1. own, possess
agen: 1. own, personal
ahreddan: 1. keep, save, rescue
allmectig: 1. almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
almahtig: 1. almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
alor: 1. alder
altare: 1. altar
an: 1. one
ancleow: 1. ankle
and: 1. and
andleofen: 1. food | 2. food, nourishment
andswarian: 1. answer, reply, respond
andswaru: 1. answer, reply
andswerian: 1. answer, reply, respond
anga: 1. sting
angel: 1. hook | 2. hook
annes: 1. unity
ansien: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. face
apa: 1. ape, monkey
apostol: 1. apostle
ar: 1. honor, honour
arcebiscop: 1. archbishop
ascian: 1. ask
asendan: 1. send, transmit
asettan: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
asmeagan: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
assa: 1. ass, donkey
atimbran: 1. build, construct
awerian: 1. defend
awiht: 1. anything, something
aþ: 1. oath
a: 1. in
abbess: 1. abbudisse
abbot: 1. abbod
abdomen: 1. wamb
aberration: 1. gedwola, gylt
abet: 1. helpan
abide: 1. abidan, bidan
ability: 1. cræft
abort: 1. abreoþan
about: 1. be | 2. abutan
above: 1. ofer
abroad: 1. butan, buton
abrupt: 1. færlic
accomodate: 1. helpan
accomplish: 1. æfnan | 2. gefyllan
accomplishment: 1. dæd, weorc
according as: 1. be
according to: 1. be
account: 1. asmeagan | 2. beliefan, geliefan, gelyfan
accredit: 1. beliefan, geliefan, gelyfan
accrue: 1. growan, weaxan
accumulation: 1. heap
ache: 1. acan | 2. æce, sar
achieve: 1. æfnan | 2. don, macian | 3. gefyllan
achievement: 1. dæd, weorc
acquaint: 1. acyþan
acquire: 1. bycgan, ceapian
across from: 1. ongean
act: 1. don, macian | 2. dæd, weorc
action: 1. gefeoht | 2. dæd, weorc
activate: 1. gedon
adder: 1. nædre, næddre
ado: 1. dyn, dyne
advantage: 1. þearf
advantageous: 1. nytt
adversary: 1. feond, fiond
adverse: 1. fah
advertise: 1. abeodan, bodian
adze: 1. adesa
affection: 1. lufu
affirmation: 1. behat
affluent: 1. rice
afresh: 1. æftersona | 2. æftersona
after: 1. æftar | 2. æfter | 3. æfter þam þe
afterwards: 1. æfter þam
again: 1. æftersona | 2. æftersona
against: 1. ongean
agitate: 1. acweccan
ahead: 1. ær, foran | 2. forþ
aid: 1. helpan | 2. helpan | 3. help
ailment: 1. adl
alarm: 1. afæran
alder: 1. alor
ale: 1. beor
Alfred: 1. Ælfred
alien: 1. ælfremede | 2. ælfremede
alive: 1. cwic
all: 1. ealle
all about: 1. æghwær, gehwær
all of a sudden: 1. færinga, færlice, semninga
all over again: 1. æftersona
all-powerful: 1. ællmæhtig, ælmeahtig, ælmehtig, ælmihtig, allmectig, almahtig
all the: 1. æghwa, æghwæþer, ægþer, æghwilc, ælc, eal, hwelchwegn
almighty: 1. ællmæhtig, ælmeahtig, ælmehtig, ælmihtig, allmectig, almahtig
almost: 1. ealmæst
alms: 1. ælmæsse
also: 1. æc, eac
altar: 1. altare, weofod
altitude: 1. heahðu, hiehðu
always: 1. æfre, simle
amber: 1. glær
among: 1. betweonan, betweonum
and: 1. and, ge
anew: 1. æftersona
angel: 1. engel
angry: 1. abelgan, yrre
animal: 1. deor
ankle: 1. ancleow
announce: 1. abeodan, bodian
answer: 1. andswarian, andswerian | 2. andswaru
ant: 1. æmette
anus: 1. ærs
anvil: 1. anfilte, anfilti
any: 1. ænig
anything: 1. awiht
apart: 1. syndrig
ape: 1. apa
apostle: 1. apostol
appearance: 1. ansien
appellation: 1. nama
apple: 1. æppel
arc: 1. boga
archbishop: 1. ærcebiscop, arcebiscop
are: 1. heord, hiord
arm: 1. earm
army: 1. fierd, folc, fultum, here, werod
around: 1. abutan
arrive: 1. becuman
arrow: 1. onga
arse: 1. ærs
article: 1. þing
article of clothing: 1. clað
as: 1. hwelc, hu, swa | 2. hwelc, hu, swa | 3. be
ash: 1. æsce | 2. æsc
as if: 1. swelce
ask: 1. ascian | 2. biddan
ask for: 1. biddan
aspect: 1. ansien
aspen: 1. æps, æspe
ass: 1. assa
assault: 1. abrecan | 2. abrecan
assist: 1. helpan | 2. helpan
as though: 1. swelce
at: 1. to
at all: 1. æghwæs, eall, full
at present: 1. nu
at some time: 1. a
attain: 1. æfnan
attend: 1. gretan
aurochs: 1. weosend
author: 1. writere
autumn: 1. hærfest
average: 1. midd
await: 1. abidan, bidan
away: 1. feorr, onweg
axe: 1. acus, æcus, æx, bill
axis: 1. eax
axle: 1. eax

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