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HYMN CXXVI. Bhavayavya.

1. WITH wisdom I present these lively praises of Bhavya dweller on the bank of Sindhu;
For he, unconquered King, desiring glory, hath furnished me a thousand sacrifices.
2 A hundred necklets from the King, beseeching, a hundred gift-steeds I at once accepted;
Of the lord's cows a thousand, I Kaksivan. His deathless glory hath he spread to heaven.
3 Horses of dusky colour stood beside me, ten chariots, Svanaya's gift, with mares to draw them.
Kine numbering sixty thousand followed after. Kaksivan gained them when the days were closing.
4 Forty bay horses of the ten cars' master before a thousand lead the long procession.
Reeling in joy Kaksivan's sons and Pajra's have grounded the coursers decked with pearly trappings.
5 An earlier gift for you have I accepted eight cows, good milkers, and three harnessed horses,
Pajras, who with your wains with your great kinsman, like troops of subjects, have been fain for glory.
6 [Ille loquitur]. Adhaerens, arcte adhaerens, illa quae mustelae similis se abdidit, multum humorem effundens, dat mihi complexuum centum gaudia.
7. [Ille loquitur]. Prope, prope accede; molliter me tange. Ne putes pilos corporis mei-paucos esse: tota sum villosa sicut Gandharium ovis.