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Heliand In Old Saxon
Heliand In Old Saxon

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Cod. Cotton. Cap. II., Monac. fol. 2b
Angelus Zachariae prolem annuntiat.
Luc. I. 11-18.

  1. so man herren scal· georno fulgangan· || grurio quamun im· egison
  2. an them alahe· hie gisah thar after thin enna engil godes· an them
  3. uuihe innan· hie sprak im mid is uuordon tuo· hiet that fruod gumo·
  4. foroht ni uuari· hiet that hie im ni andriede· thina dadi sind quathie·
  5. uualdanda uuerde. endi thin uuord so self. thin thionost is im an
  6. thanke. that thu sulica githaht haues· an is enes craft. Ic is engil
  7. bium· gabriel bium ic hetan. the gio for goda standu· anduuard
  8. for them alouualdon. ne si that he me an is arundi· huarod sen-
  9. dean uuillea. Nu hiet he me an thesan sid faran. hiet that ic
  10. thi gicuddi. that thi kind giboran· fon thinera alderu idis· odan
  11. scoldi uuerdan· an thesero uueroldi· uuordun spahi. That ni scal an
  12. is liua gio· lides anbitan· uuines an is uueroldi. so habed im uurdgi-
  13. scapu· metod gimarcod. endi maht godes. het that ic thi thoh sagdi·
  14. that it scoldi gisid uuesan· heuancuninges. het that git it
  15. heldin uuel· tuhin thurh treuua. Quad that he im tiras so filu·
  16. an godes rikea· forgeuan uueldi. He quad that the godo gumo·
  17. iohannes te namon· hebbean scoldi. gibod that git hetin so·
  18. that kind than it quami. quad that it kristes gisid. an thesaro
  19. uuidun uuerold. uuerdan scoldi· is selbes sunies. endi quad
  20. that sie sliumo· herod an is bodskepi· bede quamin. || Zacha-
  21. rias tho gimahalda. endi uuid selban sprac· drohtines engil. endi
  22. im thero dadeo bigan· uundron thero uuordo. Huuo mag that
  23. giuuerdan so quad he· astar an aldre. It is unc al te lat. so te gi-
  24. uuinnanne. so thu mid thinun uuordun gisprikis. huuanda uuit

  1. Lineae erasae in Cod. Monac.
  2. 1. uualdande. 2. uuertha. 9. theonost
  3. 6. habes. 11. ik
  4. 1. 3. biun. 4. ik. 6. thie. 7. io. 9. gode
  5. 3. alouualden. 7. hie. 8. mi
  6. 2. uuillie. 5. hic. 7. mi. 9. sid. 13. ik
  7. 1. 2. thi thoh gicutdi. 7. fan. 9. aldera
  8. 2. uuerthan. 6. uuordon
  9. 2. libe. 4. lithez. 5. abitan. 11. habit
  10. 7. hiet. 15. ik
  11. 4. gisith. 6. heban. 7. hiet. 9. 10. giit
  12. 1. hieldin. 3. tugin. 4. thuru. 6. quad. 8. hie. 10. tyreas. 12. filo
  13. 4. forgeban. 5. uuoldi. 6. hic. 7. quat. 9. thie. 10. guodo
  14. 5. naman. 6. gibud. 8. giit. 9. hietin
  15. 6. quad. 9. cristes. 10. gisith. 12.thesero
  16. 3. uuerthan. 6. selbes. 9. quad
  17. 2. sea. 3. sniumo. 7. gibodseepe. 8. bethia
  18. 2. thuo. 3. gimalda. 6. selba. 7. sprak
  19. 3. dadio. 8. huo
  20. 4. giuuerthan. 3. quat. 4. hie. 12. li
  21. 4. midi 5. 6. thinon uuordon. 7. sprikis. 8. huand

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