habban: 1. have, have got
hafoc: 1. hawk
hagol: 1. hail
halig: 1. holy, sacred
ham: 1. home
hamm: 1. ham
hamweard: 1. home
han: 1. stone
hand: 1. hand
hara: 1. hare
has: 1. hoarse
hat: 1. hot
hatian: 1. hate
he: 1. he, him
heafoc: 1. hawk
heafod: 1. head, pate
heahðu: 1. height | 2. altitude, height
heah: 1. high, lofty, tall
healdan: 1. hang onto, hold
healf: 1. half
healm: 1. blade, stalk | 2. stalk, stem | 3. blade, stalk
healt: 1. lame
heap: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. crowd, mass, multitude
heard: 1. hard
hearpe: 1. harp
hecg: 1. hedge | 2. hedge
hefig: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
hefon: 1. heaven, sky
heh: 1. high, lofty, tall
hel: 1. hell
hela: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
helm: 1. helmet
helma: 1. tiller
help: 1. aid, help
helpan: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
henep: 1. hemp
hengest: 1. horse
henn: 1. chicken, fowl
heo: 1. her, she
heofon: 1. heaven, sky
heorð: 1. hearth
heord: 1. flock, herd
heorte: 1. heart
her: 1. hair
here: 1. army
hete: 1. hate
hider: 1. here, hither, this way
hiehðu: 1. height | 2. altitude, height
hieldan: 1. stoop
hig: 1. hay
hind: 1. doe, hind
hiord: 1. flock, herd
hlaf: 1. bread, loaf
hleapan: 1. jump, leap, spring
hnesce: 1. soft
hoc: 1. hook
hof: 1. hoof
hol: 1. cavity | 2. cave, cavity
holegn: 1. holly
holen: 1. holly
holh: 1. concave, hollow
holt: 1. forest, woods
hond: 1. hand
hopa: 1. hope
hors: 1. horse
hring: 1. ring
hrof: 1. roof
hund: 1. hundred, one hundred | 2. dog
hundnigontig: 1. ninety
hungor: 1. hunger
hunig: 1. honey
huntian: 1. capture, catch, grapple
hus: 1. house | 2. cabin, hut, shack
hvær: 1. where
hwit: 1. white
hwæþere: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
hwæþre: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
hyd: 1. skin
hydan: 1. conceal, hide
hyhtan: 1. hope
hyldan: 1. stoop
hyll: 1. hill
hype: 1. hip
hyr: 1. hire, rent, rental | 2. rent, rent money
hyran: 1. hear
hyrnet: 1. hornet
hæð: 1. heath
hæðen: 1. pagan
hæfen: 1. harbor, harbour, port
hæfene: 1. harbor, harbour, port
hægl: 1. hail
hælð: 1. health
hælan: 1. fix, repair
hænep: 1. hemp
hær: 1. hair
hærfest: 1. autumn
hæsel: 1. hazel, hazel-tree
hæt: 1. hat
hæto: 1. heat
hætu: 1. heat
hæþen: 1. idolator | 2. pagan
habit:1. þeaw
hail: 1. hægl, hagol
hair: 1. hær, her
half: 1. healf
ham: 1. hamm
hand: 1. hand, hond
handsome: 1. fæger, wlitig
hangman: 1. cwellere
hang onto: 1. healdan
happen: 1. becuman, weorþan | 2. becuman, weorþan
happy: 1. bliðe, glæd
harbor: 1. hæfen, hæfene
harbour: 1. hæfen, hæfene
hard: 1. heard
hare: 1. hara
harp: 1. hearpe
hat: 1. hæt
hate: 1. hatian | 2. hete
have: 1. habban | 2. onfon
have got: 1. habban
have to: 1. sculan
hawk: 1. hafoc, heafoc
hay: 1. hig
hazel: 1. hæsel
hazel-tree: 1. hæsel
he: 1. he
head: 1. wisian | 2. heafod | 3. heafod | 4. heafod | 5. heafod
health: 1. hælð
heap: 1. heap | 2. heord, hiord
hear: 1. hyran
heart: 1. heorte
hearth: 1. heorð
heat: 1. hæto, hætu
heath: 1. hæð
heaven: 1. hefon, heofon, wolcen
heavenly body: 1. tungol
heavy: 1. hefig
Hebrew: 1. ebreisc
hedge: 1. hecg | 2. hecg
he-goat: 1. bucca
height: 1. heahðu, hiehðu | 2. heahðu, hiehðu
hell: 1. hel
helmet: 1. helm
help: 1. helpan | 2. helpan | 3. help
hemp: 1. hænep, henep
her: 1. heo
herb: 1. gærs
herd: 1. heord, hiord | 2. heord, hiord
here: 1. hider
hide: 1. hydan
high: 1. heah, heh
high tide: 1. flod
hill: 1. dun, hyll
him: 1. he
hind: 1. hind
hip: 1. hype
hire: 1. hyr
hit: 1. swingan
hither: 1. hider
hoarse: 1. has
hog: 1. swin
hold: 1. healdan
hollow: 1. holh
holly: 1. holen, holegn
holy: 1. halig
home: 1. hamweard | 2. ham
honey: 1. hunig
honor: 1. ar, weorþmynd
honour: 1. ar, weorþmynd
hood: 1. cugele, cugle
hoof: 1. hof
hook: 1. angel | 2. angel | 3. hoc
hooter: 1. horn
hope: 1. hyhtan | 2. hopa
horn: 1. horn | 2. horn
hornet: 1. hyrnet
horse: 1. hengest, hors
hostile: 1. fah
hot: 1. hat
hour: 1. tid
house: 1. hus
housefly: 1. fleoge, flyge
house of worship: 1. cirice
how: 1. hwelc, hu, swa | 2. hwelc, hu, swa | 3. hwelc, hu, swa
however: 1. hwæþere, hwæþre, þeah, þeah-hwæþere
human being: 1. mann
hundred: 1. hund
hunger: 1. hungor
hurt: 1. acan | 2. wundian
hut: 1. byre, cyte, hus