Book of Shadows

Summer Solstice

(Northern Hemisphere June 21st: Southern Hemisphere December 22nd)


The cauldron, filled with water and decorated with flowers, is placed
before the altar. HPS casts the Circle and then stands before the
Cauldron, wand upraised. HP stands in North behind the altar; coven is
in a circle, facing inwards, alternately man and woman. HPS says:

    HPS: "Great One of Heaven, Power of the Sun,
         We invoke thee in thy ancient names -
         Michael, Balin, Arthur, Lugh, Herne;
         Come again as of old into this thy land.
         Lift up thy shining spear of light to protect us.
         Put to flight the powers of darkness.
         Give us fair woodlands and green fields,
         Blooming orchards and ripening corn.
         Bring us to stand upon thy hill of vision,
         And show us the lovely realms of the Gods."

HPS traces an invoking pentagram upon the HP with her wand. He comes
desoil about the altar picking up his own wand and the scourge.  He
plunges the wand into the cauldron and holds it up, saying:

    HP:  "The Spear to the Cauldron, the Lance to the Grail,
         Spirit to Flesh, Man to Woman, Sun to Earth."

 Saluting HPS with wand, he joins the Coven in their circle. HPS picks up
a sprinkler and stands by the cauldron, saying:

    HPS: "Dance ye about the Cauldron of Cerridwen, the Goddess, and be ye
         blessed with the touch of this Ccnsecrated water; even as the Sun,
         the Lord of Life, ariseth in his strength in the sign of the
         Waters of Life."

HP leads a slow circle dance deosil about the Cauldron. As each passes,
HPS sprinkles them with water from it.
Cakes and wine follow and dances, rites and games as the HPS shall
direct. A balefire may be lit and leaped.