Grimm's Household Tales
Once upon a time
there was a man who did nothing but gamble, and for that reason
people never called him anything but gambling Hansel, and as he
never ceased to gamble, he played away his house and all that he
had. Now the very day before his creditors were to take his house
from him, came the Lord and St. Peter, and asked him to give them
shelter for the night. Then gambling Hansel said, for my part, you
may stay the night, but I cannot give you a bed or anything to eat.
So the Lord said he was just to take them in, and they themselves
would buy something to eat, to which gambling Hansel made no objection.
Thereupon St. Peter gave him three groschen, and said he was to
go to the baker's and fetch some bread. So gambling Hansel went,
but when he reached the house where the other gambling vagabonds
were gathered together, they, although they had won all that he
had, greeted him clamorously, and said, Hansel, do come in. Oh,
said he, do you want to win three groschen too. On this they would
not let him go. So he went in, and played away the three groschen
also. Meanwhile St. Peter and the Lord were waiting, and as he was
so long in coming, they set out to meet him. When gambling Hansel
came, however, he pretended that the money had fallen into the gutter,
and kept raking about in it all the while to find it, but our Lord
already knew that he had lost it in play.
Is is emohl e Mon
gewön, der hot ninx us (als) g'spielt, und do hobend'n d,Leut
nur in Spielhansl g'hoaßen, und wal (weil) er gor nit afg'hört
zen spieln, so hot er san (sein) Haus und ullss (alles) vespielt.
Hietzt (jetzt), nette (eben) in lötzten Tog, eh's iahm (ihm)
d'Schuldne schon s' Haus hobend wögnehme willn, is unse Herrgout
un de halli Pedrus kemme und hobend g'sogt, er sull's übe d,Nacht
g'holte (bei sich behalten). Oft (da) hot de Spielhansl g'sogt 'wögn
meine kints do bleibn döi Nocht; ober i kong eng koan Bött
und ninx z'össn (zu essen) gebn.' Oft hot unse Herrgout g'sogt,
er sulls ne (nur) g'holten, und söi willetn ian (ihnen) selbe
wos z'össn kaffen; dos is in Spielhansl recht g'wön. Oft
hot iahm de halli Pedrus drei Grouschn gebn, un er sull zen Böcke
(Bäcker) gehn und e Brod huhln. Hietzt is hullt (halt) de Spielhansl
gonge, wie er aber ze den Haus kemme is, wou die onnen Spiellumpn
drin g'wön sand, döi iahm ullss og'wunge hobnd, do hobn's
n g'ruefft und hobend g'schrien 'Hansl, geh ahne (herein).' 'Jo,'
hot er g'sogt, 'willt's me die drei Grouschn a non og'winge.' Döi
hobnd'n obe (aber) nit ausg'lossn. Hietzt is e hullt anhi (hinein)
und oft hot e die drei Grouschn a non vespielt. De halli Pedrus
und unse Herrgout hobnd ollewall (immer) g'wort't, und wie er ian
z'long nit kemme is, sand's iahm intgögn gonge. De Spielhansl
obe, wie er kemme is, hot ton, us wenn iahm's Geld in ne Locken
(Lacken) g'folln war, und hot ollewall drin herumkrobbelt: obe unse
Herrgout hots schon g'wißt, daß e's vespielt hot.
St. Peter again
gave him three groschen, and now he did not allow himself to be
led away once more, but fetched them the loaf. Our Lord then inquired
if he had no wine, and he said, alack, sir, the casks are all empty.
