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The Complete Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Genesis A, B
Verse Indeterminate Unknown

Us is riht micel ðæt we rodera weard,
wereda wuldorcining, wordum herigen,
modum lufien! He is mægna sped,
heafod ealra heahgesceafta,
frea ælmihtig. Næs him fruma æfre,
or geworden, ne nu ende cymþ
ecean drihtnes, ac he bið a rice
ofer heofenstolas. Heagum þrymmum
soðfæst and swiðfeorm sweglbosmas heold,
þa wæron gesette wide and side
þurh geweald godes wuldres bearnum,
gasta weardum. Hæfdon gleam and dream,
and heora ordfruman, engla þreatas,
beorhte blisse. Wæs heora blæd micel!
þegnas þrymfæste þeoden heredon,
sægdon lustum lof, heora liffrean
demdon, drihtenes dugeþum wæron
swiðe gesælige. Synna ne cuþon,
firena fremman, ac hie on friðe lifdon,
ece mid heora aldor. Elles ne ongunnon
ræran on roderum nymþe riht and soþ,
ærðon engla weard for oferhygde
dwæl on gedwilde. Noldan dreogan leng
heora selfra ræd, ac hie of siblufan
godes ahwurfon. Hæfdon gielp micel
þæt hie wið drihtne dælan meahton
wuldorfæstan wic werodes þrymme,
sid and swegltorht. Him þær sar gelamp,
æfst and oferhygd, and þæs engles mod
þe þone unræd ongan ærest fremman,
wefan and weccean, þa he worde cwæð,
niþes ofþyrsted, þæt he on norðdæle
ham and heahsetl heofena rices
agan wolde. þa wearð yrre god
and þam werode wrað þe he ær wurðode
wlite and wuldre. Sceop þam werlogan
wræclicne ham weorce to leane,
helleheafas, hearde niðas.
Heht þæt witehus wræcna bidan,
deop, dreama leas, drihten ure,
gasta weardas, þa he hit geare wiste,
synnihte beseald, susle geinnod,
geondfolen fyre and færcyle,
rece and reade lege. Heht þa geond þæt rædlease hof
weaxan witebrogan. Hæfdon hie wrohtgeteme
grimme wið god gesomnod; him þæs grim lean becom!
Cwædon þæt heo rice, reðemode,
agan woldan, and swa eaðe meahtan.
Him seo wen geleah, siððan waldend his,
heofona heahcining, honda arærde,
hehste wið þam herge. Ne mihton hygelease,
mæne wið metode, mægyn bryttigan,
ac him se mæra mod getwæfde,
bælc forbigde. þa he gebolgen wearð,
besloh synsceaþan sigore and gewealde,
dome and dugeðe, and dreame benam
his feond, friðo and gefean ealle,
torhte tire, and his torn gewræc
on gesacum swiðe selfes mihtum
strengum stiepe. Hæfde styrne mod,
gegremed grymme, grap on wraðe
faum folmum, and him on fæðm gebræc
yrre on mode; æðele bescyrede
his wiðerbrecan wuldorgestealdum.
Sceof þa and scyrede scyppend ure
oferhidig cyn engla of heofnum,
wærleas werod. Waldend sende
laðwendne here on langne sið,
geomre gastas; wæs him gylp forod,
beot forborsten, and forbiged þrym,
wlite gewemmed. Heo on wrace syððan
seomodon swearte, siðe ne þorfton
hlude hlihhan, ac heo helltregum
werige wunodon and wean cuðon,
sar and sorge, susl þrowedon
þystrum beþeahte, þearl æfterlean
þæs þe heo ongunnon wið gode winnan.
þa wæs soð swa ær sibb on heofnum,
fægre freoþoþeawas, frea eallum leof,
þeoden his þegnum; þrymmas weoxon
duguða mid drihtne, dreamhæbbendra.
Wæron þa gesome, þa þe swegl buað,
wuldres eðel. Wroht wæs asprungen,
oht mid englum and orlegnið,
siððan herewosan heofon ofgæfon,
leohte belorene. Him on laste setl,
wuldorspedum welig, wide stodan
gifum growende on godes rice,
beorht and geblædfæst, buendra leas,
siððan wræcstowe werige gastas
under hearmlocan heane geforan.
þa þeahtode þeoden ure
modgeþonce, hu he þa mæran gesceaft,
eðelstaðolas eft gesette,
swegltorhtan seld, selran werode,
þa hie gielpsceaþan ofgifen hæfdon,
heah on heofenum. Forþam halig god
under roderas feng, ricum mihtum,
wolde þæt him eorðe and uproder
and sid wæter geseted wurde
woruldgesceafte on wraðra gield,
þara þe forhealdene of hleo sende.
Ne wæs her þa giet nymþe heolstersceado
wiht geworden, ac þes wida grund
stod deop and dim, drihtne fremde,
idel and unnyt. On þone eagum wlat
stiðfrihþ cining, and þa stowe beheold,
dreama lease, geseah deorc gesweorc
semian sinnihte sweart under roderum,
wonn and weste, oðþæt þeos woruldgesceaft
þurh word gewearð wuldorcyninges.
Her ærest gesceop ece drihten,
helm eallwihta, heofon and eorðan,
rodor arærde, and þis rume land
gestaþelode strangum mihtum,
frea ælmihtig. Folde wæs þa gyta
græs ungrene; garsecg þeahte
sweart synnihte, side and wide,
wonne wegas. þa wæs wuldortorht
heofonweardes gast ofer holm boren
miclum spedum. Metod engla heht,
lifes brytta, leoht forð cuman
ofer rumne grund. Raþe wæs gefylled
heahcininges hæs; him wæs halig leoht
ofer westenne, swa se wyrhta bebead.
þa gesundrode sigora waldend
ofer laguflode leoht wið þeostrum,
sceade wið sciman. Sceop þa bam naman,
lifes brytta. Leoht wæs ærest
þurh drihtnes word dæg genemned,
wlitebeorhte gesceaft. Wel licode
frean æt frymðe forþbæro tid,
dæg æresta; geseah deorc sceado
sweart swiðrian geond sidne grund.
þa seo tid gewat ofer timber sceacan
middangeardes, metod æfter sceaf
scirum sciman, scippend ure,
æfen ærest. Him arn on last,
þrang þystre genip, þam þe se þeoden self
sceop nihte naman. Nergend ure
hie gesundrode; siððan æfre
drugon and dydon drihtnes willan,
ece ofer eorðan. ða com oðer dæg,
leoht æfter þeostrum. Heht þa lifes weard
on mereflode middum weorðan
hyhtlic heofontimber. Holmas dælde
waldend ure and geworhte þa
roderas fæsten; þæt se rica ahof
up from eorðan þurh his agen word,
frea ælmihtig. Flod wæs adæled
under heahrodore halgum mihtum,
wæter of wætrum, þam þe wuniað gyt
under fæstenne folca hrofes.
þa com ofer foldan fus siðian
mære mergen þridda. Næron metode ða gyta
widlond ne wegas nytte, ac stod bewrigen fæste
folde mid flode. Frea engla heht
þurh his word wesan wæter gemæne,
þa nu under roderum heora ryne healdað,
stowe gestefnde. ða stod hraðe
holm under heofonum, swa se halga bebead,
sid ætsomne, ða gesundrod wæs
lago wið lande. Geseah þa lifes weard
drige stowe, dugoða hyrde,
wide æteowde, þa se wuldorcyning
eorðan nemde. Gesette yðum heora
onrihtne ryne, rumum flode,
and gefetero...
Ne þuhte þa gerysne rodora wearde,
þæt Adam leng ana wære
neorxnawonges, niwre gesceafte,
hyrde and healdend. Forþon him heahcyning,
frea ælmihtig fultum tiode;
wif aweahte and þa wraðe sealde,
lifes leohtfruma, leofum rince.
He þæt andweorc of Adames
lice aleoðode, and him listum ateah
rib of sidan. He wæs reste fæst,
and softe swæf, sar ne wiste,
earfoða dæl, ne þær ænig com
blod of benne, ac him brego engla
of lice ateah liodende ban,
wer unwundod, of þam worhte god
freolice fæmnan. Feorh in gedyde,
ece saula. Heo wæron englum gelice,
þa wæs Eue, Adames bryd,
gaste gegearwod. Hie on geogoðe bu
wlitebeorht wæron on woruld cenned
meotodes mihtum. Man ne cuðon
don ne dreogan, ac him drihtnes wæs
bam on breostum byrnende lufu.
þa gebletsode bliðheort cyning,
metod alwihta, monna cynnes
ða forman twa, fæder and moder,
wif and wæpned. He þa worde cwæð:
"Temað nu and wexað, tudre fyllað
eorðan ælgrene, incre cynne,
sunum and dohtrum. Inc sceal sealt wæter
wunian on gewealde and eall worulde gesceaft.
Brucað blæddaga and brimhlæste
and heofonfugla. Inc is halig feoh
and wilde deor on geweald geseald,
and lifigende, ða ðe land tredað,
feorheaceno cynn, ða ðe flod wecceð
geond hronrade. Inc hyrað eall."
þa sceawode scyppend ure
his weorca wlite and his wæstma blæd,
niwra gesceafta. Neorxnawong stod
god and gastlic, gifena gefylled
fremum forðweardum. Fægere leohte
þæt liðe land lago yrnende,
wylleburne. Nalles wolcnu ða giet
ofer rumne grund regnas bæron,
wann mid winde, hwæðre wæstmum stod
folde gefrætwod. Heoldon forðryne
eastreamas heora æðele feower
of þam niwan neorxnawonge.
þa wæron adælede drihtnes mihtum
ealle of anum, þa he þas eorðan gesceop,
wætre wlitebeorhtum, and on woruld sende.
þæra anne hatað ylde, eorðbuende,
Fison folcweras; se foldan dæl
brade bebugeð beorhtum streamum
Hebeleac utan. On þære eðyltyrf
niððas findað nean and feorran
gold and gymcynn, gumþeoda bearn,
ða selestan, þæs þe us secgað bec.
þonne seo æftre Ethiopia
land and liodgeard beligeð uton,
ginne rice, þære is Geon noma.
þridda is Tigris, seo wið þeodscipe,
ea inflede, Assirie belið.
Swilce is seo feorðe, þa nu geond folc monig
weras Eufraten wide nemnað.
"ac niotað inc þæs oðres ealles, forlætað þone ænne beam,
wariað inc wið þone wæstm. Ne wyrð inc wilna gæd."
Hnigon þa mid heafdum heofoncyninge
georne togenes and sædon ealles þanc,
lista and þara lara. He let heo þæt land buan,
hwærf him þa to heofenum halig drihten,
stiðferhð cyning. Stod his handgeweorc
somod on sande, nyston sorga wiht
to begrornianne, butan heo godes willan
lengest læsten. Heo wæron leof gode
ðenden heo his halige word healdan woldon.
Hæfde se alwalda engelcynna
þurh handmægen, halig drihten,
tene getrimede, þæm he getruwode wel
þæt hie his giongorscipe fyligan wolden,
wyrcean his willan, forþon he him gewit forgeaf
and mid his handum gesceop, halig drihten.
Gesett hæfde he hie swa gesæliglice, ænne hæfde he swa swiðne geworhtne,
swa mihtigne on his modgeþohte, he let hine swa micles wealdan,
hehstne to him on heofona rice, hæfde he hine swa hwitne geworhtne,
swa wynlic wæs his wæstm on heofonum þæt him com from weroda drihtne,
gelic wæs he þam leohtum steorrum. Lof sceolde he drihtnes wyrcean,
dyran sceolde he his dreamas on heofonum, and sceolde his drihtne þancian
þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescerede þonne læte he his hine lange wealdan.
Ac he awende hit him to wyrsan þinge, ongan him winn up ahebban
wið þone hehstan heofnes waldend, þe siteð on þam halgan stole.
Deore wæs he drihtne urum; ne mihte him bedyrned weorðan
þæt his engyl ongan ofermod wesan,
ahof hine wið his hearran, sohte hetespræce,
gylpword ongean, nolde gode þeowian,
cwæð þæt his lic wære leoht and scene,
hwit and hiowbeorht. Ne meahte he æt his hige findan
þæt he gode wolde geongerdome,
þeodne þeowian. þuhte him sylfum
þæt he mægyn and cræft maran hæfde
þonne se halga god habban mihte
folcgestælna. Feala worda gespæc
se engel ofermodes. þohte þurh his anes cræft
hu he him strenglicran stol geworhte,
heahran on heofonum; cwæð þæt hine his hige speone
þæt he west and norð wyrcean ongunne,
trymede getimbro; cwæð him tweo þuhte
þæt he gode wolde geongra weorðan.
"Hwæt sceal ic winnan?" cwæð he. "Nis me wihtæ þearf
hearran to habbanne. Ic mæg mid handum swa fela
wundra gewyrcean. Ic hæbbe geweald micel
to gyrwanne godlecran stol,
hearran on heofne. Hwy sceal ic æfter his hyldo ðeowian,
bugan him swilces geongordomes? Ic mæg wesan god swa he.
Bigstandað me strange geneatas, þa ne willað me æt þam striðe geswican,
hæleþas heardmode. Hie habbað me to hearran gecorene,
rofe rincas; mid swilcum mæg man ræd geþencean,
fon mid swilcum folcgesteallan. Frynd synd hie mine georne,
holde on hyra hygesceaftum. Ic mæg hyra hearra wesan,
rædan on þis rice. Swa me þæt riht ne þinceð,
þæt ic oleccan awiht þurfe
gode æfter gode ænegum. Ne wille ic leng his geongra wurþan."
þa hit se allwalda eall gehyrde,
þæt his engyl ongan ofermede micel
ahebban wið his hearran and spræc healic word
dollice wið drihten sinne, sceolde he þa dæd ongyldan,
worc þæs gewinnes gedælan, and sceolde his wite habban,
ealra morðra mæst. Swa deð monna gehwilc
þe wið his waldend winnan ongynneð
mid mane wið þone mæran drihten. þa wearð se mihtiga gebolgen,
hehsta heofones waldend, wearp hine of þan hean stole.
Hete hæfde he æt his hearran gewunnen, hyldo hæfde his ferlorene,
gram wearð him se goda on his mode. Forþon he sceolde grund gesecean
heardes hellewites, þæs þe he wann wið heofnes waldend.
Acwæð hine þa fram his hyldo and hine on helle wearp,
on þa deopan dala, þær he to deofle wearð,
se feond mid his geferum eallum. Feollon þa ufon of heofnum
þurhlonge swa þreo niht and dagas,
þa englas of heofnum on helle, and heo ealle forsceop
drihten to deoflum. Forþon heo his dæd and word
noldon weorðian, forþon he heo on wyrse leoht
under eorðan neoðan, ællmihtig god,
sette sigelease on þa sweartan helle.
þær hæbbað heo on æfyn ungemet lange,
ealra feonda gehwilc, fyr edneowe,
þonne cymð on uhtan easterne wind,
forst fyrnum cald. Symble fyr oððe gar,
sum heard geswinc habban sceoldon.
Worhte man hit him to wite, (hyra woruld wæs gehwyrfed),
forman siðe, fylde helle
mid þam andsacum. Heoldon englas forð
heofonrices hehðe, þe ær godes hyldo gelæston.
Lagon þa oðre fynd on þam fyre, þe ær swa feala hæfdon
gewinnes wið heora waldend. Wite þoliað,
hatne heaðowelm helle tomiddes,
brand and brade ligas, swilce eac þa biteran recas,
þrosm and þystro, forþon hie þegnscipe
godes forgymdon. Hie hyra gal beswac,
engles oferhygd, noldon alwaldan
word weorþian, hæfdon wite micel,
wæron þa befeallene fyre to botme
on þa hatan hell þurh hygeleaste
and þurh ofermetto, sohton oþer land,
þæt wæs leohtes leas and wæs liges full,
fyres fær micel. Fynd ongeaton
þæt hie hæfdon gewrixled wita unrim
þurh heora miclan mod and þurh miht godes
and þurh ofermetto ealra swiðost.
þa spræc se ofermoda cyning, þe ær wæs engla scynost,
hwitost on heofne and his hearran leof,
drihtne dyre, oð hie to dole wurdon,
þæt him for galscipe god sylfa wearð
mihtig on mode yrre. Wearp hine on þæt morðer innan,
niðer on þæt niobedd, and sceop him naman siððan,
cwæð se hehsta hatan sceolde
Satan siððan, het hine þære sweartan helle
grundes gyman, nalles wið god winnan.
