Prose Edda - Anderson Trans.
Chapter 18
To the Fooling of Gylfe
The asas now sat down to talk, and held their counsel, and remembered
all the tales that were told to Gylfe. They gave the very same names that
had been named before to the men and places that were there. This they
did for the reason that, when a long time has elapsed, men should not
doubt that those asas of whom these tales were now told and those to whom
the same names were given were all identical. There was one who is called
Thor, and he is Asa-Thor, the old. He is Oku-Thor, and to him are ascribed
the great deeds done by Hektor in Troy. But men think that the Turks have
told of Ulysses, and have called him Loke, for the Turks were the greatest
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