But the Lord said he was to go down into the cellar, for the best
wine was still there. For a long time he would not believe this,
but at length he said, well, I will go down, but I know that there
is none there. When he turned the tap, however, lo and behold, the
best of wine ran out. So he took it to them, and the two passed
the night there. Early next day our Lord told gambling Hansel that
he might beg three favors. The Lord expected that he would ask to
go to heaven, but gambling Hansel asked for a pack of cards with
which he could win everything, for dice with which he would win
everything, and for a tree whereon every kind of fruit would grow,
and from which no one who had climbed up, could descend until he
bade him do so. The Lord gave him all that he had asked, and departed
with St. Peter.
hot iahm de halli Pedrus non mohl drei Grouschn gebn. Hietzt hot e
sie obe nimme veführn losse und hot ian s' Brod brocht. Oft hot'n
unse Herrgout g'frogt, wou e koan'n Wein nit hot, do hot e g'sogt
'u, Herr, d'Fasse sand alli laar.' Oft hot unse Herrgout g'sogt, er
sull ner in Költe (Keller) ohi (hinab) gehn, 'is is non de böst
Wein int.' Er hots long nit glaubn willn, obe af d,löst hot er
g'sagt 'i will ohi gehn, ober i woaß's, daß koane int
is.' Wie er obe's Fassl onzapft hot, se is de böst Wein ausse
g'runne. Hietzt hot er ian in Wein brocht, und döi zwoa sand
übe d,Nocht do blieb'n. In onnen Tog, in de Früe, hot unse
Herrgout zen Spielhansl g'sogt, er sull sie (sich) drei Gnodn ausbittn.
Er hot g'moant, er wird sie 'n Himmel ausbittn, obe de Spielhansl
hot bettn um e Kortn, mit der er ulls g'wingt; um Würfl, mit
den er a ullss g'wingt, und um en Bam (Baum), wo ulls Oubst draf wochst,
und wonn oane (einer) affi steigt, daß er nimme ohe kon (herab
kann), bis er iahm's schofft (befiehlt). Hietzt hot iahm unse Herrgout
ullss gebn, wos er velangt hot, un is mit'n hallin Pedrus wiede fuert
(fort). |
now gambling Hansel at once set about gambling in real earnest, and
before long he had gained half the world. Upon this St. Peter said
to the Lord, Lord, this thing must not go on, at last he will win
the whole world. We must send death to him. And they sent death to
him. When death appeared, gambling Hansel had just seated himself
at the gaming-table, and death said, Hansel, come out a while. But
gambling Hansel said, just wait a little until the game is done, and
in the meantime get up into that tree out there, and gather a little
fruit that we may have something to munch on our way. Thereupon death
climbed up, but when he wanted to come down again, he could not, and
gambling Hansel left him up there for seven years, during which time
no one died. |
hot hullt de Spielhansl erst recht zen spieln ong'fongt, und hätt
bold d, halbeti Welt zomg'wunge. Oft hot de halli Pedrus ze'n unse
Herrgoutn g'sogt 'Herr, dos Ding tuet koan guet, er g'winget af d,löst
non (noch) d,ganzi Welt; me müeßn iahm in (den) Toid schickn.'
Hietzt habends iahm in Toid g'schickt. Wie de Toid kemme is, is de
Spielhansl nette be'n Spieltisch g'sössn; oft hot de Toid g'sogt
'Hansl, kimm e Bissl ausse.' De Spielhansl obe hot g'sogt 'wort nur
e Bissl, bis dos G'spiel aus is, und steig dewall e weng af'n Bam
do affi und brouck uns e wengerl wos o, daß me afn Wög
wos z'noschn hobn.' Hiezt is hullt de Toid affi g'stiegn, und wie
e wiede hot ohi wille, hot i nit kinne, und de Spielhansl hot'n sieben
Johr droubn lossn, und dewall is koan Mensch nit g'storbn. |
St. Peter said to the Lord, Lord, this thing must not go on. People
no longer die, we must go ourselves. And they went themselves, and
the Lord commanded Hansel to let death come down. So Hansel went at
once to death and said to him, come down, and death took him directly
