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p. 411


Descendants of Raji, son of Áyus: Indra resigns his throne to him: claimed after his death by his sons, who apostatize from the religion of the Vedas, and are destroyed by Indra. Descendants of Pratíkshatra, son of Kshatravriddha.

RAJI had five hundred sons, all of unequalled daring and vigour. Upon the occurrence of a war between the demons and the gods, both parties inquired of Brahmá which would be victorious. The deity replied, "That for which Raji shall take up arms." Accordingly the Daityas immediately repaired to Raji, to secure his alliance; which he promised them, if they would make him their Indra after defeating the gods. To this they answered and said, "We cannot profess one thing, and mean another; our Indra is Prahláda, and it is for him that we wage war." Having thus spoken, they departed; and the gods then came to him on the like errand. He proposed to them the said conditions, and they agreed that he should be their Indra. Raji therefore joined the heavenly host, and by his numerous and formidable weapons destroyed the army of their enemies.

When the demons were discomfited, Indra placed the feet of Raji upon his head, and said, "Thou hast preserved me from a great danger, and I acknowledge thee as my father; thou art the sovereign chief over all the regions, and I, the Indra of the three spheres, am thy son." The Rájá. smiled, and said, "Even be it so. The regard that is conciliated by many agreeable speeches is not to be resisted even when such language proceeds from a foe (much less should the kind words of a friend fail to win our affection)." He accordingly returned to his own city, and Indra remained as his deputy in the government of heaven.

When Raji ascended to the skies, his sons, at the instigation of Nárada, demanded the rank of Indra as their hereditary right; and as the deity refused to acknowledge their supremacy, they reduced him to submission by force, and usurped his station. After some considerable time had elapsed, the god of a hundred sacrifices, Indra, deprived of his share of offerings to the immortals, met with Vrihaspati in a retired

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place, and said to him, "Cannot you give me a little of the sacrificial butter, even if it were no bigger than a jujube, for I am in want of sustenance?" "If," replied Vrihaspati, "I had been applied to by you before, I could have done any thing for you that you wished; as it is, I will endeavour and restore you in a few days to your sovereignty." So saying, he commenced a sacrifice for the purpose of increasing the might of Indra, and of leading the sons of Raji into error, and so effecting their downfall 1. Misled by their mental fascination, the princes became enemies of the Brahmans, regardless of their duties, and contemners of the precepts of the Vedas; and thus devoid of morality and religion, they were slain by Indra, who by the assistance of the priest of the gods resumed his place in heaven. Whoever hears this story shall retain for ever his proper place, and shall never be guilty of wicked acts.

Rambha, the third son of Áyus, had no progeny 2. Kshatravriddha had a son named Pratíkshatra 3; his son was Sanjaya; his son was Vijaya 4; his son was Yajnakrit 5; his son was Harshavarddhana 6; his son was Sahadeva; his son was Adína 7; his son was Jayasena; his son was Sankriti; his son was Kshatradharman 8. These were the descendants of Kshatravriddha. I will now mention those of Nahusha.


412:1 The Matsya says he taught the sons of Raji the Jinadharma or Jain religion.

412:2 The Bhágavata enumerates however, as his descendants, Rabhasa, Gambhíra, and Akriya, whose posterity became Brahmans. The same authority gives as the descendants of Anenas, the fourth son of Áyus, Śuddha, Śuchi, Trikakud, and Śántákhya.

412:3 The Váyu agrees with our text in making Pratipaksha (Pratikshatra) the son of Kshattravriddha; but the Bráhma P. and Hari V. consider Anenas to be the head of this branch of the posterity of Áyus. The Bhágavata substitutes Kuśa, the Leśa, of our text, the grandson of Kshatravriddha, for the first name; and this seems most likely to be correct. Although the different MSS. agree in reading ### it should be perhaps ### the patronymic Kshátravriddha; making then, as the Bhágavata does, Pratíkshatra the son of the son of Kshatravriddha.

412:4 Jaya: Bhágavata, Váyu.

412:5 Vijaya: Váyu. Krita: Bhágavata,

412:6 Haryaśwa: Bráhma, Hari V. Haryavana: Bhágavata.

412:7 The last of the list: Váyu. Ahína: Bhágavata.

412:8 Kshatravriddha: Bráhma, Hari V.

Next: Chapter X