Satan maðelode, sorgiende spræc,
se ðe helle forð healdan sceolde,
gieman þæs grundes. Wæs ær godes engel,
hwit on heofne, oð hine his hyge forspeon
and his ofermetto ealra swiðost,
þæt he ne wolde wereda drihtnes
word wurðian. Weoll him on innan
hyge ymb his heortan, hat wæs him utan
wraðlic wite. He þa worde cwæð:
"Is þæs ænga styde ungelic swiðe
þam oðrum ham þe we ær cuðon,
hean on heofonrice, þe me min hearra onlag,
þeah we hine for þam alwaldan agan ne moston,
romigan ures rices. Næfð he þeah riht gedon
þæt he us hæfð befælled fyre to botme,
helle þære hatan, heofonrice benumen;
hafað hit gemearcod mid moncynne
to gesettanne. þæt me is sorga mæst,
þæt Adam sceal, þe wæs of eorðan geworht,
minne stronglican stol behealdan,
wesan him on wynne, and we þis wite þolien,
hearm on þisse helle. Wa la, ahte ic minra handa geweald
and moste ane tid ute weorðan,
wesan ane winterstunde, þonne ic mid þys werode--
Ac licgað me ymbe irenbenda,
rideð racentan sal. Ic eom rices leas;
habbað me swa hearde helle clommas
fæste befangen. Her is fyr micel,
ufan and neoðone. Ic a ne geseah
laðran landscipe. Lig ne aswamað,
hat ofer helle. Me habbað hringa gespong,
sliðhearda sal siðes amyrred,
afyrred me min feðe; fet synt gebundene,
handa gehæfte. Synt þissa heldora
wegas forworhte, swa ic mid wihte ne mæg
of þissum lioðobendum. Licgað me ymbe
heardes irenes hate geslægene
grindlas greate. Mid þy me god hafað
gehæfted be þam healse, swa ic wat he minne hige cuðe;
and þæt wiste eac weroda drihten,
þæt sceolde unc Adame yfele gewurðan
ymb þæt heofonrice, þær ic ahte minra handa geweald.
Ac ðoliaþ we nu þrea on helle, (þæt syndon þystro and hæto),
grimme, grundlease. Hafað us god sylfa
forswapen on þas sweartan mistas; swa he us ne mæg ænige synne gestælan,
þæt we him on þam lande lað gefremedon, he hæfð us þeah þæs leohtes bescyrede,
beworpen on ealra wita mæste. Ne magon we þæs wrace gefremman,
geleanian him mid laðes wihte þæt he us hafað þæs leohtes bescyrede.
He hæfð nu gemearcod anne middangeard, þær he hæfð mon geworhtne
æfter his onlicnesse. Mid þam he wile eft gesettan
heofona rice mid hluttrum saulum. We þæs sculon hycgan georne,
þæt we on Adame, gif we æfre mægen,
and on his eafrum swa some, andan gebetan,
onwendan him þær willan sines, gif we hit mægen wihte aþencan.
Ne gelyfe ic me nu þæs leohtes furðor þæs þe he him þenceð lange niotan,
þæs eades mid his engla cræfte. Ne magon we þæt on aldre gewinnan,
þæt we mihtiges godes mod onwæcen. Uton oðwendan hit nu monna bearnum,
þæt heofonrice, nu we hit habban ne moton, gedon þæt hie his hyldo forlæten,
þæt hie þæt onwendon þæt he mid his worde bebead. þonne weorð he him wrað on mode,
ahwet hie from his hyldo. þonne sculon hie þas helle secan
and þas grimman grundas. þonne moton we hie us to giongrum habban,
fira bearn on þissum fæstum clomme. Onginnað nu ymb þa fyrde þencean!
Gif ic ænegum þægne þeodenmadmas
geara forgeafe, þenden we on þan godan rice
gesælige sæton and hæfdon ure setla geweald,
þonne he me na on leofran tid leanum ne meahte
mine gife gyldan, gif his gien wolde
minra þegna hwilc geþafa wurðan,
þæt he up heonon ute mihte
cuman þurh þas clustro, and hæfde cræft mid him
þæt he mid feðerhoman fleogan meahte,
windan on wolcne, þær geworht stondað
Adam and Eue on eorðrice
mid welan bewunden, and we synd aworpene hider
on þas deopan dalo. Nu hie drihtne synt
wurðran micle, and moton him þone welan agan
þe we on heofonrice habban sceoldon,
rice mid rihte; is se ræd gescyred
monna cynne. þæt me is on minum mode swa sar,
on minum hyge hreoweð, þæt hie heofonrice
agan to aldre. Gif hit eower ænig mæge
gewendan mid wihte þæt hie word godes
lare forlæten, sona hie him þe laðran beoð.
Gif hie brecað his gebodscipe, þonne he him abolgen wurðeþ;
siððan bið him se wela onwended and wyrð him wite gegarwod,
sum heard hearmscearu. Hycgað his ealle,
hu ge hi beswicen! Siððan ic me sefte mæg
restan on þyssum racentum, gif him þæt rice losað.
Se þe þæt gelæsteð, him bið lean gearo
æfter to aldre, þæs we her inne magon
on þyssum fyre forð fremena gewinnan.
Sittan læte ic hine wið me sylfne, swa hwa swa þæt secgan cymeð
on þas hatan helle, þæt hie heofoncyninges
unwurðlice wordum and dædum
Angan hine þa gyrwan godes andsaca,
fus on frætwum, (hæfde fæcne hyge),
hæleðhelm on heafod asette and þone full hearde geband,
spenn mid spangum; wiste him spræca fela,
wora worda. Wand him up þanon,
hwearf him þurh þa helldora, (hæfde hyge strangne),
leolc on lyfte laþwendemod,
swang þæt fyr on twa feondes cræfte;
wolde dearnunga drihtnes geongran,
mid mandædum men beswican,
forlædan and forlæran, þæt hie wurdon lað gode.
He þa geferde þurh feondes cræft
oððæt he Adam on eorðrice,
godes handgesceaft, gearone funde,
wislice geworht, and his wif somed,
freo fægroste, swa hie fela cuðon
godes gegearwigean, þa him to gingran self
metod mancynnes mearcode selfa.
And him bi twegin beamas stodon
þa wæron utan ofætes gehlædene,
gewered mid wæstme, swa hie waldend god,
heah heofoncyning handum gesette,
þæt þær yldo bearn moste on ceosan
godes and yfeles, gumena æghwilc,
welan and wawan. Næs se wæstm gelic!
Oðer wæs swa wynlic, wlitig and scene,
liðe and lofsum, þæt wæs lifes beam;
moste on ecnisse æfter lybban,
wesan on worulde, se þæs wæstmes onbat,
swa him æfter þy yldo ne derede,
ne suht sware, ac moste symle wesan
lungre on lustum and his lif agan,
hyldo heofoncyninges her on worulde,
habban him to wæron witode geþingþo
on þone hean heofon, þonne he heonon wende.
þonne wæs se oðer eallenga sweart,
dim and þystre; þæt wæs deaðes beam,
se bær bitres fela. Sceolde bu witan
ylda æghwilc yfles and godes
gewand on þisse worulde. Sceolde on wite a
mid swate and mid sorgum siððan libban,
swa hwa swa gebyrgde þæs on þam beame geweox.
Sceolde hine yldo beniman ellendæda,
dreamas and drihtscipes, and him beon deað scyred.
Lytle hwile sceolde he his lifes niotan,
secan þonne landa sweartost on fyre.
Sceolde feondum þeowian, þær is ealra frecna mæste
leodum to langre hwile. þæt wiste se laða georne,
dyrne deofles boda þe wið drihten wann.
Wearp hine þa on wyrmes lic and wand him þa ymbutan
þone deaðes beam þurh deofles cræft,
genam þær þæs ofætes and wende hine eft þanon
þær he wiste handgeweorc heofoncyninges.
Ongon hine þa frinan forman worde
se laða mid ligenum: "Langað þe awuht,
Adam, up to gode? Ic eom on his ærende hider
feorran gefered, ne þæt nu fyrn ne wæs
þæt ic wið hine sylfne sæt. þa het he me on þysne sið faran,
het þæt þu þisses ofætes æte, cwæð þæt þin abal and cræft
and þin modsefa mara wurde,
and þin lichoma leohtra micle,
þin gesceapu scenran, cwæð þæt þe æniges sceattes ðearf
ne wurde on worulde. Nu þu willan hæfst,
hyldo geworhte heofoncyninges,
to þance geþenod þinum hearran,
hæfst þe wið drihten dyrne geworhtne. Ic gehyrde hine þine dæd and word
lofian on his leohte and ymb þin lif sprecan.
Swa þu læstan scealt þæt on þis land hider
his bodan bringað. Brade synd on worulde
grene geardas, and god siteð
on þam hehstan heofna rice,
ufan alwalda. Nele þa earfeðu
sylfa habban þæt he on þysne sið fare,
gumena drihten, ac he his gingran sent
to þinre spræce. Nu he þe mid spellum het
listas læran. Læste þu georne
his ambyhto, nim þe þis ofæt on hand,
bit his and byrige. þe weorð on þinum breostum rum,
wæstm þy wlitegra. þe sende waldend god,
þin hearra þas helpe of heofonrice."
Adam maðelode þær he on eorðan stod,
selfsceafte guma: "þonne ic sigedrihten,
mihtigne god, mæðlan gehyrde
strangre stemne, and me her stondan het,
his bebodu healdan, and me þas bryd forgeaf,
wlitesciene wif, and me warnian het
þæt ic on þone deaðes beam bedroren ne wurde,
beswicen to swiðe, he cwæð þæt þa sweartan helle
healdan sceolde se ðe bi his heortan wuht
laðes gelæde. Nat þeah þu mid ligenum fare
þurh dyrne geþanc þe þu drihtnes eart
boda of heofnum. Hwæt, ic þinra bysna ne mæg,
worda ne wisna wuht oncnawan,
siðes ne sagona. Ic wat hwæt he me self bebead,
nergend user, þa ic hine nehst geseah;
he het me his word weorðian and wel healdan,
læstan his lare. þu gelic ne bist
ænegum his engla þe ic ær geseah,
ne þu me oðiewdest ænig tacen
þe he me þurh treowe to onsende,
min hearra þurh hyldo. þy ic þe hyran ne cann,
ac þu meaht þe forð faran. Ic hæbbe me fæstne geleafan
up to þam ælmihtegan gode þe me mid his earmum worhte,
her mid handum sinum. He mæg me of his hean rice
geofian mid goda gehwilcum, þeah he his gingran ne sende."
Wende hine wraðmod þær he þæt wif geseah
on eorðrice Euan stondan,
sceone gesceapene, cwæð þæt sceaðena mæst
eallum heora eaforum æfter siððan
wurde on worulde: "Ic wat, inc waldend god
abolgen wyrð, swa ic him þisne bodscipe
selfa secge, þonne ic of þys siðe cume
ofer langne weg, þæt git ne læstan wel
hwilc ærende swa he easten hider
on þysne sið sendeð. Nu sceal he sylf faran
to incre andsware; ne mæg his ærende
his boda beodan; þy ic wat þæt he inc abolgen wyrð,
mihtig on mode. Gif þu þeah minum wilt,
wif willende, wordum hyran,
þu meaht his þonne rume ræd geþencan.
Gehyge on þinum breostum þæt þu inc bam twam meaht
wite bewarigan, swa ic þe wisie.
æt þisses ofetes! þonne wurðað þin eagan swa leoht
þæt þu meaht swa wide ofer woruld ealle
geseon siððan, and selfes stol
herran þines, and habban his hyldo forð.
Meaht þu Adame eft gestyran,
gif þu his willan hæfst and he þinum wordum getrywð.
Gif þu him to soðe sægst hwylce þu selfa hæfst
bisne on breostum, þæs þu gebod godes
lare læstes, he þone laðan strið,
yfel andwyrde an forlæteð
on breostcofan, swa wit him bu tu
an sped sprecað. Span þu hine georne
þæt he þine lare læste, þy læs gyt lað gode,
incrum waldende, weorðan þyrfen.
Gif þu þæt angin fremest, idesa seo betste,
forhele ic incrum herran þæt me hearmes swa fela
Adam gespræc, eargra worda.
Tyhð me untryowða, cwyð þæt ic seo teonum georn,
gramum ambyhtsecg, nales godes engel.
Ac ic cann ealle swa geare engla gebyrdo,
heah heofona gehlidu; wæs seo hwil þæs lang
þæt ic geornlice gode þegnode
þurh holdne hyge, herran minum,
drihtne selfum; ne eom ic deofle gelic."
Lædde hie swa mid ligenum and mid listum speon
idese on þæt unriht, oðþæt hire on innan ongan
weallan wyrmes geþeaht, (hæfde hire wacran hige
metod gemearcod), þæt heo hire mod ongan
lætan æfter þam larum; forþon heo æt þam laðan onfeng
ofer drihtnes word deaðes beames
weorcsumne wæstm. Ne wearð wyrse dæd
monnum gemearcod! þæt is micel wundor
þæt hit ece god æfre wolde
þeoden þolian, þæt wurde þegn swa monig
forlædd be þam lygenum þe for þam larum com.
Heo þa þæs ofætes æt, alwaldan bræc
word and willan. þa meahte heo wide geseon
þurh þæs laðan læn þe hie mid ligenum beswac,
dearnenga bedrog, þe hire for his dædum com,
þæt hire þuhte hwitre heofon and eorðe,
and eall þeos woruld wlitigre, and geweorc godes
micel and mihtig, þeah heo hit þurh monnes geþeaht
ne sceawode; ac se sceaða georne
swicode ymb þa sawle þe hire ær þa siene onlah,
þæt heo swa wide wlitan meahte
ofer heofonrice. þa se forhatena spræc
þurh feondscipe (nalles he hie freme lærde):
"þu meaht nu þe self geseon, swa ic hit þe secgan ne þearf,
Eue seo gode, þæt þe is ungelic
wlite and wæstmas, siððan þu minum wordum getruwodest,
læstes mine lare. Nu scineð þe leoht fore
glædlic ongean þæt ic from gode brohte
hwit of heofonum; nu þu his hrinan meaht.
Sæge Adame hwilce þu gesihðe hæfst
þurh minne cime cræfta. Gif giet þurh cuscne siodo
læst mina lara, þonne gife ic him þæs leohtes genog
þæs ic þe swa godes gegired hæbbe.
Ne wite ic him þa womcwidas, þeah he his wyrðe ne sie
to alætanne; þæs fela he me laðes spræc."
Swa hire eaforan sculon æfter lybban:
þonne hie lað gedoð, hie sculon lufe wyrcean,
betan heora hearran hearmcwyde ond habban his hyldo forð.
þa gieng to Adame idesa scenost,
wifa wlitegost þe on woruld come,
forþon heo wæs handgeweorc heofoncyninges,
þeah heo þa dearnenga fordon wurde,
forlæd mid ligenum, þæt hie lað gode
þurh þæs wraðan geþanc weorðan sceolden,
þurh þæs deofles searo dom forlætan,
hierran hyldo, hefonrices þolian
monige hwile. Bið þam men full wa
þe hine ne warnað þonne he his geweald hafað!
Sum heo hire on handum bær, sum hire æt heortan læg,
æppel unsælga, þone hire ær forbead
drihtna drihten, deaðbeames ofet,
and þæt word acwæð wuldres aldor,
þæt þæt micle morð menn ne þorfton
þegnas þolian, ac he þeoda gehwam
hefonrice forgeaf, halig drihten,
widbradne welan, gif hie þone wæstm an
lætan wolden þe þæt laðe treow
on his bogum bær, bitre gefylled;
þæt wæs deaðes beam þe him drihten forbead.
Forlec hie þa mid ligenum se wæs lað gode,
on hete heofoncyninges, and hyge Euan,
wifes wac geþoht, þæt heo ongan his wordum truwian,
læstan his lare, and geleafan nom
þæt he þa bysene from gode brungen hæfde
þe he hire swa wærlice wordum sægde,
iewde hire tacen and treowa gehet,
his holdne hyge. þa heo to hire hearran spræc:
"Adam, frea min, þis ofet is swa swete,
bliðe on breostum, and þes boda sciene,
godes engel god, ic on his gearwan geseo
þæt he is ærendsecg uncres hearran,
hefoncyninges. His hyldo is unc betere
to gewinnanne þonne his wiðermedo.
