Zoëga's A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic
f. the Hebrew language.
ebreskr, a. Hebraic (ebresk tunga).
eða or eðr, conj., (1) or; fyrr eða
siðar, sooner or later; annathvárt ... eða, either.....
or ; hvárt . . . eða, whether (if)... or; hvart er
. . . eða, whether ... or; (2) in comparison of two
unlike things, and (mikinn mun eigum vér at gera þin eða annarra
heimamanna); (3) after a comparative, and perhaps (ek em eigi verri
riddari en S. konungr, eða nökkuru betri); (4) introducing
a question, but (ek beiti Auðgisl, -- eða ertu H. vandræðaskáld?) ; (5) sometimes after a negation, = né, nor (þeir munu hvárki
fyrir sjá fé sínu eða fjörvi).
edda, f. (1) great-grandmother; (2) the name
of the book Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson, c. 1220.
edik, n. vinegar.
eðla, f. adder, viper, = eyðla.
eðli (in old MSS. written øðli), n. (1) nature ; manns
e., mannligt e., human nature; arnar e., the eagle's nature
; þat er í móti náttúrligu e., it is against the
order of nature; (2) origin, extraction (hann var valskr at
ætt ok e.) ; (3) fœtus (þótti henni kviknat hafa e. sitt).
eðli-borinn, pp. born in wedlock.
eðlis-lög, n. pl. law of nature
-skapan, -skepna, f. natural condition or quality;
-skynsemd, f. native intelligence.
eðl-vina, f. friend of vipers (dub.).
eðr, conj., see 'eða'.
ef (older form: if), conj. (1) if, in case (aldri
hefðir þú í borgina komit, ef ek hefða vitat) ; in poetry generally with
subj.; vega þú gakk, ef vreiðr séir (sér), if thou be wroth ; (2)
= hvárt, if, whether (Egill spurði, ef hann vildi upp ór
gröfinni) ; (3) as a relat. part., sá ef=sá er (rare).
ef or if, n. doubt; ef er á e-u, it is
doubtful; ekki er til efs, at, it cannot be doubted that;
útan ef, without doubt.
efa or ifa (að), v. to doubt (engi efar þat); e.
um e-t, to doubt about a thing; refl., efast í e-u, to
hesitate in, be in doubt; e. um e-t = efa um e-t ; with gen.,
e. e-s, to change one's mind in a matter.
efað-samligr, a. doubtful;
-semd, f. doubtfulness, uncertainty.
efa-lausliga, adv. without doubt;
-lauss, a. indubitable, certain;
-laust, adv. without doubt, certainly.
efan, f. doubt, doubting.
efanar-lauss, a. undoubted;
-laust, adv. undoubtedly, indubitably.
efan-leikr, m. doubtfulness; -leikr sagnar, ambiguity
of expression;
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