Memory as Vectors

SICP > Computing with Register Machines > Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection > Memory as Vectors
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    A conventional computer memory can be thought of as an array of cubbyholes, each of which can contain a piece of information. Each cubbyhole has a unique name, called its address or location. Typical memory systems provide two primitive operations: one that fetches the data stored in a specified location and one that assigns new data to a specified location. Memory addresses can be incremented to support sequential access to some set of the cubbyholes. More generally, many important data operations require that memory addresses be treated as data, which can be stored in memory locations and manipulated in machine registers. The representation of list structure is one application of such address arithmetic.

    To model computer memory, we use a new kind of data structure called a vector. Abstractly, a vector is a compound data object whose individual elements can be accessed by means of an integer index in an amount of time that is independent of the index.[*] In order to describe memory operations, we use two primitive Scheme procedures for manipulating vectors:

    For example, if v is a vector, then (vector-ref v 5) gets the fifth entry in the vector v and (vector-set! v 5 7) changes the value of the fifth entry of the vector v to 7. [*] For computer memory, this access can be implemented through the use of address arithmetic to combine a base address that specifies the beginning location of a vector in memory with an index that specifies the offset of a particular element of the vector.

    Representing Lisp data

    We can use vectors to implement the basic pair structures required for a list-structured memory. Let us imagine that computer memory is divided into two vectors: the-cars and the-cdrs. We will represent list structure as follows: A pointer to a pair is an index into the two vectors. The car of the pair is the entry in the-cars with the designated index, and the cdr of the pair is the entry in the-cdrs with the designated index. We also need a representation for objects other than pairs (such as numbers and symbols) and a way to distinguish one kind of data from another. There are many methods of accomplishing this, but they all reduce to using typed pointers, that is, to extending the notion of ``pointer'' to include information on data type.[*] The data type enables the system to distinguish a pointer to a pair (which consists of the ``pair'' data type and an index into the memory vectors) from pointers to other kinds of data (which consist of some other data type and whatever is being used to represent data of that type). Two data objects are considered to be the same (eq?) if their pointers are identical.[*] Figure [*] illustrates the use of this method to represent the list ((1 2) 3 4), whose box-and-pointer diagram is also shown. We use letter prefixes to denote the data-type information. Thus, a pointer to the pair with index 5 is denoted p5, the empty list is denoted by the pointer e0, and a pointer to the number 4 is denoted n4. In the box-and-pointer diagram, we have indicated at the lower left of each pair the vector index that specifies where the car and cdr of the pair are stored. The blank locations in the-cars and the-cdrs may contain parts of other list structures (not of interest here).

      \begin{figure}\par\figcaption {Box-and-pointer and memory-vector representations
of the list {\tt ((1 2) 3 4)}.}\end{figure}

    A pointer to a number, such as n4, might consist of a type indicating numeric data together with the actual representation of the number 4.[*] To deal with numbers that are too large to be represented in the fixed amount of space allocated for a single pointer, we could use a distinct bignum data type, for which the pointer designates a list in which the parts of the number are stored.[*]

    A symbol might be represented as a typed pointer that designates a sequence of the characters that form the symbol's printed representation. This sequence is constructed by the Lisp reader when the character string is initially encountered in input. Since we want two instances of a symbol to be recognized as the ``same'' symbol by eq? and we want eq? to be a simple test for equality of pointers, we must ensure that if the reader sees the same character string twice, it will use the same pointer (to the same sequence of characters) to represent both occurrences. To accomplish this, the reader maintains a table, traditionally called the obarray, of all the symbols it has ever encountered. When the reader encounters a character string and is about to construct a symbol, it checks the obarray to see if it has ever before seen the same character string. If it has not, it uses the characters to construct a new symbol (a typed pointer to a new character sequence) and enters this pointer in the obarray. If the reader has seen the string before, it returns the symbol pointer stored in the obarray. This process of replacing character strings by unique pointers is called interning symbols.