Gif þu him heodæg wuht hearmes gesprece,
he forgifð hit þeah, gif wit him geongordom
læstan willað. Hwæt scal þe swa laðlic strið
wið þines hearran bodan? Unc is his hyldo þearf;
he mæg unc ærendian to þam alwaldan,
heofoncyninge. Ic mæg heonon geseon
hwær he sylf siteð, (þæt is suð and east),
welan bewunden, se ðas woruld gesceop;
geseo ic him his englas ymbe hweorfan
mid feðerhaman, ealra folca mæst,
wereda wynsumast. Hwa meahte me swelc gewit gifan,
gif hit gegnunga god ne onsende,
heofones waldend? Gehyran mæg ic rume
and swa wide geseon on woruld ealle
ofer þas sidan gesceaft, ic mæg swegles gamen
gehyran on heofnum. Wearð me on hige leohte
utan and innan, siðþan ic þæs ofætes onbat.
Nu hæbbe ic his her on handa, herra se goda;
gife ic hit þe georne. Ic gelyfe þæt hit from gode come,
broht from his bysene, þæs me þes boda sægde
wærum wordum. Hit nis wuhte gelic
elles on eorðan, buton swa þes ar sægeð,
þæt hit gegnunga from gode come."
Hio spræc him þicce to and speon hine ealne dæg
on þa dimman dæd þæt hie drihtnes heora
willan bræcon. Stod se wraða boda,
legde him lustas on and mid listum speon,
fylgde him frecne; wæs se feond full neah
þe on þa frecnan fyrd gefaren hæfde
ofer langne weg; leode hogode
on þæt micle morð men forweorpan,
forlæran and forlædan, þæt hie læn godes,
ælmihtiges gife an forleten,
heofenrices geweald. Hwæt, se hellsceaða
gearwe wiste þæt hie godes yrre
habban sceoldon and hellgeþwing,
þone nearwan nið niede onfon,
siððan hie gebod godes forbrocen hæfdon,
þa he forlærde mid ligenwordum
to þam unræde idese sciene,
wifa wlitegost, þæt heo on his willan spræc,
wæs him on helpe handweorc godes
to forlæranne.
Heo spræc ða to Adame idesa sceonost
ful þiclice, oð þam þegne ongan
his hige hweorfan, þæt he þam gehate getruwode
þe him þæt wif wordum sægde.
Heo dyde hit þeah þurh holdne hyge, nyste þæt þær hearma swa fela,
fyrenearfeða, fylgean sceolde
monna cynne, þæs heo on mod genam
þæt heo þæs laðan bodan larum hyrde,
ac wende þæt heo hyldo heofoncyninges
worhte mid þam wordum þe heo þam were swelce
tacen oðiewde and treowe gehet,
oðþæt Adame innan breostum
his hyge hwyrfde and his heorte ongann
wendan to hire willan. He æt þam wife onfeng
helle and hinnsið, þeah hit nære haten swa,
ac hit ofetes noman agan sceolde;
hit wæs þeah deaðes swefn and deofles gespon,
hell and hinnsið and hæleða forlor,
menniscra morð, þæt hie to mete dædon,
ofet unfæle. Swa hit him on innan com,
hran æt heortan, hloh þa and plegode
boda bitre gehugod, sægde begra þanc
hearran sinum: "Nu hæbbe ic þine hyldo me
witode geworhte, and þinne willan gelæst
to ful monegum dæge. Men synt forlædde,
Adam and Eue. Him is unhyldo
waldendes witod, nu hie wordcwyde his,
lare forleton. Forþon hie leng ne magon
healdan heofonrice, ac hie to helle sculon
on þone sweartan sið. Swa þu his sorge ne þearft
beran on þinum breostum, þær þu gebunden ligst,
murnan on mode, þæt her men bun
þone hean heofon, þeah wit hearmas nu,
þreaweorc þoliað, and þystre land,
and þurh þin micle mod monig forleton
on heofonrice heahgetimbro,
godlice geardas. Unc wearð god yrre
forþon wit him noldon on heofonrice
hnigan mid heafdum halgum drihtne
þurh geongordom; ac unc gegenge ne wæs
þæt wit him on þegnscipe þeowian wolden.
Forþon unc waldend wearð wrað on mode,
on hyge hearde, and us on helle bedraf,
on þæt fyr fylde folca mæste,
and mid handum his eft on heofonrice
rihte rodorstolas and þæt rice forgeaf
monna cynne. Mæg þin mod wesan
bliðe on breostum, forþon her synt bu tu gedon:
ge þæt hæleða bearn heofonrice sculon
leode forlætan and on þæt lig to þe
hate hweorfan, eac is hearm gode,
modsorg gemacod. Swa hwæt swa wit her morðres þoliað,
hit is nu Adame eall forgolden
mid hearran hete and mid hæleða forlore,
monnum mid morðes cwealme. Forþon is min mod gehæled,
hyge ymb heortan gerume, ealle synt uncre hearmas gewrecene
laðes þæt wit lange þoledon. Nu wille ic eft þam lige near,
Satan ic þær secan wille; he is on þære sweartan helle
hæft mid hringa gesponne." Hwearf him eft niðer
boda bitresta; sceolde he þa bradan ligas
secan helle gehliðo, þær his hearra læg
simon gesæled. Sorgedon ba twa,
Adam and Eue, and him oft betuh
gnornword gengdon; godes him ondredon,
heora herran hete, heofoncyninges nið
swiðe onsæton; selfe forstodon
his word onwended. þæt wif gnornode,
hof hreowigmod, (hæfde hyldo godes,
lare forlæten), þa heo þæt leoht geseah
ellor scriðan þæt hire þurh untreowa
tacen iewde se him þone teonan geræd,
þæt hie helle nið habban sceoldon,
hynða unrim; forþam him higesorga
burnon on breostum. Hwilum to gebede feollon
sinhiwan somed, and sigedrihten
godne gretton and god nemdon,
heofones waldend, and hine bædon
þæt hie his hearmsceare habban mosten,
georne fulgangan, þa hie godes hæfdon
bodscipe abrocen. Bare hie gesawon
heora lichaman; næfdon on þam lande þa giet
sælða gesetena, ne hie sorge wiht
weorces wiston, ac hie wel meahton
libban on þam lande, gif hie wolden lare godes
forweard fremman. þa hie fela spræcon
sorhworda somed, sinhiwan twa.
Adam gemælde and to Euan spræc:
"Hwæt, þu Eue, hæfst yfele gemearcod
uncer sylfra sið. Gesyhst þu nu þa sweartan helle
grædige and gifre. Nu þu hie grimman meaht
heonane gehyran. Nis heofonrice
gelic þam lige, ac þis is landa betst,
þæt wit þurh uncres hearran þanc habban moston,
þær þu þam ne hierde þe unc þisne hearm geræd,
þæt wit waldendes word forbræcon,
heofoncyninges. Nu wit hreowige magon
sorgian for þis siðe. Forþon he unc self bebead
þæt wit unc wite warian sceolden,
hearma mæstne. Nu slit me hunger and þurst
bitre on breostum, þæs wit begra ær
wæron orsorge on ealle tid.
Hu sculon wit nu libban oððe on þys lande wesan,
gif her wind cymð, westan oððe eastan,
suðan oððe norðan? Gesweorc up færeð,
cymeð hægles scur hefone getenge,
færeð forst on gemang, se byð fyrnum ceald.
Hwilum of heofnum hate scineð,
blicð þeos beorhte sunne, and wit her baru standað,
unwered wædo. Nys unc wuht beforan
to scursceade, ne sceattes wiht
to mete gemearcod, ac unc is mihtig god,
waldend wraðmod. To hwon sculon wit weorðan nu?
Nu me mæg hreowan þæt ic bæd heofnes god,
waldend þone godan, þæt he þe her worhte to me
of liðum minum, nu þu me forlæred hæfst
on mines herran hete. Swa me nu hreowan mæg
æfre to aldre þæt ic þe minum eagum geseah."
ða spræc Eue eft, idesa scienost,
wifa wlitegost; hie wæs geweorc godes,
þeah heo þa on deofles cræft bedroren wurde:
"þu meaht hit me witan, wine min Adam,
wordum þinum; hit þe þeah wyrs ne mæg
on þinum hyge hreowan þonne hit me æt heortan deð."
Hire þa Adam andswarode:
"Gif ic waldendes willan cuðe,
hwæt ic his to hearmsceare habban sceolde,
ne gesawe þu no sniomor, þeah me on sæ wadan
hete heofones god heonone nu þa,
on flod faran, nære he firnum þæs deop,
merestream þæs micel, þæt his o min mod getweode,
ac ic to þam grunde genge, gif ic godes meahte
willan gewyrcean. Nis me on worulde niod
æniges þegnscipes, nu ic mines þeodnes hafa
hyldo forworhte, þæt ic hie habban ne mæg.
Ac wit þus baru ne magon bu tu ætsomne
wesan to wuhte. Uton gan on þysne weald innan,
on þisses holtes hleo." Hwurfon hie ba twa,
togengdon gnorngende on þone grenan weald,
sæton onsundran, bidan selfes gesceapu
heofoncyninges, þa hie þa habban ne moston
þe him ær forgeaf ælmihtig god.
þa hie heora lichoman leafum beþeahton,
weredon mid ðy wealde, wæda ne hæfdon;
ac hie on gebed feollon bu tu ætsomne
morgena gehwilce, bædon mihtigne
þæt hie ne forgeate god ælmihtig,
and him gewisade waldend se goda,
hu hie on þam leohte forð libban sceolden.
þa com feran frea ælmihtig
ofer midne dæg, mære þeoden,
on neorxnawang neode sine;
wolde neosian nergend usser,
bilwit fæder, hwæt his bearn dyde;
wiste forworhte þam he ær wlite sealde.
Gewitan him þa gangan geomermode
under beamsceade blæde bereafod,
hyddon hie on heolstre, þa hie halig word
drihtnes gehyrdon, and ondredon him.
þa sona ongann swegles aldor
weard ahsian woruldgesceafta,
het him recene to rice þeoden
his sunu gangan. Him þa sylfa oncwæð,
hean hleoðrade hrægles þearfa:
"Ic wreo me her wæda leasne,
liffrea min, leafum þecce.
Scyldfull mine sceaðen is me sare,
frecne on ferhðe; ne dear nu forð gan
for ðe andweardne. Ic eom eall eall nacod."
Him ða ædre god andswarede:
"Saga me þæt, sunu min, for hwon secest ðu
sceade sceomiende? þu sceonde æt me
furðum ne anfenge, ac gefean eallum.
For hwon wast þu wean and wrihst sceome,
gesyhst sorge, and þin sylf þecest
lic mid leafum, sagast lifceare
hean hygegeomor, þæt þe sie hrægles þearf,
nymþe ðu æppel ænne byrgde
of ðam wudubeame þe ic þe wordum forbead?"
Him þa Adam eft andswarode:
"Me ða blæda on hand bryd gesealde,
freolucu fæmne, freadrihten min,
ðe ic þe on teonan geþah. Nu ic þæs tacen wege
sweotol on me selfum. Wat ic sorga ðy ma."
ða ðæs Euan frægn ælmihtig god:
"Hwæt druge þu, dohtor, dugeþa genohra,
niwra gesceafta neorxnawanges,
growendra gifa, þa þu gitsiende
on beam gripe, blæda name
on treowes telgum, and me on teonan
æte þa unfreme, Adame sealdest
wæstme þa inc wæron wordum minum
fæste forbodene?" Him þa freolecu mæg,
ides æwiscmod andswarode:
"Me nædre beswac and me neodlice
to forsceape scyhte and to scyldfrece,
fah wyrm þurh fægir word, oðþæt ic fracoðlice
feondræs gefremede, fæhðe geworhte,
and þa reafode, swa hit riht ne wæs,
beam on bearwe and þa blæda æt."
þa nædran sceop nergend usser,
frea ælmihtig fagum wyrme
wide siðas and þa worde cwæð:
"þu scealt wideferhð werig þinum
breostum bearm tredan bradre eorðan,
faran feðeleas, þenden þe feorh wunað,
gast on innan. þu scealt greot etan
þine lifdagas. Swa þu laðlice
wrohte onstealdest, þe þæt wif feoð,
hatað under heofnum and þin heafod tredeð
fah mid fotum sinum. þu scealt fiersna sætan
tohtan niwre; tuddor bið gemæne
incrum orlegnið a þenden standeð
woruld under wolcnum. Nu þu wast and canst,
lað leodsceaða, hu þu lifian scealt."
ða to Euan god yrringa spræc:
"Wend þe from wynne! þu scealt wæpnedmen
wesan on gewealde, mid weres egsan
hearde genearwad, hean þrowian
þinra dæda gedwild, deaðes bidan,
and þurh wop and heaf on woruld cennan
þurh sar micel sunu and dohtor."
Abead eac Adame ece drihten,
lifes leohtfruma, lað ærende:
"þu scealt oðerne eðel secean,
wynleasran wic, and on wræc hweorfan
nacod niedwædla, neorxnawanges
dugeðum bedæled; þe is gedal witod
lices and sawle. Hwæt, þu laðlice
wrohte onstealdest; forþon þu winnan scealt
and on eorðan þe þine andlifne
selfa geræcan, wegan swatig hleor,
þinne hlaf etan, þenden þu her leofast,
oðþæt þe to heortan hearde gripeð
adl unliðe þe þu on æple ær
selfa forswulge; forþon þu sweltan scealt."
Hwæt, we nu gehyrað hwær us hearmstafas
wraðe onwocan and woruldyrmðo.
Hie þa wuldres weard wædum gyrede,
scyppend usser; het heora sceome þeccan
frea frumhrægle; het hie from hweorfan
neorxnawange on nearore lif.
Him on laste beleac liðsa and wynna
hihtfulne ham halig engel
be frean hæse fyrene sweorde;
ne mæg þær inwitfull ænig geferan
womscyldig mon, ac se weard hafað
miht and strengðo, se þæt mære lif
dugeðum deore drihtne healdeð.
No hwæðre ælmihtig ealra wolde
Adame and Euan arna ofteon,
fæder æt frymðe, þeah þe hie him from swice,
ac he him to frofre let hwæðere forð wesan
hyrstedne hrof halgum tunglum
and him grundwelan ginne sealde;
het þam sinhiwum sæs and eorðan
tuddorteondra teohha gehwilcre
to woruldnytte wæstmas fedan.
Gesæton þa æfter synne sorgfulre land,
eard and eðyl unspedigran
fremena gehwilcre þonne se frumstol wæs
þe hie æfter dæde of adrifen wurdon.
Ongunnon hie þa be godes hæse
bearn astrienan, swa him metod bebead.
Adames and Euan aforan wæron
freolicu twa frumbearn cenned,
Cain and Abel. Us cyðað bec,
hu þa dædfruman dugeþa stryndon,
welan and wiste, willgebroðor.
Oðer his to eorðan elnes tilode,
se wæs ærboren; oðer æhte heold
fæder on fultum, oðþæt forð gewat
dægrimes worn. Hie þa drihtne lac
begen brohton. Brego engla beseah
on Abeles gield eagum sinum,
cyning eallwihta, Caines ne wolde
tiber sceawian. þæt wæs torn were
hefig æt heortan. Hygewælm asteah
beorne on breostum, blatende nið,
yrre for æfstum. He þa unræden
folmum gefremede, freomæg ofsloh,
broðor sinne, and his blod ageat,
Cain Abeles. Cwealmdreore swealh
þæs middangeard, monnes swate.
æfter wælswenge wea wæs aræred,
tregena tuddor. Of ðam twige siððan
ludon laðwende leng swa swiðor
reðe wæstme. Ræhton wide
geond werþeoda wrohtes telgan,
hrinon hearmtanas hearde and sare
drihta bearnum, (doð gieta swa),
of þam brad blado bealwa gehwilces
sprytan ongunnon. We þæt spell magon,
wælgrimme wyrd, wope cwiðan,
nales holunge; ac us hearde sceod
freolecu fæmne þurh forman gylt
þe wið metod æfre men gefremeden,
eorðbuende, siððan Adam wearð
of godes muðe gaste eacen.
ða worde frægn wuldres aldor
Cain, hwær Abel eorðan wære.
