Baða: 1. Bath
Baddanburg: 1. Badbury Rings
Bebbanburg: 1. Bamborough
Bedanford: 1. Bedford
Benedictus: 1. Ben, Benedict
Bethleem: 1. Bethlehem
Bethsaida: 1. Bethesda
Braden: 1. Braydon
Breten: 1. Britain, Great Britain
Buccingaham: 1. Buckingham
Byrnewudu: 1. Bernwood
baðian:1. bathe
bacan: 1. bake
ban: 1. bone
bat: 1. boat
be: 1. according as, according to, as, by | 2. about, concerning, on, upon
beacn: 1. beacon
beam: 1. tree
bean: 1. bean
beard: 1. beard
bebyrgan: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
bece: 1. beech
becn: 1. beacon
becuman: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. come about, happen, occur
bed: 1. bed
bedd: 1. bed
befer: 1. beaver
beforan: 1. before, in front of
begen: 1. both
beginnan: 1. begin, commence, start
behat: 1. affirmation, promise
behatan: 1. promise
behindan: 1. behind
beliefan: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem
belifan: 1. remain, stay, stay over
bellan: 1. yell
benc: 1. bench
beo: 1. bee
beod: 1. table
beofor: 1. beaver
beor: 1. ale, beer
beorg: 1. mountain
beorh: 1. mountain
beorht: 1. bright, brilliant
bera: 1. bear
beran: 1. carry, wear
berht: 1. bright, brilliant
berie: 1. berry
bete: 1. beet
betweonan: 1. among, between
betweonum: 1. among, between
beæftan: 1. behind
bidan: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
biddan: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
bile: 1. beak, bill
bill: 1. sword | 2. axe
bindan: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
bio: 1. bee
birce: 1. birch
biscop: 1. bishop
bitan: 1. bite
bitela: 1. beetle | 2. beetle
biwist: 1. food | 2. food, nourishment
blac: 1. black | 2. pale, sallow
blawan: 1. blow
bledan: 1. bleed
bletsian: 1. bless
bletsung: 1. blessing, boon
blew: 1. blue
bliðe: 1. happy, glad
blind: 1. blind
bliss: 1. gladness, joy
blod: 1. blood
blu: 1. blue
blæc: 1. black
blæd: 1. leaf, sheet
blæddre: 1. bladder, bubble
blædre: 1. bladder, bubble
boc: 1. book
bodian: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
boece: 1. beech
boga: 1. arc, bow
borian: 1. bore, drill
bosom: 1. bosom
botm: 1. bottom, foundation, ground
box: 1. box-tree | 2. box
braccan: 1. fern
brad: 1. broad
bread: 1. bread, loaf
brecan: 1. break
brembel: 1. blackberry
bremel: 1. blackberry
brengan: 1. bring, fetch
breost: 1. bosom, breast, chest
breowan: 1. brew
bringan: 1. bring, fetch
broðor: 1. brother
broc: 1. stream
brom: 1. greenweed
bru: 1. brow, eyebrow
brun: 1. brown
bryd: 1. bride, fiancée | 2. bride
brydguma: 1. fiancé | 2. bridegroom
bræð: 1. breath
brædu: 1. width | 2. width
brægen: 1. brain
brægn: 1. brain
buan: 1. dwell, live
buc: 1. stag
bucca: 1. he-goat
burg: 1. fortification | 2. city, town
burh: 1. fortification | 2. city, town
buta: 1. both
butan: 1. outside, outside of | 2. abroad, out, outside | 3. without
butere: 1. butter
buton: 1. outside, outside of | 2. abroad, out, outside | 3. without
butu: 1. both