and put an end to him. They went away together and came to the next
world, and then gambling Hansel made straight for the door of heaven,
and knocked at it. Who is there. Gambling Hansel. Ah, we will have
nothing to do with him. Begone. So he went to the door of purgatory,
and knocked once more. Who is there. Gambling Hansel. Ah, there is
quite enough weeping and wailing here without him. We do not want
to gamble, just go away again. Then he went to the door of hell, and
there they let him in. There was, however, no one at home but old
lucifer and the crooked devils - the straight ones were just busy
in the world. And no sooner was Hansel there than he sat down to gamble
again. Lucifer, however, had nothing to lose, but his misshapen devils,
and gambling Hansel won them from him, as with his cards he could
not fail to do. And now he was off again with his crooked devils,
and they went to Hohenfurt and pulled up a hop-pole, and with it went
to heaven and began to thrust the pole against it, and heaven began
to crack. So again St. Peter said, Lord, this thing cannot go on,
we must let him in, or he will overthrow the whole heaven. And they
let him in. But gambling Hansel instantly began to play again, and
there was such a noise and confusion that there was no hearing what
they themselves were saying. Therefore St. Peter once more said, Lord,
this cannot go on, we must throw him down, or he will make all heaven
rebellious. So they went to him at once, and threw him down, and his
soul broke into fragments, and went into the gambling vagabonds who
are living this very day. |
hot de halli Pedrus zen unsen Herrgoutn g'sogt 'Herr, dos Ding tuet
koan guet, is sterbet jo koan Mensch mehr; mir müeßn schon
selbe kemme.' Hietzt sand's hullt selbe kemme, und do hot iahm unse
Herrgout g'schofft, daß er in Toid ohe lossn sull. Oft is er
obe glei gonge und hot zen Toid g'sogt 'geh ohe,' und der hot'n glei
g'numme und hot'n okragelt (erwürgt). Oft sands mit enonne fuert
und sand in d, onneri Welt kemme, do is hullt man (mein) Spielhansl
zen Himmeltoir gonge und hot onkloupft. 'Wer is draußt?' 'De
Spielhansl.' 'Ach, den brauche me nit, geh ne wiede fuert.' Oft is
e zen Fegfuirtoir gonge und hot wiede kloupft. 'Wer is draußt?'
'De Spielhansl.' 'Ach is is e so (ohne das) Jomme und Noit g'nue be'n
uns, mir willn nit spieln; geh ne wiede fuert.' Oft is e zehn Hüllntoir
gonge, und do hoben's n anhi lossn, is is obe niamd dehoambt g'wön,
us de olti Luzifar und krumpn Tuifln (die g'rodn hobn af de Welt z'toan
g'hot), und oft hot e si glei ine (nieder) g'sötzt und hot wiede
zen spieln ong'fongt. Hietzt hot obe de Luzifar ninx g'hot, us sani
krumpn Tuifln: döi hot iahm de Spielhans og'wunge, wall e mit
sann Kortn ulls hot g'winge müeßn. Hietzt ist e mit sann
krumpn Tuifln fuert, und oft sand's af Hoihefuert (nach Hohenfuert),
und hobnd d' Houpfnstange ausg'rissn und san demit zen Himmel affi
und hobnd zen wägn ong'fognt; und hietzt hot de Himmel schon
krocht (gekracht). Oft hot de halli Pedrus wiede g'sogt 'Herr, dos
Ding tuet koan guet, mir müßn ne anhe (herein) lossn, sunst
werfet er uns in Himml ohi (hinab).' Hietzt hobnd's n, hullt anhi
lossn. Obe de Spielhansl hot glei wiede zen spieln ong'fongt, und
do ist glei e Lärm und e Getös won (worden), daß me
san oagns Wort nit verstondn hot. Oft hat de halli Pedrus wiede g'sogt
'Herr, dos Ding tuet koan guet, mir müeßn ne ohi werfen,
er machet uns sunst in gonzn Himml rewellisch.' Hietzt sands hullt
her und hobnd'n ohe g'worfn, und da hot sie san Seel z'toalt (hat
sich seine Seele zerteilt) und is in d'onnen Spiellumpn g'fohrn, döi
non (noch) bis date lebnd. |
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