Him ða se cystleasa cwealmes wyrhta
ædre æfter þon andswarode:
"Ne can ic Abeles or ne fore,
hleomæges sið, ne ic hyrde wæs
broðer mines." Him þa brego engla,
godspedig gast gean þingade:
"Hwæt, befealdest þu folmum þinum
wraðum on wælbedd wærfæstne rinc,
broðor þinne, and his blod to me
cleopað and cigeð. þu þæs cwealmes scealt
wite winnan and on wræc hweorfan,
awyrged to widan aldre. Ne seleð þe wæstmas eorðe
wlitige to woruldnytte, ac heo wældreore swealh
halge of handum þinum; forþon heo þe hroðra oftihð,
glæmes grene folde. þu scealt geomor hweorfan,
arleas of earde þinum, swa þu Abele wurde
to feorhbanan; forþon þu flema scealt
widlast wrecan, winemagum lað."
Him þa ædre Cain andswarode:
"Ne þearf ic ænigre are wenan
on woruldrice, ac ic forworht hæbbe,
heofona heahcyning, hyldo þine,
lufan and freode; forþon ic lastas sceal
wean on wenum wide lecgan,
hwonne me gemitte manscyldigne,
se me feor oððe neah fæhðe gemonige,
broðorcwealmes. Ic his blod ageat,
dreor on eorðan. þu to dæge þissum
ademest me fram duguðe and adrifest from
earde minum. Me to aldorbanan
weorðeð wraðra sum. Ic awyrged sceal,
þeoden, of gesyhðe þinre hweorfan."
Him þa selfa oncwæð sigora drihten:
"Ne þearft ðu þe ondrædan deaðes brogan,
feorhcwealm nu giet, þeah þu from scyle
freomagum feor fah gewitan.
Gif þe monna hwelc mundum sinum
aldre beneoteð, hine on cymeð
æfter þære synne seofonfeald wracu,
wite æfter weorce." Hine waldend on,
tirfæst metod, tacen sette,
freoðobeacen frea, þy læs hine feonda hwilc
mid guðþræce gretan dorste
feorran oððe nean. Heht þa from hweorfan
meder and magum manscyldigne,
cnosle sinum. Him þa Cain gewat
gongan geomormod gode of gesyhðe,
wineleas wrecca, and him þa wic geceas
eastlandum on, eðelstowe
fædergeardum feor, þær him freolecu mæg,
ides æfter æðelum eaforan fedde.
Se æresta wæs Enos haten,
frumbearn Caines. Siððan fæsten ongon
mid þam cneomagum ceastre timbran;
þæt wæs under wolcnum weallfæstenna
ærest ealra þara þe æðelingas,
sweordberende, settan heton.
þanon his eaforan ærest wocan,
bearn from bryde, on þam burhstede.
Se yldesta wæs Iared haten,
sunu Enoses. Siððan wocan,
þa þæs cynnes cneowrim icton,
mægburg Caines. Malalehel wæs
æfter Iarede yrfes hyrde
fæder on laste, oðþæt he forð gewat.
Siððan Mathusal magum dælde,
bearn æfter bearne broðrum sinum
æðelinga gestreon, oðþæt aldorgedal
frod fyrndagum fremman sceolde,
lif oflætan. Lameh onfeng
æfter fæder dæge fletgestealdum,
botlgestreonum. Him bryda twa,
idesa on eðle eaforan feddon,
Ada and Sella; þara anum wæs
Iabal noma, se þurh gleawne geþanc
herbuendra hearpan ærest
handum sinum hlyn awehte,
swinsigende sweg, sunu Lamehes.
Swylce on ðære mægðe maga wæs haten
on þa ilcan tid Tubalcain,
se þurh snytro sped smiðcræftega wæs,
and þurh modes gemynd monna ærest,
sunu Lamehes, sulhgeweorces
fruma wæs ofer foldan, siððan folca bearn
æres cuðon and isernes,
burhsittende, brucan wide.
þa his wifum twæm wordum sægde
Lameh seolfa, leofum gebeddum,
Adan and Sellan unarlic spel:
"Ic on morðor ofsloh minra sumne
hyldemaga; honda gewemde
on Caines cwealme mine,
fylde mid folmum fæder Enoses,
ordbanan Abeles, eorðan sealde
wældreor weres. Wat ic gearwe
þæt þam lichryre on last cymeð
soðcyninges seofonfeald wracu,
micel æfter mane. Min sceal swiðor
mid grimme gryre golden wurðan
fyll and feorhcwealm, þonne ic forð scio."
þa wearð Adame on Abeles gyld
eafora on eðle oþer feded,
soðfæst sunu, þam wæs Seth noma.
Se wæs eadig and his yldrum ðah
freolic to frofre, fæder and meder,
Adames and Euan, wæs Abeles gield
on woruldrice. þa word acwæð
ord moncynnes: "Me ece sunu
sealde selfa sigora waldend,
lifes aldor on leofes stæl,
þæs þe Cain ofsloh, and me cearsorge
mid þys magotimbre of mode asceaf
þeoden usser. Him þæs þanc sie!"
Adam hæfde, þa he eft ongan
him to eðelstæfe oðres strienan
bearnes be bryde, beorn ellenrof,
XXX and C þisses lifes,
wintra on worulde. Us gewritu secgað
þæt her eahtahund iecte siððan
mægðum and mæcgum mægburg sine
Adam on eorðan; ealra hæfde
nigenhund wintra
and XXX eac, þa he þas woruld
þurh gastgedal ofgyfan sceolde.
Him on laste Seth leod weardode,
eafora æfter yldrum; eþelstol heold
and wif begeat. Wintra hæfde
fif and hundteontig þa he furðum ongan
his mægburge men geicean
sunum and dohtrum. Sethes eafora
se yldesta wæs Enos haten;
se nemde god niðþa bearna
ærest ealra, siððan Adam stop
on grene græs gaste geweorðad.
Seth wæs gesælig; siððan strynde
seofon winter her suna and dohtra
ond eahtahund. Ealra hæfde
XII and nigonhund, þa seo tid gewearð
þæt he friðgedal fremman sceolde.
Him æfter heold, þa he of worulde gewat,
Enos yrfe, siððan eorðe swealh
sædberendes Sethes lice.
He wæs leof gode and lifde her
wintra hundnigontig ær he be wife her
þurh gebedscipe bearn astrynde;
him þa cenned wearð Cainan ærest
eafora on eðle. Siððan eahtahund
and fiftyno on friðo drihtnes
gleawferhð hæleð geogoðe strynde,
suna and dohtra; swealt, þa he hæfde,
frod fyrnwita, V and nigonhund.
þære cneorisse wæs Cainan siððan
æfter Enose aldordema,
weard and wisa. Wintra hæfde
efne hundseofontig ær him sunu woce.
þa wearð on eðle eafora feded,
mago Cainanes, Malalehel wæs haten.
Siððan eahtahund æðelinga rim
and feowertig eac feorum geicte
Enoses sunu. Ealra nigonhund
wintra hæfde þa he woruld ofgeaf
and tyne eac, þa his tiddæge
under rodera rum rim wæs gefylled.
Him on laste heold land and yrfe
Malalehel siððan missera worn.
Se frumgara fif and sixtig
wintra hæfde þa he be wife ongann
bearna strynan. Him bryd sunu
meowle to monnum brohte. Se maga wæs
on his mægðe, mine gefræge,
guma on geogoðe, Iared haten.
Lifde siððan and lissa breac
Malalehel lange, mondreama her,
woruldgestreona. Wintra hæfde
fif and hundnigontig, þa he forð gewat,
and eahtahund; eaforan læfde
land and leodweard. Longe siððan
Geared gumum gold brittade.
Se eorl wæs æðele, æfæst hæleð,
and se frumgar his freomagum leof.
Fif and hundteontig on fyore lifde
wintra gebidenra on woruldrice
and syxtig eac þa seo sæl gewearð
þæt his wif sunu on woruld brohte;
se eafora wæs Enoc haten,
freolic frumbearn. Fæder her þa gyt
his cynnes forð cneorim icte,
eaforan eahtahund; ealra hæfde
V and syxtig, þa he forð gewat,
and nigonhund eac nihtgerimes,
wine frod wintres, þa he þas woruld ofgeaf
ond Geared þa gleawum læfde
land and leodweard, leofum rince.
Enoch siððan ealdordom ahof,
freoðosped folces wisa, nalles feallan let
dom and drihtscipe,
þenden he hyrde wæs heafodmaga.
Breac blæddaga, bearna strynde
þreohund wintra. Him wæs þeoden hold,
rodera waldend. Se rinc heonon
on lichoman lisse sohte,
drihtnes duguðe, nales deaðe swealt
middangeardes, swa her men doþ,
geonge and ealde, þonne him god heora
æhta and ætwist eorðan gestreona
on genimeð and heora aldor somed,
ac he cwic gewat mid cyning engla
of þyssum lænan life feran
on þam gearwum þe his gast onfeng
ær hine to monnum modor brohte.
He þam yldestan eaforan læfde
folc, frumbearne; V and syxtig
wintra hæfde þa he woruld ofgeaf,
and eac III hund. þrage siððan
Mathusal heold maga yrfe,
se on lichoman lengest þissa
worulddreama breac. Worn gestrynde
ær his swyltdæge suna and dohtra;
hæfde frod hæle, þa he from sceolde
niþþum hweorfan, nigonhund wintra
and hundseofontig to. Sunu æfter heold,
Lamech leodgeard, lange siððan
woruld bryttade. Wintra hæfde
twa and hundteontig þa seo tid gewearð
þæt se eorl ongan æðele cennan,
sunu and dohtor. Siððan lifde
fif and hundnigontig, frea moniges breac
wintra under wolcnum, werodes aldor,
and V hund eac; heold þæt folc teala,
bearna strynde, him byras wocan,
eaforan and idesa. He þone yldestan
Noe nemde, se niððum ær
land bryttade siððan Lamech gewat.
Hæfde æðelinga aldorwisa
V hund wintra þa he furðum ongan
bearna strynan, þæs þe bec cweðaþ.
Sem wæs haten sunu Noes,
se yldesta, oðer Cham,
þridda Iafeth. þeoda tymdon
rume under roderum, rim miclade
monna mægðe geond middangeard
sunum and dohtrum. ða giet wæs Sethes cynn,
leofes leodfruman on lufan swiðe
drihtne dyre and domeadig,
oðþæt bearn godes bryda ongunnon
on Caines cynne secan,
wergum folce, and him þær wif curon
ofer metodes est monna eaforan,
scyldfulra mægð scyne and fægere.
þa reordade rodora waldend
wrað moncynne and þa worde cwæð:
"Ne syndon me on ferhðe freo from gewitene
cneorisn Caines, ac me þæt cynn hafað
sare abolgen. Nu me Sethes bearn
torn niwiað and him to nimað
mægeð to gemæccum minra feonda;
þær wifa wlite onwod grome,
idesa ansien, and ece feond
folcdriht wera, þa ær on friðe wæron."
Siððan hundtwelftig geteled rime
wintra on worulde wræce bisgodon
fæge þeoda, hwonne frea wolde
on wærlogan wite settan
and on deað slean dædum scyldige
gigantmæcgas, gode unleofe,
micle mansceaðan, metode laðe.
þa geseah selfa sigoro waldend
hwæt wæs monna manes on eorðan
and þæt hie wæron womma ðriste,
inwitfulle. He þæt unfægere
wera cneorissum gewrecan þohte,
forgripan gumcynne grimme and sare,
heardum mihtum. Hreaw hine swiðe
þæt he folcmægþa fruman aweahte,
æðelinga ord, þa he Adam sceop,
cwæð þæt he wolde for wera synnum
eall aæðan þæt on eorðan wæs,
forleosan lica gehwilc þara þe lifes gast
fæðmum þeahte. Eall þæt frea wolde
on ðære toweardan tide acwellan
þe þa nealæhte niðða bearnum.
Noe wæs god, nergende leof,
swiðe gesælig, sunu Lameches,
domfæst and gedefe. Drihten wiste
þæt þæs æðelinges ellen dohte
breostgehygdum; forðon him brego sægde,
halig æt hleoðre, helm allwihta,
hwæt he fah werum fremman wolde;
geseah unrihte eorðan fulle,
side sælwongas synnum gehladene,
widlum gewemde. þa waldend spræc,
nergend usser, and to Noe cwæð:
"Ic wille mid flode folc acwellan
and cynna gehwilc cucra wuhta,
þara þe lyft and flod lædað and fedað,
feoh and fuglas. þu scealt frið habban
mid sunum þinum, ðonne sweart wæter,
wonne wælstreamas werodum swelgað,
sceaðum scyldfullum. Ongyn þe scip wyrcan,
merehus micel. On þam þu monegum scealt
reste geryman, and rihte setl
ælcum æfter agenum eorðan tudre.
Gescype scylfan on scipes bosme.
þu þæt fær gewyrc fiftiges wid,
ðrittiges heah and þreohund lang
elngemeta, and wið yða gewyrc
gefeg fæste. þær sceal fæsl wesan
cwiclifigendra cynna gehwilces
on þæt wudufæsten wocor gelæded
eorðan tudres; earc sceal þy mare."
Noe fremede swa hine nergend heht,
hyrde þam halgan heofoncyninge,
ongan ofostlice þæt hof wyrcan,
micle merecieste. Magum sægde
þæt wæs þrealic þing þeodum toweard,
reðe wite. Hie ne rohton þæs!
Geseah þa ymb wintra worn wærfæst metod
geofonhusa mæst gearo hlifigean,
innan and utan eorðan lime
gefæstnod wið flode, fær Noes,
þy selestan. þæt is syndrig cynn;
symle bið þy heardra þe hit hreoh wæter,
swearte sæstreamas swiðor beatað.
ða to Noe cwæð nergend usser:
"Ic þe þæs mine, monna leofost,
wære gesylle, þæt þu weg nimest
and feora fæsl þe þu ferian scealt
geond deop wæter dægrimes worn
on lides bosme. Læd, swa ic þe hate,
under earce bord eaforan þine,
frumgaran þry, and eower feower wif.
Ond þu seofone genim on þæt sundreced
tudra gehwilces geteled rimes,
þara þe to mete mannum lifige,
and þara oðerra ælces twa.
Swilce þu of eallum eorðan wæstmum
wiste under wægbord werodum gelæde,
þam þe mid sceolon mereflod nesan.
Fed freolice feora wocre
oð ic þære lafe lagosiða eft
reorde under roderum ryman wille.
Gewit þu nu mid hiwum on þæt hof gangan,
gasta werode. Ic þe godne wat,
fæsthydigne; þu eart freoðo wyrðe,
ara mid eaforum. Ic on andwlitan
nu ofor seofon niht sigan læte
wællregn ufan widre eorðan.
Feowertig daga fæhðe ic wille
on weras stælan and mid wægþreate
æhta and agend eall acwellan
þa beutan beoð earce bordum
þonne sweart racu stigan onginneð."
Him þa Noe gewat, swa hine nergend het,
under earce bord eaforan lædan,
weras on wægþæl and heora wif somed;
and eall þæt to fæsle frea ælmihtig
habban wolde under hrof gefor
to heora ætgifan, swa him ælmihtig
weroda drihten þurh his word abead.
Him on hoh beleac heofonrices weard
merehuses muð mundum sinum,
sigora waldend, and segnade
earce innan agenum spedum
nergend usser. Noe hæfde,
sunu Lameches, syxhund wintra
þa he mid bearnum under bord gestah,
gleaw mid geogoðe, be godes hæse,
dugeðum dyrum. Drihten sende
regn from roderum and eac rume let
willeburnan on woruld þringan
of ædra gehwære, egorstreamas
swearte swogan. Sæs up stigon
ofer stæðweallas. Strang wæs and reðe
se ðe wætrum weold; wreah and þeahte
manfæhðu bearn middangeardes
wonnan wæge, wera eðelland;
hof hergode, hygeteonan wræc
metod on monnum. Mere swiðe grap
on fæge folc feowertig daga,
nihta oðer swilc. Nið wæs reðe,
wællgrim werum; wuldorcyninges
yða wræcon arleasra feorh
of flæschoman. Flod ealle wreah,
hreoh under heofonum hea beorgas
geond sidne grund and on sund ahof
earce from eorðan and þa æðelo mid,
þa segnade selfa drihten,
scyppend usser, þa he þæt scip beleac.
Siððan wide rad wolcnum under
ofer holmes hrincg hof seleste,
for mid fearme. Fære ne moston
wægliðendum wætres brogan
hæste hrinon, ac hie halig god
ferede and nerede. Fiftena stod
deop ofer dunum se drenceflod
monnes elna; þæt is mæro wyrd!
