Sacred Texts
Rig-Veda, Book 5 Index
1. AGNI inflamed hath sent to heaven his lustre: he shines forth widely turning unto Morning.
Eastward the ladle goes that brings all blessing, praising the Godswith homage and oblation.
2 Enkindled, thou art King of the immortal world: him who brings offerings thou attendest for his weal.
He whom thou urgest on makes all possessions his: he sets before thee, Agni, gifts that guests may claim.
3 Show thyself strong for mighty bliss, O Agni, most excellent be thine effulgent splendours.
Make easy to maintain our household lordship, and overcome the might of those who hate us.
4 Thy glory, Agni, I adore, kindled, exalted in thy strength.
A Steer of brilliant splendour, thou art lighted well at sacred rites.
5 Agni, invoked and kindled, serve the Gods, thou skilled in sacrifice:
For thou art bearer of our gifts.
6 Invoke and worship Agni while the sacrificial rite proceeds:
For offering-bearer choose ye him.
Next: HYMN XXIX. Agni.