Self-Dedication to Freyja

by Dæg

adpated from a rite by Kveldulf Gundersson

Materials: Peppermint schnapps

1. The Hammer Signing
2. Adoration to Sunna (appropriate to time of Rite, ideally midnight)
3. Elhaz Rite

Hallowing: Light the Candles on the Vé in the order: Black, Red, White.

                        "I light the Way the Worlds between,
                        my call in kindled flame.
                        Show bright the path
                        shine bright for her,
                        whom my heart hails forth."

Stand in Elhaz, Facing West

                        "Child of Nerthus, daughter of Njorð
                        lady of love and laughter, hear me!

                        Battle-Syr, shining bright in the darkness,
                        Bearer of Brisingamen, hear me!

                        God's blessing-maker, given as oath-bond,
                        Freyja of the frith-stead, hear me!

                        To Midgarð's ring I rown thee forth,
                        on Hildisvin's back, Mardöll, to me!

                        Wain-goddess mighty, wend thy way here,
                        I call thee at need, come here to my stead.

                        To Midgard's ring I rown thee forth,
                        in falcon-cloak from Folkvang, Freyja, to me!

                Fill the Horn with schnapps

                        "I bid thee with horn of holy drink,
                        Welcome, sweet Vanadis, to me!

                Take a moment to feel the presence of the goddess.


"Hörn this horn is hallowed to thee,
blessed I raise it, and bid thee to share."

                Pour a draught into the blessing bowl west of the harrow. Then drink some yourself. Repeat 2
                more times, emptying the horn on the last draught.

                Look deep into the schnapps in the blessing bowl.

                        "Freyja, goddess of two tribes,
                        I bid you accept my love for you,
                        grant me your counsel, give me your heed.
                        I give you my spirit, goddess of the free,
                        I pledge you my body, to use as you need.
                        Show me your judgement, I ask now of you!

                Continue looking into the bowl, open your mind to images from Freyja. What you receive is
                personal, and may not be meant for others to know. Freyja will now let you know if your
                dedication to her is acceptable. You may be shown a price to pay for her patronage. You
                may be shown a course of action to pursue. You may be moved to utter more oaths…

Take the Blessing Bowl outside. Using your bare hands, dig a hole in the ground, thinking
                of Freyja's association with birth. As your pour the schnapps into the Hole (dug toward the
                West) say:

                        "Goddess of love and lust, I give this ale to thee,
                        Welcome art ever, Wain-lady, beloved,
                        holy within my hall.
                        Hail in thy coming, hail in thy guesting.
                        Fare when thou wish'st to fare,
                        while when it be thy will.

When you receive a response from Freyja be it positive or negative, the Rite is done.
                You may tap three times on the ground with your fist, and depart when your feel ready.

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