þam æt niehstan wæs nan to gedale,
nymþe heof wæs ahafen on þa hean lyft,
þa se egorhere eorðan tuddor
eall acwealde, buton þæt earce bord
heold heofona frea, þa hine halig god
ece upp forlet edmodne flod
streamum stigan, stiðferhð cyning.
þa gemunde god mereliðende,
sigora waldend sunu Lameches
and ealle þa wocre þe he wið wætre beleac,
lifes leohtfruma, on lides bosme.
Gelædde þa wigend weroda drihten
worde ofer widland. Willflod ongan
lytligan eft. Lago ebbade,
sweart under swegle. Hæfde soð metod
eaforum egstream eft gecyrred,
torhtne ryne, regn gestilled.
For famig scip L and C
nihta under roderum, siððan nægledbord,
fær seleste, flod up ahof,
oðþæt rimgetæl reðre þrage
daga forð gewat. ða on dunum gesæt
heah mid hlæste holmærna mæst,
earc Noes, þe Armenia
hatene syndon. þær se halga bad,
sunu Lameches, soðra gehata
lange þrage, hwonne him lifes weard
frea ælmihtig frecenra siða
reste ageafe, þæra he rume dreah
þa hine on sunde geond sidne grund
wonne yða wide bæron.
Holm wæs heononweard; hæleð langode,
wægliðende, swilce wif heora,
hwonne hie of nearwe ofer nægledbord
ofer streamstaðe stæppan mosten
and of enge ut æhta lædan.
þa fandode forðweard scipes,
hwæðer sincende sæflod þa gyt
wære under wolcnum. Let þa ymb worn daga
þæs þe heah hlioðo horde onfengon
and æðelum eac eorðan tudres
sunu Lameches sweartne fleogan
hrefn ofer heahflod of huse ut.
Noe tealde þæt he on neod hine,
gif he on þære lade land ne funde,
ofer sid wæter secan wolde
on wægþele. Eft him seo wen geleah,
ac se feonde gespearn fleotende hreaw;
salwigfeðera secan nolde.
He þa ymb seofon niht sweartum hrefne
of earce forlet æfter fleogan
ofer heah wæter haswe culufran
on fandunga hwæðer famig sæ
deop þa gyta dæl ænigne
grenre eorðan ofgifen hæfde.
Heo wide hire willan sohte
and rume fleah. Nohweðere reste fand,
þæt heo for flode fotum ne meahte
land gespornan ne on leaf treowes
steppan for streamum, ac wæron steap hleoðo
bewrigen mid wætrum. Gewat se wilda fugel
on æfenne earce secan
ofer wonne wæg, werig sigan,
hungri to handa halgum rince.
ða wæs culufre eft of cofan sended
ymb wucan wilde. Seo wide fleah
oðþæt heo rumgal restestowe
fægere funde and þa fotum stop
on beam hyre; gefeah bliðemod
þæs þe heo gesittan swiðe werig
on treowes telgum torhtum moste.
Heo feðera onsceoc, gewat fleogan eft
mid lacum hire, liðend brohte
elebeames twig an to handa,
grene blædæ. þa ongeat hraðe
flotmonna frea þæt wæs frofor cumen,
earfoðsiða bot. þa gyt se eadega wer
ymb wucan þriddan wilde culufran
ane sende. Seo eft ne com
to lide fleogan, ac heo land begeat,
grene bearwas; nolde gladu æfre
under salwed bord syððan ætywan
on þellfæstenne, þa hire þearf ne wæs.
þa to Noe spræc nergend usser,
heofonrices weard, halgan reorde:
"þe is eðelstol eft gerymed,
lisse on lande, lagosiða rest
fæger on foldan. Gewit on freðo gangan
ut of earce, and on eorðan bearm
of þam hean hofe hiwan læd þu
and ealle þa wocre þe ic wægþrea on
liðe nerede þenden lago hæfde
þrymme geþeahtne þriddan eðyl."
He fremede swa and frean hyrde,
stah ofer streamweall, swa him seo stefn bebead,
lustum miclum, and alædde þa
of wægþele wraðra lafe.
þa Noe ongan nergende lac
rædfæst reðran, and recene genam
on eallum dæl æhtum sinum,
ðam ðe him to dugeðum drihten sealde,
gleaw to þam gielde, and þa gode selfum
torhtmod hæle tiber onsægde,
cyninge engla. Huru cuð dyde
nergend usser, þa he Noe
gebletsade and his bearn somed,
þæt he þæt gyld on þanc agifen hæfde
and on geogoðhade godum dædum
ær geearnod þæt him ealra wæs
ara este ælmihtig god,
domfæst dugeþa. þa gyt drihten cwæð,
wuldris aldor word to Noe:
"Tymað nu and tiedrað, tires brucað,
mid gefean fryðo; fyllað eorðan,
eall geiceað. Eow is eðelstol
and holmes hlæst and heofonfuglas
and wildu deor on geweald geseald,
eorðe ælgrene and eacen feoh.
Næfre ge mid blode beodgereordu
unarlice eowre þicgeað,
besmiten mid synne sawldreore.
ælc hine selfa ærest begrindeð
gastes dugeðum þæra þe mid gares orde
oðrum aldor oðþringeð. Ne ðearf he þy edleane gefeon
modgeþance, ac ic monnes feorh
to slagan sece swiðor micle,
and to broðor banan, þæs þe blodgyte,
wællfyll weres wæpnum gespedeð,
morð mid mundum. Monn wæs to godes
anlicnesse ærest gesceapen.
ælc hafað magwlite metodes and engla
þara þe healdan wile halige þeawas.
Weaxað and wridað, wilna brucað,
ara on eorðan; æðelum fyllað
eowre fromcynne foldan sceatas,
teamum and tudre. Ic eow treowa þæs
mine selle, þæt ic on middangeard
næfre egorhere eft gelæde,
wæter ofer widland. Ge on wolcnum þæs
oft and gelome andgiettacen
magon sceawigan, þonne ic scurbogan
minne iewe, þæt ic monnum þas
wære gelæste, þenden woruld standeð."
ða wæs se snotra sunu Lamehes
of fere acumen flode on laste
mid his eaforum þrim, yrfes hyrde
(and heora feower wif;
nemde wæron Percoba, Olla,
Olliua, Olliuani),
wærfæst metode, wætra lafe.
Hæleð hygerofe hatene wæron,
suna Noes Sem and Cham,
Iafeð þridda. From þam gumrincum
folc geludon and gefylled wearð
eall þes middangeard monna bearnum.
ða Noe ongan niwan stefne
mid hleomagum ham staðelian
and to eorðan him ætes tilian;
won and worhte, wingeard sette,
seow sæda fela, sohte georne
þa him wlitebeorhte wæstmas brohte,
geartorhte gife, grene folde.
ða þæt geeode, þæt se eadega wer
on his wicum wearð wine druncen,
swæf symbelwerig, and him selfa sceaf
reaf of lice. Swa gerysne ne wæs,
læg þa limnacod. He lyt ongeat
þæt him on his inne swa earme gelamp,
þa him on hreðre heafodswima
on þæs halgan hofe heortan clypte.
Swiðe on slæpe sefa nearwode
þæt he ne mihte on gemynd drepen
hine handum self mid hrægle wryon
and sceome þeccan, swa gesceapu wæron
werum and wifum, siððan wuldres þegn
ussum fæder and meder fyrene sweorde
on laste beleac lifes eðel.
þa com ærest Cam in siðian,
eafora Noes, þær his aldor læg,
ferhðe forstolen. þær he freondlice
on his agenum fæder are ne wolde
gesceawian, ne þa sceonde huru
hleomagum helan, ac he hlihende
broðrum sægde, hu se beorn hine
reste on recede. Hie þa raðe stopon,
heora andwlitan in bewrigenum
under loðum listum, þæt hie leofum men
geoce gefremede; gode wæron begen,
Sem and Iafeð. ða of slæpe onbrægd
sunu Lamehes, and þa sona ongeat
þæt him cynegodum Cham ne wolde,
þa him wæs are þearf, ænige cyðan
hyldo and treowa. þæt þam halgan wæs
sar on mode, ongan þa his selfes bearn
wordum wyrgean, cwæð, he wesan sceolde
hean under heofnum, hleomaga þeow,
Cham on eorþan; him þa cwyde syððan
and his fromcynne frecne scodon.
þa nyttade Noe siððan
mid sunum sinum sidan rices
ðreohund wintra þisses lifes,
freomen æfter flode, and fiftig eac, þa he forð gewat.
Siððan his eaforan ead bryttedon,
bearna stryndon; him wæs beorht wela.
þa wearð Iafeðe geogoð afeded,
hyhtlic heorðwerod heafodmaga,
sunu and dohtra. He wæs selfa til,
heold a rice, eðeldreamas,
blæd mid bearnum, oðþæt breosta hord,
gast ellorfus gangan sceolde
to godes dome. Geomor siððan
fæder flettgesteald freondum dælde,
swæsum and gesibbum, sunu Iafeðes;
þæs teames wæs tuddor gefylled
unlytel dæl eorðan gesceafta.
Swilce Chames suno cende wurdon,
eaforan on eðle; þa yldestan
Chus and Chanan hatene wæron,
ful freolice feorh, frumbearn Chames.
Chus wæs æðelum heafodwisa,
wilna brytta and worulddugeða
broðrum sinum, botlgestreona,
fæder on laste, siððan forð gewat
Cham of lice, þa him cwealm gesceod.
Se magoræswa mægðe sinre
domas sægde, oðþæt his dogora wæs
rim aurnen. þa se rinc ageaf
eorðcunde ead, sohte oðer lif,
fæder Nebroðes. Frumbearn siððan
eafora Chuses yrfestole weold,
widmære wer, swa us gewritu secgeað,
þæt he moncynnes mæste hæfde
on þam mældagum mægen and strengo.
Se wæs Babylones bregorices fruma,
ærest æðelinga; eðelðrym onhof,
rymde and rærde. Reord wæs þa gieta
eorðbuendum an gemæne.
Swilce of Cames cneorisse woc
wermægða fela; of þam widfolce
cneorim micel cenned wæron.
þa wearð Seme suna and dohtra
on woruldrice worn afeded,
freora bearna, ær ðon frod cure
wintrum wælreste werodes aldor.
On þære mægðe wæron men tile,
þara an wæs Eber haten,
eafora Semes; of þam eorle woc
unrim þeoda, þa nu æðelingas,
ealle eorðbuend, Ebrei hatað.
Gewiton him þa eastan æhta lædan,
feoh and feorme. Folc wæs anmod;
rofe rincas sohton rumre land,
oðþæt hie becomon corðrum miclum,
folc ferende, þær hie fæstlice
æðelinga bearn, eard genamon.
Gesetton þa Sennar sidne and widne
leoda ræswan; leofum mannum
heora geardagum grene wongas,
fægre foldan, him forðwearde
on ðære dægtide duguðe wæron,
wilna gehwilces weaxende sped.
ða þær mon mænig be his mægwine,
æðeling anmod, oðerne bæd
þæs hie him to mærðe, ær seo mengeo eft
geond foldan bearm tofaran sceolde,
leoda mægðe on landsocne
burh geworhte and to beacne torr
up arærde to rodortunglum.
þæs þe hie gesohton Sennera feld,
swa þa foremeahtige folces ræswan,
þa yldestan oft and gelome
liðsum gewunedon; larum sohton
weras to weorce and to wrohtscipe,
oðþæt for wlence and for wonhygdum
cyðdon cræft heora, ceastre worhton
and to heofnum up hlædræ rærdon,
strengum stepton stænenne weall
ofer monna gemet, mærða georne,
hæleð mid honda. þa com halig god
wera cneorissa weorc sceawigan,
beorna burhfæsten, and þæt beacen somed,
þe to roderum up ræran ongunnon
Adames eaforan, and þæs unrædes
stiðferhð cyning steore gefremede,
þa he reðemod reorde gesette
eorðbuendum ungelice,
þæt hie þære spæce sped ne ahton.
þa hie gemitton mihtum spedge,
teoche æt torre, getalum myclum,
weorces wisan, ne þær wermægða
ænig wiste hwæt oðer cwæð.
Ne meahte hie gewurðan weall stænenne
up forð timbran, ac hie earmlice
heapum tohlocon, hleoðrum gedælde;
wæs oðerre æghwilc worden
mægburh fremde, siððan metod tobræd
þurh his mihta sped monna spræce.
Toforan þa on feower wegas
æðelinga bearn ungeþeode
on landsocne. Him on laste bu
stiðlic stantorr and seo steape burh
samod samworht on Sennar stod.
Weox þa under wolcnum and wriðade
mægburh Semes, oðþæt mon awoc
on þære cneorisse, cynebearna rim,
þancolmod wer, þeawum hydig.
Wurdon þam æðelinge eaforan acende,
in Babilone bearn afeded
freolicu tu, and þa frumgaran,
hæleð higerofe, hatene wæron
Abraham and Aaron; þam eorlum wæs
frea engla bam freond and aldor.
ða wearð Aarone eafora feded,
leoflic on life, ðam wæs Loth noma.
ða magorincas metode geþungon,
Abraham and Loth, unforcuðlice,
swa him from yldrum æðelu wæron
on woruldrice; forðon hie wide nu
dugeðum demað drihtfolca bearn.
þa þæs mæles wæs mearc agongen
þæt him Abraham idese brohte,
wif to hame, þær he wic ahte,
fæger and freolic. Seo fæmne wæs
Sarra haten, þæs þe us secgeað bec.
Hie þa wintra fela woruld bryttedon,
sinc ætsomne, sibbe heoldon
geara mengeo. Nohwæðre gifeðe wearð
Abrahame þa gyt þæt him yrfeweard
wlitebeorht ides on woruld brohte,
Sarra Abrahame, suna and dohtra.
Gewat him þa mid cnosle ofer Caldea folc
feran mid feorme fæder Abrahames;
snotor mid gesibbum secean wolde
Cananea land. Hine cneowmægas,
metode gecorene mid siðedon
of þære eðeltyrf, Abraham and Loth.
Him þa cynegode on Carran
æðelinga bearn eard genamon,
weras mid wifum. On þam wicum his
fæder Abrahames feorh gesealde,
wærfæst hæle; wintra hæfde
twa hundteontig, geteled rime,
and fife eac, þa he forð gewat
misserum frod metodsceaft seon.
ða se halga spræc, heofonrices weard,
to Abrahame, ece drihten:
"Gewit þu nu feran and þine fare lædan,
ceapas to cnosle. Carran ofgif,
fæder eðelstol. Far, swa ic þe hate,
monna leofost, and þu minum wel
larum hyre, and þæt land gesec
þe ic þe ælgrene ywan wille,
brade foldan. þu gebletsad scealt
on mundbyrde minre lifigan.
Gif ðe ænig eorðbuendra
mid wean greteð, ic hine wergðo on
mine sette and modhete,
longsumne nið; lisse selle,
wilna wæstme þam þe wurðiað.
þurh þe eorðbuende ealle onfoð,
folcbearn freoðo and freondscipe,
blisse minre and bletsunge
on woruldrice. Wriðende sceal
mægðe þinre monrim wesan
swiðe under swegle sunum and dohtrum,
oðþæt fromcyme folde weorðeð,
þeodlond monig þine gefylled."
Him þa Abraham gewat æhte lædan
of Egipta eðelmearce,
gumcystum god, golde and seolfre
swiðfeorm and gesælig, swa him sigora weard,
waldend usser þurh his word abead,
ceapas from Carran; sohton Cananea
lond and leodgeard. þa com leof gode
on þa eðelturf idesa lædan,
swæse gebeddan and his suhtrian
wif on willan. Wintra hæfde
fif and hundseofontig ða he faran sceolde,
Carran ofgifan and cneowmagas.
Him þa feran gewat fæder ælmihtiges
lare gemyndig land sceawian
geond þa folcsceare be frean hæse
Abraham wide, oðþæt ellenrof
to Sicem com siðe spedig,
cynne Cananeis. þa hine cyning engla
Abrahame iewde selfa,
domfæst wereda and drihten cwæð:
"þis is seo eorðe þe ic ælgrene
tudre þinum torhte wille
wæstmum gewlo on geweald don,
rume rice." þa se rinc gode
wibed worhte and þa waldende
lifes leohtfruman lac onsægde
gasta helme. Him þa gyt gewat
Abraham eastan eagum wlitan
on landa cyst, (lisse gemunde
heofonweardes gehat, þa him þurh halig word
sigora selfcyning soð gecyðde),
oðþæt drihtweras duguþum geforan
þær is botlwela Bethlem haten.
