The Road Atlas

Sat 12 May 2018 by jillian

A coworker posed the following question to me about 8 days ago: "How did people get around and take trips before gps?" I should have smiled sweetly and said:

"The legends tell us that in ancient times, there was a sacred relic known as The Road Atlas and many battles …

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Ash Juniper Limerick

Fri 19 January 2018 by jillian
desirous young trees from the hills
moderate not their lewd thrills
so coughing and hacking
the neighbors go axing
and now they no longer need pills

Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, J.A. Bolton. All Rights Reserved.

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Cored figs.

Mon 30 November 2015 by jillian

To the tune of Black Sabbath's "War Pigs," inspired by a parody fragment from Matt Dibb in response to a coworker's observation that the office mini fridge has a label that says "Sabbath Mode: Back"

Ears of corn without their tassles
Dipped in sauces of molasses
Evil minds eshew directions …
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Sun 17 November 2013 by jillian

A while back I upgraded the server, partially breaking my blog in the process. Rather than wade through the maze of Drupal modules I had installed to make things livable, I took the opportunity to move to Wordpress. Maybe I'll blog more. :P

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(Who?) Can you dig it?

Thu 20 October 2011 by jillian

Who's the slick Time Lord with a space machine and all the chicks? (Who?) Can you dig it? They say that cat Who is one bad timeline mucker! (Shut Yo' Mouth) I'm just talking 'bout Who!

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Dennis M. Ritchie

Thu 13 October 2011 by jillian
According to filesystem timestamps, I wrote this 4/9/1998. I know where I was seated when I wrote it, and it was definitely
spring, so that date is plausible.

It seemed apropos, given Dennis' passing, to post it now.

Hopefully, those who might be offended will remember that imitation …

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Two Turntables... and a Microcontroller - Part 1

Sun 28 November 2010 by jillian

My father is into HO railroading.  He's got quite the layout in-progress in his garage.  However, he's having trouble finding DCC turn-tables for his engine-yards.  The ones he can find are expensive and back-ordered.  My brother and I decided it would be a fun project for an Arduino (or three …

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Regex for Java in Unicode...

Sat 29 August 2009 by jillian

Think The Producers' "Springtime...  in Germany" when reading the title, it might make slightly more sense...

A friend of mine was recently posed a challenge by hir instructor in an introductory Java class.  The challenge was (sic.) "I was recently writing a program to generate usernames from the first seven …

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A UNIX Wizard...

Sat 01 August 2009 by jillian
So, I heard "Pinball Wizard" on the radio the other day and it reminded me of a parody called "UNIX Wizard..."  While googling for the text for all of you, I also ran across this "UNIX Heirarchy," which explains the difference between mere mortals and sucessive progress towards enlightenment.


Unix …

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Integrated Gallery While You Post...

Wed 22 July 2009 by jillian

I wanted to use Drupal to post pictures, much as LiveJournal can.  However, I already have...  an image gallery.  And, while it is a good and wondrous thing to have the gallery integrated with Drupal, what I really wanted was to be able to nicely choose images mid-post, without having …

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