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Importing LATEX Documents-- reLyX

You can import a LATEX file into LYX by using the File $ \triangleright$Import $ \triangleright$LaTEX command in LYX. This will call a Perl script called reLyX--which will create a file foo.lyx from the file foo.tex--and then open that file. If the translation doesn't work, you can try calling reLyX from the command line5.1, possibly using fancier options.

reLyX will translate most legal LATEX, but not everything. It will leave things it doesn't understand in TEX mode, so after translating a file with reLyX, you can look for red text and hand-edit it to look right.

reLyX has its own manpage. Read it to find out about which LATEX commands and environments aren't supported, bugs (and how to get around them), and how to use the various options.

Jay Bolton 2004-04-15