Beorn bliðemod and his broðor sunu
forð oferforan folcmæro land
eastan mid æhtum, æfæste men
weallsteapan hleoðu, and him þa wic curon
þær him wlitebeorhte wongas geþuhton.
Abraham þa oðere siðe
wibed worhte. He þær wordum god
torhtum cigde, tiber onsægde
his liffrean, (him þæs lean ageaf
nalles hneawlice þurh his hand metend),
on þam gledstyde gumcystum til.
ðær ræsbora þrage siððan
wicum wunode and wilna breac,
beorn mid bryde, oðþæt brohþrea
Cananea wearð cynne getenge,
hunger se hearda, hamsittendum,
wælgrim werum. Him þa wishydig
Abraham gewat on Egypte,
drihtne gecoren, drohtað secan,
fleah wærfæst wean; wæs þæt wite to strang.
Abraham maðelode, geseah Egypta
hornsele hwite and hea byrig
beorhte blican; ongan þa his bryd frea,
wishydig wer, wordum læran:
"Siððan Egypte eagum moton
on þinne wlite wlitan wlance monige,
þonne æðelinga eorlas wenað,
mæg ælfscieno, þæt þu min sie
beorht gebedda, þe wile beorna sum
him geagnian. Ic me onegan mæg
þæt me wraðra sum wæpnes ecge
for freondmynde feore beneote.
Saga þu, Sarra, þæt þu sie sweostor min,
lices mæge, þonne þe leodweras
fremde fricgen hwæt sie freondlufu
ellðeodigra uncer twega,
feorren cumenra. þu him fæste hel
soðan spræce; swa þu minum scealt
feore gebeorgan, gif me freoðo drihten
on woruldrice, waldend usser,
an ælmihtig, swa he ær dyde,
lengran lifes. Se us þas lade sceop,
þæt we on Egiptum are sceolde
fremena friclan and us fremu secan."
þa com ellenrof eorl siðian,
Abraham mid æhtum on Egypte,
þær him folcweras fremde wæron,
wine uncuðe. Wordum spræcon
ymb þæs wifes wlite wlonce monige,
dugeðum dealle; him drihtlicu mæg,
on wlite modgum mænegum ðuhte,
cyninges þegnum. Hie þæt cuð dydon
heora folcfrean þæt fægerro lyt
for æðelinge idesa sunnon,
ac hie Sarran swiðor micle,
wynsumne wlite wordum heredon,
oðþæt he lædan heht leoflic wif to
his selfes sele. Sinces brytta,
æðelinga helm heht Abrahame
duguðum stepan. Hwæðere drihten wearð,
frea Faraone fah and yrre
for wifmyne; þæs wraðe ongeald
hearde mid hiwum hægstealdra wyn.
Ongæt hwæðere gumena aldor
hwæt him waldend wræc witeswingum;
heht him Abraham to egesum geðreadne
brego Egipto, and his bryd ageaf,
wif to gewealde; heht him wine ceosan,
ellor æðelingas, oðre dugeðe.
Abead þa þeodcyning þegnum sinum,
ombihtscealcum, þæt hie hine arlice
ealles onsundne eft gebrohten
of þære folcsceare, þæt he on friðe wære.
ða Abraham æhte lædde
of Egypta eðelmearce;
hie ellenrofe idese feredon,
bryd and begas, þæt hie to Bethlem
on cuðe wic ceapas læddon,
eadge eorðwelan oðre siðe,
wif on willan and heora woruldgestreon.
Ongunnon him þa bytlian and heora burh ræran,
and sele settan, salo niwian.
Weras on wonge wibed setton
neah þam þe Abraham æror rærde
his waldende þa westan com.
þær se eadga eft ecan drihtnes
niwan stefne noman weorðade;
tilmodig eorl tiber onsægde
þeodne engla, þancode swiðe
lifes leohtfruman lisse and ara.
Wunedon on þam wicum, hæfdon wilna geniht
Abraham and Loth. Ead bryttedon,
oðþæt hie on þam lande ne meahton leng somed
blædes brucan and heora begra þær
æhte habban, ac sceoldon arfæste,
þa rincas þy rumor secan
ellor eðelseld. Oft wæron teonan
wærfæstra wera weredum gemæne,
heardum hearmplega. þa se halga ongan
ara gemyndig Abraham sprecan
fægre to Lothe: "Ic eom fædera þin
sibgebyrdum, þu min suhterga.
Ne sceolon unc betweonan teonan weaxan,
wroht wriðian-- ne þæt wille god!
Ac wit synt gemagas; unc gemæne ne sceal
elles awiht, nymþe eall tela
lufu langsumu. Nu þu, Loth, geþenc,
þæt unc modige ymb mearce sittað,
þeoda þrymfæste þegnum and gesiððum,
folc Cananea and Feretia,
rofum rincum. Ne willað rumor unc
landriht heora; forðon wit lædan sculon,
teon of þisse stowe, and unc staðolwangas
rumor secan. Ic ræd sprece,
bearn Arones, begra uncer,
soðne secge. Ic þe selfes dom
life, leofa. Leorna þe seolfa
and geþancmeta þine mode
on hwilce healfe þu wille hwyrft don,
cyrran mid ceape, nu ic þe cyst abead."
Him þa Loth gewat land sceawigan
be Iordane, grene eorðan.
Seo wæs wætrum weaht and wæstmum þeaht,
lagostreamum leoht, and gelic godes
neorxnawange, oðþæt nergend god
for wera synnum wylme gesealde
Sodoman and Gomorran, sweartan lige.
Him þa eard geceas and eðelsetl
sunu Arones on Sodoma byrig;
æhte sine ealle lædde,
beagas from Bethlem and botlgestreon,
welan, wunden gold. Wunode siððan
be Iordane geara mænego.
þær folcstede fægre wæron,
men arlease, metode laðe.
Wæron Sodomisc cynn synnum þriste,
dædum gedwolene; drugon heora selfra
ecne unræd. æfre ne wolde
þam leodþeawum Loth onfon,
ac he þære mægðe monwisan fleah,
þeah þe he on þam lande lifian sceolde,
facen and fyrene, and hine fægre heold,
þeawfæst and geþyldig on þam þeodscipe,
emne þon gelicost, lara gemyndig,
þe he ne cuðe hwæt þa cynn dydon.
Abraham wunode eðeleardum
Cananea forð. Hine cyning engla,
metod moncynnes mundbyrde heold,
wilna wæstmum and worulddugeðum,
lufum and lissum; forþon his lof secgað
wide under wolcnum wera cneorisse,
foldwonga bearn. He frean hyrde
estum on eðle, ðenden he eardes breac,
halig and higefrod; næfre hleowlora
æt edwihtan æfre weorðeð
feorhberendra forht and acol,
mon for metode, þe him æfter a
þurh gemynda sped mode and dædum,
worde and gewitte, wise þance,
oð his ealdorgedal oleccan wile.
ða ic aldor gefrægn Elamitarna
fromne folctogan, fyrd gebeodan,
Orlahomar; him Ambrafel
of Sennar side worulde
for on fultum. Gewiton hie feower þa
þeodcyningas þrymme micle
secan suð ðanon Sodoman and Gomorran.
þa wæs guðhergum be Iordane
wera eðelland wide geondsended,
folde feondum. Sceolde forht monig
blachleor ides bifiende gan
on fremdes fæðm; feollon wergend
bryda and beaga, bennum seoce.
Him þa togeanes mid guðþræce
fife foran folccyningas
sweotum suðon, woldon Sodome burh
wraðum werian; þa wintra XII
norðmonnum ær niede sceoldon
gombon gieldan and gafol sellan,
oðþæt þa leode leng ne woldon
Elamitarna aldor swiðan
folcgestreonum, ac him from swicon.
Foron þa tosomne (francan wæron hlude),
wraðe wælherigas. Sang se wanna fugel
under deoreðsceaftum, deawigfeðera,
hræs on wenan. Hæleð onetton
on mægencorðrum, modum þryðge,
oðþæt folcgetrume gefaren hæfdon
sid tosomne suðan and norðan,
helmum þeahte. þær wæs heard plega,
wælgara wrixl, wigcyrm micel,
hlud hildesweg. Handum brugdon
hæleð of scæðum hringmæled sweord,
ecgum dihtig. þær wæs eaðfynde
eorle orlegceap, se ðe ær ne wæs
niðes genihtsum. Norðmen wæron
suðfolcum swice; wurdon Sodomware
and Gomorre, goldes bryttan,
æt þæm lindcrodan leofum bedrorene,
fyrdgesteallum. Gewiton feorh heora
fram þam folcstyde fleame nergan,
secgum ofslegene; him on swaðe feollon
æðelinga bearn, ecgum ofþegde,
willgesiððas. Hæfde wigsigor
Elamitarna ordes wisa,
weold wælstowe. Gewat seo wæpna laf
fæsten secan. Fynd gold strudon,
ahyðdan þa mid herge hordburh wera,
Sodoman and Gomorran, þa sæl ageald,
mære ceastra. Mægð siðedon,
fæmnan and wuduwan, freondum beslægene,
from hleowstole. Hettend læddon
ut mid æhtum Abrahames mæg
of Sodoma byrig. We þæt soð magon
secgan furður, hwelc siððan wearð
æfter þæm gehnæste herewulfa sið,
þara þe læddon Loth and leoda god,
suðmonna sinc, sigore gulpon.
Him þa secg hraðe gewat siðian,
an gara laf, se ða guðe genæs,
Abraham secan. Se þæt orlegweorc
þam Ebriscan eorle gecyðde,
forslegen swiðe Sodoma folc,
leoda duguðe and Lothes sið.
þa þæt inwitspell Abraham sægde
freondum sinum; bæd him fultumes
wærfæst hæleð willgeðoftan,
Aner and Manre, Escol þriddan,
cwæð þæt him wære weorce on mode,
sorga sarost, þæt his suhtriga
þeownyd þolode; bæd him þræcrofe
þa rincas þæs ræd ahicgan,
þæt his hyldemæg ahreded wurde,
beorn mid bryde. Him þa broðor þry
æt spræce þære spedum miclum
hældon hygesorge heardum wordum,
ellenrofe, and Abrahame
treowa sealdon, þæt hie his torn mid him
gewræcon on wraðum, oððe on wæl feollan.
þa se halga heht his heorðwerod
wæpna onfon. He þær wigena fand,
æscberendra, XVIII
and CCC eac þeodenholdra,
þara þe he wiste þæt meahte wel æghwylc
on fyrd wegan fealwe linde.
Him þa Abraham gewat and þa eorlas þry
þe him ær treowe sealdon mid heora folcgetrume;
wolde his mæg huru,
Loth alynnan of laðscipe.
Rincas wæron rofe, randas wægon
forð fromlice on foldwege.
Hildewulfas herewicum neh
gefaren hæfdon. þa he his frumgaran,
wishydig wer, wordum sægde,
þares afera, him wæs þearf micel
þæt hie on twa healfe
grimme guðgemot gystum eowdon
heardne handplegan; cwæð þæt him se halga,
ece drihten, eaðe mihte
æt þam spereniðe spede lænan.
þa ic neðan gefrægn under nihtscuwan
hæleð to hilde. Hlyn wearð on wicum
scylda and sceafta, sceotendra fyll,
guðflana gegrind; gripon unfægre
under sceat werum scearpe garas,
and feonda feorh feollon ðicce,
þær hlihende huðe feredon
secgas and gesiððas. Sigor eft ahwearf
of norðmonna niðgeteone,
æsctir wera. Abraham sealde
wig to wedde, nalles wunden gold,
for his suhtrigan, sloh and fylde
feond on fitte. Him on fultum grap
heofonrices weard. Hergas wurdon
feower on fleame, folccyningas,
leode ræswan. Him on laste stod
hihtlic heorðwerod, and hæleð lagon,
on swaðe sæton, þa þe Sodoma
and Gomorra golde berofan,
bestrudon stigwitum. Him þæt stiðe geald
fædera Lothes. Fleonde wæron
Elamitarna aldorduguðe
dome bedrorene, oðþæt hie Domasco
unfeor wæron. Gewat him Abraham ða
on þa wigrode wiðertrod seon
laðra monna. Loth wæs ahreded,
eorl mid æhtum, idesa hwurfon,
wif on willan. Wide gesawon
freora feorhbanan fuglas slitan
on ecgwale. Abraham ferede
suðmonna eft sinc and bryda,
æðelinga bearn, oðle nior,
mægeð heora magum. Næfre mon ealra
lifigendra her lytle werede
þon wurðlicor wigsið ateah,
þara þe wið swa miclum mægne geræsde.
þa wæs suð þanon Sodoma folce
guðspell wegen, hwelc gromra wearð
feonda fromlad. Gewat him frea leoda,
eorlum bedroren, Abraham secan,
freonda feasceaft. Him ferede mid
Solomia sinces hyrde;
þæt wæs se mæra Melchisedec,
leoda bisceop. Se mid lacum com
fyrdrinca fruman fægre gretan,
Abraham arlice, and him on sette
godes bletsunge, and swa gyddode:
"Wæs ðu gewurðod on wera rime
for þæs eagum þe ðe æsca tir
æt guðe forgeaf! þæt is god selfa,
se ðe hettendra herga þrymmas
on geweald gebræc, and þe wæpnum læt
rancstræte forð rume wyrcan,
huðe ahreddan and hæleð fyllan.
On swaðe sæton; ne meahton siðwerod
guðe spowan, ac hie god flymde,
se ðe æt feohtan mid frumgarum
wið ofermægnes egsan sceolde
handum sinum, and halegu treow,
seo þu wið rodora weard rihte healdest."
Him þa se beorn bletsunga lean
þurh hand ageaf, and þæs hereteames
ealles teoðan sceat Abraham sealde
godes bisceope. þa spræc guðcyning,
Sodoma aldor, secgum befylled,
to Abrahame (him wæs ara þearf).
"Forgif me mennen minra leoda,
þe þu ahreddest herges cræftum
wera wælclommum! Hafa þe wunden gold
þæt ær agen wæs ussum folce,
feoh and frætwa! Læt me freo lædan
eft on eðel æðelinga bearn,
on weste wic wif and cnihtas,
earme wydewan! Eaforan syndon deade,
folcgesiðas, nymðe fea ane,
þe me mid sceoldon mearce healdan."
Him þa Abraham andswarode
ædre for eorlum, elne gewurðod,
dome and sigore, drihtlice spræc:
"Ic þe gehate, hæleða waldend,
for þam halgan, þe heofona is
and þisse eorðan agendfrea,
wordum minum, nis woruldfeoh,
þe ic me agan wille,
sceat ne scilling, þæs ic on sceotendum,
þeoden mæra, þines ahredde,
æðelinga helm, þy læs þu eft cweðe
þæt ic wurde, willgesteallum,
eadig on eorðan ærgestreonum
Sodoma rices; ac þu selfa most heonon
huðe lædan, þe ic þe æt hilde gesloh,
ealle buton dæle þissa drihtwera,
Aneres and Mamres and Escoles.
Nelle ic þa rincas rihte benæman,
ac hie me fulleodon æt æscþræce,
fuhton þe æfter frofre. Gewit þu ferian nu
ham hyrsted gold and healsmægeð,
leoda idesa. þu þe laðra ne þearft
hæleða hildþræce hwile onsittan,
norðmanna wig; ac nefuglas
under beorhhleoþum blodige sittað,
þeodherga wæle þicce gefylled."
Gewat him þa se healdend ham siðian
mid þy hereteame þe him se halga forgeaf,
Ebrea leod arna gemyndig.
þa gen Abrahame eowde selfa
heofona heahcyning halige spræce,
trymede tilmodigne and him to reordode:
"Meda syndon micla þina! Ne læt þu þe þin mod asealcan,
wærfæst willan mines! Ne þearft þu þe wiht ondrædan,
þenden þu mine lare læstest, ac ic þe lifigende her
wið weana gehwam wreo and scylde
folmum minum; ne þearft þu forht wesan."
Abraham þa andswarode,
dædrof drihtne sinum, frægn hine dægrime frod:
"Hwæt gifest þu me, gasta waldend,
freomanna to frofre, nu ic þus feasceaft eom?