byre: 1. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed | 2. cabin, hut, shack
byrgan: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
byrgen: 1. grave, tomb
bæð: 1. bath
bæc: 1. back
back:1. bæc
bad: 1. yfel
bairn: 1. bearn, cild
bake: 1. bacan
barn: 1. byre
barrack: 1. byre
bath: 1. bæð
bathe: 1. baðian
battle: 1. gefeoht
be: 1. beon, wesan
be able to: 1. cunnan
beacon: 1. beacn, becn
be acquainted with: 1. gecnawan
be afraid of: 1. ondrædan
beak: 1. bile
bean: 1. bean
bear: 1. acennan | 2. bera
beard: 1. beard
be asleep: 1. slæpan
beast: 1. deor
beat: 1. swingan
beautiful: 1. fæger, wlitig
beauty: 1. fægernes, wlite
beaver: 1. befer, beofor
become: 1. becuman, weorþan
bed: 1. bed, bedd
bee: 1. beo, bio
beech: 1. bece, boece
beer: 1. beor
beet: 1. bete
beetle: 1. bitela | 2. bitela
before: 1. ær, for, beforan | 2. ær þæm þe, ær þon þe
beg: 1. biddan
begin: 1. beginnan
beginning: 1. fruma
behind: 1. æftar | 2. æftan, beæftan, behindan | 3. æfter
believe: 1. beliefan, geliefan, gelyfan
belly: 1. wamb
below: 1. niþer | 2. under
Ben: 1. Benedictus
bench: 1. benc
beneath: 1. under
Benedict: 1. Benedictus
benefit: 1. þearf
be painful: 1. acan
berry: 1. berie
Bethlehem: 1. Bethleem
between: 1. betweonan, betweonum
bevy: 1. heord, hiord
be willing to: 1. willan
bid: 1. biddan
big: 1. great
bill: 1. bile
bind: 1. bindan
birch: 1. birce
bird: 1. fugol
birth: 1. acennednes, gebyrt
bishop: 1. biscop
bit: 1. stycce
bite: 1. bitan
black: 1. blac, blæc
blackberry: 1. brembel, bremel
bladder: 1. blæddre, blædre
blade: 1. healm | 2. healm
blame: 1. gylt
blank: 1. hwit
blaspheme: 1. cursian
bleak: 1. dunn | 2. ceald
bleed: 1. bledan
bless: 1. bletsian
blessing: 1. bletsung
blind: 1. blind
blindworm: 1. slawyrm
blood: 1. blod
blow: 1. blawan, ablawan
blue: 1. blew, blu
boat: 1. bat
body: 1. lic, lichoma
bondwoman: 1. wielen
bone: 1. ban
book: 1. boc
boon: 1. bletsung
border: 1. ecg
bore: 1. borian
borrow: 1. aborgian
bosom: 1. breost | 2. bosom
boss: 1. ealdor, eorl
both: 1. æghwæþer, ægþer, begen, buta, butu
bottle: 1. flasce, flaxe
bottom: 1. botm
bow: 1. boga | 2. onlutan
box: 1. ciest | 2. box
box-tree: 1. box
boy: 1. cnapa | 2. þegen, þegn, þeow
brain: 1. brægen, brægn
bread: 1. bread, hlaf
break: 1. brecan
breast: 1. breost
breath: 1. bræð
breed: 1. cynn
brew: 1. breowan
bride: 1. bryd | 2. bryd
bridegroom: 1. brydguma
brief: 1. scort
bright: 1. beorht, berht, glæd | 2. leoht
brilliant: 1. beorht, berht, glæd
brim: 1. ecg
bring: 1. brengan, bringan
brink: 1. ecg
Britain: 1. Breten
broad: 1. brad, wid
brother: 1. broðor
brow: 1. bru
brown: 1. brun
bubble: 1. blæddre, blædre
build: 1. atimbran, getimbran
burdensome: 1. hefig
bury: 1. byrgan, bebyrgan | 2. byrgan, bebyrgan
businessman: 1. ciepemann
but: 1. ac | 2. hwæþere, hwæþre, þeah, þeah-hwæþere
butter: 1. butere
buy: 1. bycgan, ceapian | 2. bycgan, ceapian | 3. bycgan, ceapian | 4. bycgan, ceapian | 5. bycgan, ceapian | 6. bycgan, ceapian
by: 1. from | 2. be