Sacred Texts
Rig-Veda, Book 8 Index
1. O THUNDERER, zealous worshippers gave thee drink this time yesterday.
So, Indra, listen here to those who bring the laud: come near unto our dwellingplace.
2 Lord of Bay Steeds, fair-helmed, rejoice thee: this we crave. Here the disposers wait on thee.
Thy loftiest glories claim our lauds beside the juice, O Indra, Lover of the Song.
3 Turning, as 'twere, to meet the Sun, enjoy from Indra all good things.
When he who will be born is born with power we look to treasures as our heritage.
4 Praise him who sends us wealth, whose bounties injure none: good are the gifts which Indra. grants.
He is not worth with one who satisfies his wish: he turns his mind to giving boons.
5 Thou in thy battles, Indra, art subduer of all hostile bands.
Father art thou, aIl-conquering, cancelling the curse, thou victor of the vanquisher.
6 The Earth and Heaven clung close to thy victorious might as to their calf two mother-cows.
When thou attackest Vrtra all the hostile bands shrink and faint, Indra, at thy wrath.
7 Bring to your aid the Eternal One, who shoots and none may shoot at him,
Inciter, swift, victorious, best of Charioteers. Tugrya's unvanquished Strengthener;
8 Arranger of things unarranged, e'en Satakratu, source of might,
Indra, the Friend of all, for succour we invoke, Guardian of treasure, sendjng wealth.
Next: HYMN LXXXIX Indra. Vak.