Ne þearf ic yrfestol eaforan bytlian
ænegum minra, ac me æfter sculon
mine woruldmagas welan bryttian.
Ne sealdest þu me sunu; forðon mec sorg dreceð
on sefan swiðe. Ic sylf ne mæg
ræd ahycgan. Gæð gerefa min
fægen freobearnum; fæste mynteð
ingeþancum þæt me æfter sie
eaforan sine yrfeweardas.
Geseoð þæt me of bryde bearn ne wocon."
Him þa ædre god andswarode:
"Næfre gerefan rædað þine
eafora yrfe, ac þin agen bearn
frætwa healdeð, þonne þin flæsc ligeð.
Sceawa heofon, and hyrste gerim,
rodores tungel, þa nu rume heora
wuldorfæstne wlite wide dælað
ofer brad brymu beorhte scinan.
Swilc bið mægburge menigo þinre
folcbearnum frome. Ne læt þu þin ferhð wesan
sorgum asæled. Gien þe sunu weorðeð,
bearn of bryde þurh gebyrd cumen,
se ðe æfter bið yrfes hyrde,
gode mære. Ne geomra þu!
Ic eom se waldend se þe for wintra fela
of Caldea ceastre alædde,
feowera sumne, gehet þe folcstede
wide to gewealde. Ic þe wære nu,
mago Ebrea, mine selle,
þæt sceal fromcynne folde þine,
sidland manig, geseted wurðan,
eorðan sceatas oð Eufraten,
and from Egypta eðelmearce
swa mid niðas swa Nilus sceadeð
and eft Wendelsæ wide rice.
Eall þæt sculon agan eaforan þine,
þeodlanda gehwilc, swa þa þreo wæter
steape stanbyrig streamum bewindað,
famige flodas folcmægða byht."
þa wæs Sarran sar on mode,
þæt him Abrahame ænig ne wearð
þurh gebedscipe bearn gemæne,
freolic to frofre. Ongann þa ferhðcearig
to were sinum wordum mæðlan:
"Me þæs forwyrnde waldend heofona,
þæt ic mægburge moste þinre
rim miclian roderum under
eaforum þinum. Nu ic eom orwena
þæt unc se eðylstæf æfre weorðe
gifeðe ætgædere. Ic eom geomorfrod!
Drihten min, do swa ic þe bidde!
Her is fæmne, freolecu mæg,
ides Egyptisc, an on gewealde.
Hat þe þa recene reste gestigan,
and afanda hwæðer frea wille
ænigne þe yrfewearda
on woruld lætan þurh þæt wif cuman."
þa se eadega wer idese larum
geðafode, heht him þeowmennen
on bedd gan bryde larum.
Hire mod astah þa heo wæs magotimbre
be Abrahame eacen worden.
Ongan æfþancum agendfrean
halsfæst herian, higeþryðe wæg,
wæs laðwendo, lustum ne wolde
þeowdom þolian, ac heo þriste ongan
wið Sarran swiðe winnan.
þa ic þæt wif gefrægn wordum cyðan
hire mandrihtne modes sorge,
sarferhð sægde and swiðe cwæð:
"Ne fremest þu gerysnu and riht wið me.
þafodest þu gena þæt me þeowmennen,
siððan Agar ðe, idese laste,
beddreste gestah, swa ic bena wæs,
drehte dogora gehwam dædum and wordum
unarlice. þæt Agar sceal ongieldan,
gif ic mot for þe mine wealdan,
Abraham leofa. þæs sie ælmihtig,
drihtna drihten, dema mid unc twih."
Hire þa ædre andswarode
wishidig wer wordum sinum:
"Ne forlæte ic þe, þenden wit lifiað bu,
arna lease, ac þu þin agen most
mennen ateon, swa þin mod freoð."
ða wearð unbliðe Abrahames cwen,
hire worcþeowe wrað on mode,
heard and hreðe, higeteonan spræc
fræcne on fæmnan. Heo þa fleon gewat
þrea and þeowdom; þolian ne wolde
yfel and ondlean, þæs ðe ær dyde
to Sarran, ac heo on sið gewat
westen secan. þær hie wuldres þegn,
engel drihtnes an gemitte
geomormode, se hie georne frægn:
"Hwider fundast þu, feasceaft ides,
siðas dreogan? þec Sarre ah."
Heo him ædre andswarode:
"Ic fleah wean, wana wilna gehwilces,
hlæfdigan hete, hean of wicum,
tregan and teonan. Nu sceal tearighleor
on westenne witodes bidan,
hwonne of heortan hunger oððe wulf
sawle and sorge somed abregde."
Hire þa se engel andswarode:
"Ne ceara þu feor heonon fleame dælan
somwist incre, ac þu sece eft,
earna þe ara, eaðmod ongin
dreogan æfter dugeðum, wes drihtenhold.
þu scealt, Agar, Abrahame sunu
on woruld bringan. Ic þe wordum nu
minum secge, þæt se magorinc sceal
mid yldum wesan Ismahel haten.
Se bið unhyre, orlæggifre,
and wiðerbreca wera cneorissum,
magum sinum; hine monige on
wraðe winnað mid wæpenþræce.
Of þam frumgaran folc awæcniað,
þeod unmæte. Gewit þu þinne eft
waldend secan; wuna þæm þe agon!"
Heo þa ædre gewat engles larum
hire hlafordum, swa se halga bebead,
godes ærendgast, gleawan spræce.
þa wearð Abrahame Ismael geboren,
efne þa he on worulde wintra hæfde
VI and LXXX. Sunu weox and ðah,
swa se engel ær þurh his agen word,
fæle freoðoscealc, fæmnan sægde.
þa se ðeoden ymb XIII gear,
ece drihten, wið Abrahame spræc:
"Leofa, swa ic þe lære, læst uncre wel
treowrædenne! Ic þe on tida gehwone
duguðum stepe. Wes þu dædum from
willan mines! Ic þa wære forð
soðe gelæste, þe ic þe sealde geo
frofre to wedde, þæs þin ferhð bemearn.
þu scealt halgian hired þinne.
Sete sigores tacn soð on gehwilcne
wæpnedcynnes, gif þu wille on me
hlaford habban oððe holdne freond
þinum fromcynne. Ic þæs folces beo
hyrde and healdend, gif ge hyrað me
breostgehygdum and bebodu willað
min fullian. Sceal monna gehwilc
þære cneorisse cildisc wesan
wæpnedcynnes, þæs þe on woruld cymð,
ymb seofon niht sigores tacne
geagnod me, oððe of eorðan
þurh feondscipe feor adæled,
adrifen from duguðum. Doð swa ic hate!
Ic eow treowige, gif ge þæt tacen gegaþ
soðgeleafan. þu scealt sunu agan,
bearn be bryde þinre, þone sculon burhsittende
ealle Isaac hatan. Ne þearf þe þæs eaforan sceomigan,
ac ic þam magorince mine sylle
godcunde gife gastes mihtum,
freondsped fremum. He onfon sceal
blisse minre and bletsunge,
lufan and lisse. Of þam leodfruman
brad folc cumað, bregowearda fela
rofe arisað, rices hyrdas,
woruldcyningas wide mære."
Abraham ða ofestum legde
hleor on eorðan, and mid hucse bewand
þa hleoðorcwydas on hige sinum,
modgeðance. He þæs mældæges
self ne wende þæt him Sarra,
bryd blondenfeax bringan meahte
on woruld sunu; wiste gearwe
þæt þæt wif huru wintra hæfde
efne C, geteled rimes.
He þa metode oncwæð missarum frod:
"Lifge Ismael larum swilce,
þeoden, þinum, and þe þanc wege,
heardrædne hyge, heortan strange,
to dreoganne dæges and nihtes
wordum and dædum willan þinne."
Him þa fægere frea ælmihtig,
ece drihten, andswarode:
"þe sceal wintrum frod on woruld bringan
Sarra sunu, soð forð gan
wyrd æfter þissum wordgemearcum.
Ic Ismael estum wille
bletsian nu, swa þu bena eart
þinum frumbearne, þæt feorhdaga
on woruldrice worn gebide,
tanum tudre. þu þæs tiða beo!
Hwæðre ic Isace, eaforan þinum,
geongum bearne, þam þe gen nis
on woruld cumen, willa spedum
dugeða gehwilcre on dagum wille
swiðor stepan and him soðe to
modes wære mine gelæstan,
halige higetreowa, and him hold wesan."
Abraham fremede swa him se eca bebead,
sette friðotacen be frean hæse
on his selfes sunu, heht þæt segn wegan
heah gehwilcne, þe his hina wæs
wæpnedcynnes, wære gemyndig,
gleaw on mode, ða him god sealde
soðe treowa, and þa seolf onfeng
torhtum tacne. A his tir metod,
domfæst cyning, dugeðum iecte
on woruldrice; he him þæs worhte to,
siððan he on fære furðum meahte
his waldendes willan fremman.
þa þæt wif ahloh wereda drihtnes
nalles glædlice, ac heo gearum frod
þone hleoðorcwyde husce belegde
on sefan swiðe. Soð ne gelyfde,
þæt þære spræce sped folgode.
þa þæt gehyrde heofona waldend,
þæt on bure ahof bryd Abrahames
hihtleasne hleahtor, þa cwæð halig god:
"Ne wile Sarran soð gelyfan
wordum minum. Sceal seo wyrd swa þeah
forð steallian swa ic þe æt frymðe gehet.
Soð ic þe secge, on þas sylfan tid
of idese bið eafora wæcned.
þonne ic þas ilcan oðre siðe
wic gesece, þe beoð wordgehat
min gelæsted. þu on magan wlitest,
þin agen bearn, Abraham leofa!"
Gewiton him þa ædre ellorfuse
æfter þære spræce spedum feran
of þam hleoðorstede, halige gastas,
lastas legdon, (him wæs Lothes mæg
sylfa on gesiððe), oðþæt hie on Sodoman,
weallsteape burg, wlitan meahton.
Gesawon ofer since salo hlifian,
reced ofer readum golde. Ongan þa rodera waldend,
arfæst wið Abraham sprecan, sægde him unlytel spell:
"Ic on þisse byrig bearhtm gehyre,
synnigra cyrm swiðe hludne,
ealogalra gylp, yfele spræce
werod under weallum habban; forþon wærlogona sint,
folces firena hefige. Ic wille fandigan nu,
mago Ebrea, hwæt þa men don,
gif hie swa swiðe synna fremmað
þeawum and geþancum, swa hie on þweorh sprecað
facen and inwit; þæt sceal fyr wrecan,
swefyl and sweart lig sare and grimme,
hat and hæste hæðnum folce."
Weras basnedon witelaces,
wean under weallum, and heora wif somed.
Duguðum wlance drihtne guldon
god mid gnyrne, oðþæt gasta helm,
lifes leohtfruma leng ne wolde
torn þrowigean, ac him to sende
stiðmod cyning strange twegen
aras sine, þa on æfentid
siðe gesohton Sodoma ceastre.
Hie þa æt burhgeate beorn gemitton
sylfne sittan sunu Arones,
þæt þam gleawan were geonge þuhton
men for his eagum. Aras þa metodes þeow
gastum togeanes, gretan eode
cuman cuðlice, cynna gemunde
riht and gerisno, and þam rincum bead
nihtfeormunge. Him þa nergendes
æðele ærendracan andswarodon:
"Hafa arna þanc, þara þe þu unc bude!
Wit be þisse stræte stille þencað
sæles bidan, siððan sunnan eft
forð to morgen metod up forlæt."
þa to fotum Loth
þam giestum hnah, and him georne bead
reste and gereorda and his recedes hleow
and þegnunge. Hie on þanc curon
æðelinges est, eodon sona,
swa him se Ebrisca eorl wisade,
in undor edoras. þær him se æðela geaf,
gleawferhð hæle, giestliðnysse
fægre on flette, oðþæt forð gewat
æfenscima. þa com æfter niht
on last dæge. Lagustreamas wreah,
þrym mid þystro þisses lifes,
sæs and sidland. Comon Sodomware,
geonge and ealde, gode unleofe
corðrum miclum cuman acsian,
þæt hie behæfdon herges mægne
Loth mid giestum. Heton lædan ut
of þam hean hofe halige aras,
weras to gewealde, wordum cwædon
þæt mid þam hæleðum hæman wolden
unscomlice, arna ne gymden.
þa aras hraðe, se ðe oft ræd ongeat,
Loth on recede, eode lungre ut,
spræc þa ofer ealle æðelinga gedriht
sunu Arones, snytra gemyndig:
"Her syndon inne unwemme twa
dohtor mine. Doð, swa ic eow bidde
(ne can þara idesa owðer gieta
þurh gebedscipe beorna neawest)
and geswicað þære synne. Ic eow sylle þa,
ær ge sceonde wið gesceapu fremmen,
ungifre yfel ylda bearnum.
Onfoð þæm fæmnum, lætað frið agon
gistas mine, þa ic for gode wille
gemundbyrdan, gif ic mot, for eow."
Him þa seo mænigeo þurh gemæne word,
arlease cyn, andswarode:
"þis þinceð gerisne and riht micel,
þæt þu ðe aferige of þisse folcsceare.
þu þas werðeode wræccan laste
freonda feasceaft feorran gesohtest,
wineþearfende. Wilt ðu, gif þu most,
wesan usser her aldordema,
leodum lareow?" þa ic on Lothe gefrægn
hæðne heremæcgas handum gripan,
faum folmum. Him fylston wel
gystas sine, and hine of gromra þa,
cuman arfæste, clommum abrugdon
in under edoras, and þa ofstlice
anra gehwilcum ymbstandendra
folces Sodoma fæste forsæton
heafodsiena. Wearð eal here sona
burhwarena blind. Abrecan ne meahton
reðemode reced æfter gistum,
swa hie fundedon, ac þær frome wæron
godes spellbodan. Hæfde gistmægen
stiðe strengeo, styrnde swiðe
werode mid wite. Spræcon wordum þa
fæle freoðoscealcas fægre to Lothe:
"Gif þu sunu age oððe swæsne mæg,
oððe on þissum folcum freond ænigne
eac þissum idesum þe we her on wlitað,
alæde of þysse leodbyrig, þa ðe leofe sien,
ofestum miclum, and þin ealdor nere,
þy læs þu forweorðe mid þyssum wærlogan.
Unc hit waldend heht for wera synnum
Sodoma and Gomorra sweartan lige,
fyre gesyllan and þas folc slean,
cynn on ceastrum mid cwealmþrea
and his torn wrecan. þære tide is
neah geþrungen. Gewit þu nergean þin
feorh foldwege. þe is frea milde."
Him þa ædre Loth andswarode:
"Ne mæg ic mid idesum aldornere mine
swa feor heonon feðegange
siðe gesecan. Git me sibblufan
and freondscipe fægre cyðað,
treowe and hyldo tiðiað me.
Ic wat hea burh her ane neah,
lytle ceastre. Lyfað me þær
are and reste, þæt we aldornere
on Sigor up secan moten.
Gif git þæt fæsten fyre willað
steape forstandan, on þære stowe we
gesunde magon sæles bidan,
feorh generigan." Him þa freondlice
englas arfæste andswaredon:
"þu scealt þære bene, nu þu ymb þa burh sprycest,
tiða weorðan. Teng recene to
þam fæstenne; wit þe friðe healdað
and mundbyrde. Ne moton wyt
on wærlogum wrecan torn godes,
swebban synnig cynn, ær ðon þu on Sægor þin
bearn gelæde and bryd somed."
þa onette Abrahames mæg
to þam fæstenne. Feðe ne sparode
eorl mid idesum, ac he ofstum forð
lastas legde, oðþæt he gelædde
bryd mid bearnum under burhlocan
in Sægor his. þa sunne up,
folca friðcandel, furðum eode,
þa ic sendan gefrægn swegles aldor
swefl of heofnum and sweartne lig
werum to wite, weallende fyr,
þæs hie on ærdagum drihten tyndon
lange þrage. Him þæs lean forgeald
gasta waldend! Grap heahþrea
on hæðencynn. Hlynn wearð on ceastrum,
cirm arleasra cwealmes on ore,
laðan cynnes. Lig eall fornam
þæt he grenes fond goldburgum in,
swylce þær ymbutan unlytel dæl
sidre foldan geondsended wæs
bryne and brogan. Bearwas wurdon
to axan and to yslan, eorðan wæstma,
efne swa wide swa ða witelac
reðe geræhton rum land wera.
