My Intrigue

A. Óðinssen

© A. Óðinssen 1999,2000

A sideways glance captures my intrigue
What are you thinking under that slight smile?
Breezes lift the hair fallen round your neck
Lifting lingering silks that shine in Sols light
And wrap thy fitful searching youthful form
A child's innocence in ladies dress
So like the bees that haunt wherever you go
Are you running out to that field there hunting flowers?
Are you planning mischief against the moths desires?
Will you steal lovely stones below their branches?
And take the cooling resting from the snakes?

Cool footfalls in the long grass dragging
paths of thy soft wandering where I track thee
here thee lifted acorns off the mossed bank
there green hazels still witheld their ardour
lovely one dear ocean’s dottir
svard ist laying open for thy hunting
over copse, through heather thee meander
art soft caressing young leaves yet unfolding?
Art chasing alfs that dodge thee through the boughs?
Wilt work down sandy bank to watch the falling
of trailing drops awaiting thy thirst slaking?

On hillsides shoulder do thee lay thy form down
charms to haunt sols beams that play upon thee
capturing thy bright eyes clouds art changing
playing there in vindheim on thy gazing
soft enfolding grasses bend supporting
delighted by thy presence they attend
touching at thy face blue poppies bend
another blue unto the sky they lend
vilt come home soon afore sols light is setting?
Vilt grace the fireside telling tales of woe
how startled hart would not thy touch hold still for
who ate thy acorns then didst run away?

Take wing wild lady in thy falcon dreams
pull the aether layers neath thy wings
spin lazy circles o’er that meadow shaking
loose feathers down upon the drying weeds heads
let sparrows fear thy shadows yet line their nests
with quills of sparkling grey thy gifts left careless
where only this dear eve thee searched their eggs
in speckled patterns like those stones thee stole
below those branches where thee took the coolness
from midday’s resting of the tired snakes.....

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