    Implementing the primitive list operations  

    Given the above representation scheme, we can replace each ``primitive'' list operation of a register machine with one or more primitive vector operations. We will use two registers, the-cars and the-cdrs, to identify the memory vectors, and will assume that vector-ref and vector-set! are available as primitive operations. We also assume that numeric operations on pointers (such as incrementing a pointer, using a pair pointer to index a vector, or adding two numbers) use only the index portion of the typed pointer.

    For example, we can make a register machine support the instructions

    (assign reg1 (op car) (reg reg2))

    (assign reg1 (op cdr) (reg reg2))

    if we implement these, respectively, as

    (assign reg1 (op vector-ref) (reg the-cars) (reg reg2))

    (assign reg1 (op vector-ref) (reg the-cdrs) (reg reg2))

    The instructions

    (perform (op set-car!) (reg reg1) (reg reg2))

    (perform (op set-cdr!) (reg reg1) (reg reg2))

    are implemented as

     (op vector-set!) (reg the-cars) (reg reg1) (reg reg2))

    (perform (op vector-set!) (reg the-cdrs) (reg reg1) (reg reg2))

    Cons is performed by allocating an unused index and storing the arguments to cons in the-cars and the-cdrs at that indexed vector position. We presume that there is a special register, free, that always holds a pair pointer containing the next available index, and that we can increment the index part of that pointer to find the next free location.[*] For example, the instruction

    (assign reg1 (op cons) (reg reg2) (reg reg3))
    is implemented as the following sequence of vector operations:[*]

     (op vector-set!) (reg the-cars) (reg free) (reg reg2))
     (op vector-set!) (reg the-cdrs) (reg free) (reg reg3))
    (assign reg1 (reg free))
    (assign free (op +) (reg free) (const 1))
    The eq? operation

    (op eq?) (reg reg1) (reg reg2)
    simply tests the equality of all fields in the registers, and predicates such as pair?, null?, symbol?, and number? need only check the type field.

    Implementing stacks

    Although our register machines use stacks, we need do nothing special here, since stacks can be modeled in terms of lists. The stack can be a list of the saved values, pointed to by a special register the-stack. Thus, (save reg) can be implemented as

    (assign the-stack (op cons) (reg reg) (reg the-stack))
    Similarly, (restore reg) can be implemented as
    (assign reg (op car) (reg the-stack))
    (assign the-stack (op cdr) (reg the-stack))
    and (perform (op initialize-stack)) can be implemented as
    (assign the-stack (const ()))
    These operations can be further expanded in terms of the vector operations given above. In conventional computer architectures, however, it is usually advantageous to allocate the stack as a separate vector. Then pushing and popping the stack can be accomplished by incrementing or decrementing an index into that vector.

    Exercise. Draw the box-and-pointer representation and the memory-vector representation (as in figure [*]) of the list structure produced by

    (define x (cons 1 2))
    (define y (list x x))
    with the free pointer initially p1. What is the final value of free$\,$? What pointers represent the values of x and y$\,$?

    Exercise. Implement register machines for the following procedures. Assume that the list-structure memory operations are available as machine primitives.

    a. Recursive count-leaves:

    (define (count-leaves tree)
      (cond ((null? tree) 0)
            ((not (pair? tree)) 1)
            (else (+ (count-leaves (car tree))
                     (count-leaves (cdr tree))))))

    b. Recursive count-leaves with explicit counter:

    (define (count-leaves tree)
      (define (count-iter tree n)
        (cond ((null? tree) n)
              ((not (pair? tree)) (+ n 1))
              (else (count-iter (cdr tree)
                                (count-iter (car tree) n)))))
      (count-iter tree 0))

    Exercise. Exercise [*] of section [*] presented an append procedure that appends two lists to form a new list and an append! procedure that splices two lists together. Design a register machine to implement each of these procedures. Assume that the list-structure memory operations are available as primitive operations.

    Previous: Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection Next: Maintaining the Illusion of Infinite Memory