Strudende fyr steapes and geapes,
swogende leg, forswealh eall geador
þæt on Sodoma byrig secgas ahton
and on Gomorra. Eall þæt god spilde,
frea mid þy folce. þa þæt fyrgebræc,
leoda lifgedal, Lothes gehyrde
bryd on burgum, under bæc beseah
wið þæs wælfylles. Us gewritu secgað
þæt heo on sealtstanes sona wurde
anlicnesse. æfre siððan
se monlica (þæt is mære spell)
stille wunode, þær hie strang begeat
wite, þæs heo wordum wuldres þegna
hyran ne wolde. Nu sceal heard and steap
on þam wicum wyrde bidan,
drihtnes domes, hwonne dogora rim,
woruld gewite. þæt is wundra sum,
þara ðe geworhte wuldres aldor.
Him þa Abraham gewat ana gangan
mid ærdæge þæt he eft gestod
þær wordum ær wið his waldend spræc
frod frumgara. He geseah from foldan up
wide fleogan wælgrimne rec.
Hie þæs wlenco onwod and wingedrync
þæt hie firendæda to frece wurdon,
synna þriste, soð ofergeaton,
drihtnes domas, and hwa him dugeða forgeaf,
blæd on burgum. Forþon him brego engla
wylmhatne lig to wræce sende.
Waldend usser gemunde wærfæst þa
Abraham arlice, swa he oft dyde
leofne mannan. Loth generede,
mæg þæs oðres, þa seo mænegeo forwearð.
Ne dorste þa dædrof hæle
for frean egesan on þam fæstenne
leng eardigean, ac him Loth gewat
of byrig gangan and his bearn somed
wælstowe fyrr wic sceawian,
oðþæt hie be hliðe heare dune
eorðscræf fundon. þær se eadega Loth
wærfæst wunode, waldende leof,
dægrimes worn and his dohtor twa.
Hie dydon swa; druncnum eode
seo yldre to ær on reste
heora bega fæder. Ne wiste blondenfeax
hwonne him fæmnan to bryde him bu wæron,
on ferhðcofan fæste genearwod
mode and gemynde, þæt he mægða sið
wine druncen gewitan ne meahte.
Idesa wurdon eacne, eaforan brohtan
willgesweostor on woruld sunu
heora ealdan fæder. þara æðelinga
modor oðerne Moab nemde,
Lothes dohter, seo on life wæs
wintrum yldre. Us gewritu secgeað,
godcunde bec, þæt seo gingre
hire agen bearn Ammon hete.
Of þam frumgarum folces unrim,
þrymfæste twa þeoda awocon.
Oðre þara mægða Moabitare
eorðbuende ealle hatað,
widmære cynn, oðre weras nemnað,
æðelinga bearn, Ammonitare.
Gewat him þa mid bryde broðor Arones
under Abimelech æhte lædan
mid his hiwum. Hæleðum sægde
þæt Sarra his sweostor wære,
Abraham wordum (bearh his aldre),
þy he wiste gearwe þæt he winemaga,
on folce lyt freonda hæfde.
þa se þeoden his þegnas sende,
heht hie bringan to him selfum.
þa wæs ellþeodig oðre siðe
wif Abrahames from were læded
on fremdes fæðm. Him þær fylste þa
ece drihten, swa he oft dyde,
nergend usser. Com nihtes self,
þær se waldend læg wine druncen.
Ongan þa soðcyning þurh swefn sprecan
to þam æðelinge and him yrre hweop:
"þu Abrahames idese gename,
bryde æt beorne. þe abregdan sceal
for þære dæde deað of breostum
sawle þine." Him symbelwerig
sinces brytta þurh slæp oncwæð:
"Hwæt, þu æfre, engla þeoden,
þurh þin yrre wilt aldre lætan,
heah beheowan, þæne þe her leofað
rihtum þeawum, bið on ræde fæst,
modgeþance, and him miltse
to þe seceð? Me sægde ær
þæt wif hire wordum selfa
unfricgendum, þæt heo Abrahames
sweostor wære. Næbbe ic synne wið hie,
facna ænig gefremed gena."
Him þa ædre eft ece drihten,
soðfæst metod, þurh þæt swefn oncwæð:
"Agif Abrahame idese sine,
wif to gewealde, gif þu on worulde leng,
æðelinga helm, aldres recce.
He is god and gleaw, mæg self wið god sprecan,
geseon sweglcyning. þu sweltan scealt
mid feo and mid feorme, gif ðu þam frumgaran
bryde wyrnest. He abiddan mæg,
gif he ofstum me ærendu wile
þeawfæst and geþyldig þin abeodan,
þæt ic þe lissa lifigendum giet
on dagum læte duguþa brucan
sinces gesundne." þa slæpe tobrægd
forht folces weard. Heht him fetigean to
gesprecan sine, spedum sægde
eorlum Abimeleh, egesan geðread,
waldendes word. Weras him ondredon
for þære dæde drihtnes handa
sweng æfter swefne. Heht sylf cyning
him þa Abraham to ofstum miclum.
þa reordode rice þeoden:
"Mago Ebrea, þæs þu me wylle
wordum secgean, hu geworhte ic þæt,
siððan þu usic under, Abraham, þine
on þas eðelturf æhta læddest,
þæt þu me þus swiðe searo renodest?
þu ellþeodig usic woldest
on þisse folcsceare facne besyrwan,
synnum besmitan, sægdest wordum
þæt Sarra þin sweostor wære,
lices mæge, woldest laðlice
þurh þæt wif on me wrohte alecgean,
ormæte yfel. We þe arlice
gefeormedon, and þe freondlice
on þisse werþeode wic getæhton,
land to lissum. þu us leanast nu,
unfreondlice fremena þancast!"
Abraham þa andswarode:
"Ne dyde ic for facne ne for feondscipe
ne for wihte þæs ic þe wean uðe.
Ac ic me, gumena baldor, guðbordes sweng
leodmagum feor lare gebearh,
siððan me se halga of hyrde frean,
mines fæder fyrn alædde.
Ic fela siððan folca gesohte,
wina uncuðra, and þis wif mid me,
freonda feasceaft. Ic þæs færes a
on wenum sæt hwonne me wraðra sum
ellþeodigne aldre beheowe,
se ðe him þas idese eft agan wolde.
Forðon ic wigsmiðum wordum sægde
þæt Sarra min sweostor wære
æghwær eorðan þær wit earda leas
mid wealandum winnan sceoldon.
Ic þæt ilce dreah on þisse eðyltyrf,
siððan ic þina, þeoden mæra,
mundbyrde geceas. Ne wæs me on mode cuð,
hwæðer on þyssum folce frean ælmihtiges
egesa wære, þa ic her ærest com.
Forþon ic þegnum þinum dyrnde
and sylfum þe swiðost micle
soðan spræce, þæt me Sarra
bryde laste beddreste gestah."
þa ongan Abimæleh Abraham swiðan
woruldgestreonum and him his wif ageaf.
Sealde him to bote, þæs þe he his bryd genam,
gangende feoh and glæd seolfor
and weorcþeos. Spræc þa wordum eac
to Abrahame æðelinga helm:
"wuna mid usic and þe wic geceos
on þissum lande þær þe leofost sie,
eðelstowe, þe ic agan sceal.
Wes us fæle freond, we ðe feoh syllað!"
Cwæð þa eft raðe oðre worde
to Sarran sinces brytta:
"Ne þearf ðe on edwit Abraham settan,
ðin freadrihten, þæt þu flettpaðas,
mæg ælfscieno, mine træde,
ac him hygeteonan hwitan seolfre
deope bete. Ne ceara incit duguða
of ðisse eðyltyrf ellor secan,
winas uncuðe, ac wuniað her."
Abraham fremede swa hine his aldor heht,
onfeng freondscipe be frean hæse,
lufum and lissum. He wæs leof gode.
Forðon he sibbe gesælig dreah
and his scippende under sceade gefor,
hleowfeðrum þeaht, her þenden lifde.
þa gien wæs yrre god Abimelehe
for þære synne þe he wið Sarrai
and wið Abrahame ær gefremede,
þa he gedælde him deore twa,
wif and wæpned. He þæs weorc gehleat,
frecne wite. Ne meahton freo ne þeowe
heora bregoweardas bearnum ecan
monrim mægeð, ac him þæt metod forstod,
oðþæt se halga his hlaforde
Abraham ongan arna biddan
ecne drihten. Him engla helm
getigðode, tuddorsped onleac
folccyninge freora and þeowra,
wera and wifa; let weaxan eft
heora rimgetel rodora waldend,
ead and æhta. ælmihtig wearð
milde on mode, moncynnes weard,
Abimeleche, swa hine Abraham bæd.
þa com feran frea ælmihtig
to Sarrai, swa he self gecwæð,
waldend usser, hæfde wordbeot
leofum gelæsted, lifes aldor
eaforan and idese. Abrahame woc
bearn of bryde, þone brego engla,
ær ðy magotudre modor wære
eacen be eorle, Isaac nemde.
Hine Abraham on mid his agene hand
beacen sette, swa him bebead metod,
wuldortorht ymb wucan, þæs þe hine on woruld
to moncynne modor brohte.
Cniht weox and þag, swa him cynde wæron
æðele from yldrum. Abraham hæfde
wintra hundteontig þa him wif sunu
on þanc gebær. He þæs ðrage bad,
siððan him ærest þurh his agen word
þone dægwillan drihten bodode.
þa seo wyrd gewearð þæt þæt wif geseah
for Abrahame Ismael plegan,
ðær hie æt swæsendum sæton bu tu,
halig on hige, and heora hiwan eall,
druncon and drymdon. þa cwæð drihtlecu mæg,
bryd to beorne: "Forgif me, beaga weard,
min swæs frea, hat siðian
Agar ellor and Ismael
lædan mid hie! Ne beoð we leng somed
willum minum, gif ic wealdan mot.
Næfre Ismael wið Isace,
wið min agen bearn yrfe dæleð
on laste þe, þonne þu of lice
aldor asendest." þa wæs Abrahame
weorce on mode þæt he on wræc drife
his selfes sunu, þa com soð metod
freom on fultum, wiste ferhð guman
cearum on clommum. Cyning engla spræc
to Abrahame, ece drihten:
"Læt þe aslupan sorge of breostum,
modgewinnan, and mægeð hire,
bryde þinre! Hat bu tu aweg
Agar feran and Ismael,
cniht of cyððe! Ic his cynn gedo
brad and bresne bearna tudre,
wæstmum spedig, swa ic þe wordum gehet."
þa se wer hyrde his waldende,
draf of wicum dreorigmod tu,
idese of earde and his agen bearn.
"Sweotol is and gesene þæt þe soð metod
on gesiððe is, swegles aldor,
se ðe sigor seleð snytru mihtum
and þin mod trymeð,
godcundum gifum. Forðon ðe giena speow,
þæs þu wið freond oððe feond fremman ongunne
wordum oððe dædum. Waldend scufeð,
frea on forðwegas folmum sinum
willan þinne. þæt is wide cuð
burhsittendum. Ic þe bidde nu,
wine Ebrea, wordum minum,
þæt þu tilmodig treowa selle,
wæra þina, þæt þu wille me
wesan fæle freond fremena to leane,
þara þe ic to duguðum ðe gedon hæbbe,
siððan ðu feasceaft feorran come
on þas werþeode wræccan laste.
Gyld me mid hyldo, þæt ic þe hneaw ne wæs
landes and lissa. Wes þissum leodum nu
and mægburge minre arfæst,
gif þe alwalda, ure drihten,
scirian wille, se ðe gesceapu healdeð,
þæt þu randwigum rumor mote
on ðisse folcsceare frætwa dælan,
modigra gestreon, mearce settan."
ða Abraham Abimelehe
wære sealde þæt he wolde swa.
Siððan wæs se eadega eafora þares
in Filistea folce eardfæst,
leod Ebrea lange þrage,
feasceaft mid fremdum. Him frea engla
wic getæhte þæt weras hatað
burhsittende Bersabea lond.
ðær se halga heahsteap reced,
burh timbrede and bearo sette,
weobedd worhte, and his waldende
on þam glædstede gild onsægde,
lac geneahe, þam þe lif forgeaf,
gesæliglic swegle under.
þa þæs rinces se rica ongan
cyning costigan, cunnode georne
hwilc þæs æðelinges ellen wære,
stiðum wordum spræc him stefne to:
"Gewit þu ofestlice, Abraham, feran,
lastas lecgan and þe læde mid
þin agen bearn. þu scealt Isaac me
onsecgan, sunu ðinne, sylf to tibre.
Siððan þu gestigest steape dune,
hrincg þæs hean landes, þe ic þe heonon getæce,
up þinum agnum fotum, þær þu scealt ad gegærwan,
bælfyr bearne þinum, and blotan sylf
sunu mid sweordes ecge, and þonne sweartan lige
leofes lic forbærnan and me lac bebeodan."
Ne forsæt he þy siðe, ac sona ongann
fysan to fore. Him wæs frean engla
word ondrysne and his waldend leof.
þa se eadga Abraham sine
nihtreste ofgeaf. Nalles nergendes
hæse wiðhogode, ac hine se halga wer
gyrde grægan sweorde, cyðde þæt him gasta weardes
egesa on breostum wunode. Ongan þa his esolas bætan
gamolferhð goldes brytta, heht hine geonge twegen
men mid siðian. Mæg wæs his agen þridda
and he feorða sylf. þa he fus gewat
from his agenum hofe Isaac lædan,
bearn unweaxen, swa him bebead metod.
Efste þa swiðe and onette
forð foldwege, swa him frea tæhte
wegas ofer westen, oðþæt wuldortorht,
dæges þriddan up ofer deop wæter
ord aræmde. þa se eadega wer
geseah hlifigan hea dune
swa him sægde ær swegles aldor.
ða Abraham spræc to his ombihtum:
"Rincas mine, restað incit
her on þissum wicum. Wit eft cumað,
siððan wit ærende uncer twega
gastcyninge agifen habbað."
Gewat him þa se æðeling and his agen sunu
to þæs gemearces þe him metod tæhte,
wadan ofer wealdas. Wudu bær sunu,
fæder fyr and sweord. ða þæs fricgean ongann
wer wintrum geong wordum Abraham:
"Wit her fyr and sweord, frea min, habbað;
hwær is þæt tiber, þæt þu torht gode
to þam brynegielde bringan þencest?"
Abraham maðelode (hæfde on an gehogod
þæt he gedæde swa hine drihten het):
"Him þæt soðcyning sylfa findeð,
moncynnes weard, swa him gemet þinceð."
Gestah þa stiðhydig steape dune
up mid his eaforan, swa him se eca bebead,
þæt he on hrofe gestod hean landes
on þære stowe þe him se stranga to,
wærfæst metod wordum tæhte.
Ongan þa ad hladan, æled weccan,
and gefeterode fet and honda
bearne sinum and þa on bæl ahof
Isaac geongne, and þa ædre gegrap
sweord be gehiltum, wolde his sunu cwellan
folmum sinum, fyre scencan
mæges dreore. þa metodes ðegn,
ufan engla sum, Abraham hlude
stefne cygde. He stille gebad
ares spræce and þam engle oncwæð.
Him þa ofstum to ufan of roderum
wuldorgast godes wordum mælde:
"Abraham leofa, ne sleah þin agen bearn,
ac þu cwicne abregd cniht of ade,
eaforan þinne! Him an wuldres god!
Mago Ebrea, þu medum scealt
þurh þæs halgan hand, heofoncyninges,
soðum sigorleanum selfa onfon,
ginfæstum gifum. þe wile gasta weard
lissum gyldan þæt þe wæs leofre his
sibb and hyldo þonne þin sylfes bearn."
Ad stod onæled. Hæfde Abrahame
metod moncynnes, mæge Lothes,
breost geblissad, þa he him his bearn forgeaf,
Isaac cwicne. ða se eadega bewlat,
rinc ofer exle, and him þær rom geseah
unfeor þanon ænne standan,
broðor Arones, brembrum fæstne.
þone Abraham genam and hine on ad ahof
ofestum miclum for his agen bearn.
Abrægd þa mid þy bille, brynegield onhread,
reccendne weg rommes blode,
onbleot þæt lac gode, sægde leana þanc
and ealra þara sælða þe he him sið and ær,
gifena drihten, forgifen hæfde.

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