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Grimm's TM - Chap. 38 Chapter 38
SPELLS AND CHARMS Page 1 A yet stronger power than that of herb or stone lies in the spoken
word, and all nations use it both for blessing and cursing.
(1) But these, to be effective, must be choice, well
knit, rhythmic words (verba concepta), must have lilt and tune; hence all that
is strong in the speech wielded by priest, physician, magician, is allied to
the forms of poetry. Expressions for 'saying, singing' pass into the sense of 'conjuring':
aoidh (p. 899) becomes epaoidh,
Od. 19, 457, epwdh, our 'sprechen, singen' become
besprechen, besingen, schwören (Goth. svaran = respondere) beschwören (Goth.
bisvaran orkizein); so jurare conjurare, cantare incantare.
The OHG. galstar, AS. galdor, gealdor, ON. galdr (incantatio) have sprung out
of galan = canere; the AS. spell, strictly dictum, fabula, Goth. spill, was
tortured into meaning magic spell (and charm, Fr. charme is from carmen). Opposed to blessing is cursing, to the wholesome the hurtful.
For the former the Goth still used his native word žiužeins eulogia,
from žiužjan eulogein; the OHG. segan dicatio, dedicatio,
benedictio, comes from Lat. signum, the AS. segen meant merely signum in the
sense of flag; MHG. segen, like our own, stands for magic as well. Kakologein
is in Ulph. ubil-qižan maledicere, but flźkan simply plangere, while the OHG.
fluochōn (MHG. vluochen, our fluchen) is already maledicere, imprecari, and
fluoh maledictio (masc., quite distinct from fem. fluoh, rupes). OS. farflōcan
maledicere, harm-quidi maledictum. Another word is OHG. farhuāzan, MHG. verwāzen
(2) detestari, condemnare, appar. allied to AS. 'hwātung
divinatio,' Poenit. Ecgb. 2, 23. 4, 19. AS. wergan (misspelt wirgan, wyrgan)
maledicere, detestari, strictly damnare, Goth. vargjan, OS. waragian. AS. cursian,
Engl. curse. The ON. bn precatio, AS. bźn (p. 31) both border on imprecatio
(see Suppl.). Cursing, 'becrying, becalling,' may indeed be done aloud, but
as a rule both blessing and cursing require soft murmured whispered speech.
OHG. huispalōn sibilare, Graff 4, 1239, AS. hwistlian, as whistling and hissing
are imputed to the serpent who fascinates; MHG. wispeln: 'wispeln wilde vogel
zemt, hunde ez letzet und lemt,' Renn. 22370; the asp will hear no wispelwort,
Ms. 2, 202b; 'aller würmel (insects') wispel unde mürmel,' Mart. 74c, for murmeln
is the same thing too, OHG. murmulōn, murmurōn, our mummeln, mompeln, to mumble.
Paul. Diac. 1, 13 in describing manumissio per sagittam, adds: 'immurmurantes,
ob rei firmitatem, quaedam patria verba,' a Langobardic hallowing spell.
(3) Similar expressions are OHG. mutilōn, Graff 2, 707,
and our protzeln, pretzeln, pröpeln, signifying first the sound of water simmering,
and then very appropriately the muttering of a spell: 'protzeln and wispeln
over the sick man' is to mutter a charm or blessing; in some parts prebeln,
Nethl. preevelen; Franke's Welb. 134a has pretzeln (see Suppl.). But the most legitimate and oldest word of all is the Goth. runa,
commonly the equivalent for musthrion, sometimes for
boulh, sumboulion. I believe it meant in the first
place what is spoken softly and solemnly, then secondly a mystery: sumboulion
is secret counsel. From secret speech to secret writing is but a step, as the
ON. māl means both speech and sign. For grafh, gramma Ulph.
always puts mźl, not runa, because none of the passages happen to speak of secret
writing; one might wager that runa was the familiar term for this, as the early
Franks had rūna = litera. OHG. rūna, AS. rūn, character magicus, mysterium,
Cędm. 211, 12. 250, 6. 262, 9, this last with an obvious reference to 'bōcstafas'
in 262, 7. ON. rūn litera, but runa linea, which coexistence of ū and u assures
us of a strong verb 'riśna, raun, runum,' whence also raun (tentamen, experiment),
reyna (tentare), perh. reynir (service or rönn tree, p. 1215). The OHG. rūnźn
susurrare, rūnazan murmurare, MHG. rūnen, our raunen, AS. rūnian, Engl. round,
keep the original meaning of secret whispering, and OHG. ōr-rūno is a confidant,
one who rounds things in your ear. The ON. transitive rżna is secretum scrutari,
literas scrutari, and supplies the link to raun above. In Ben. 378 sanfte rūnen
stands opposed to public singing. Finn. runo is a song (p. 901). And now a term
that has often come before us becomes perfectly clear, and what is more, proves
a good fit all around: the wise-woman of the ancient Germans is called Aliruna,
because she is alja-runa, and speaking secret words not understood of the common
folk, has skill at once in writing and in magic; hers is the Gothic runa, hers
the AS. rūncręft. Ali can only mean 'other (than common), strange, not vulgar
and profane,' and thus heightens the meaning of runa. And this name of the heathen
priestesses could easily be transferred to the holy herb (p. 1202) which perhaps
pertained to their ritual. The olden time divided runes into many classes, and if the full
import of their names were intelligible to us, we might take in at one view
all that was effected by magic spells. They were painted, scratched or carved,
commonly on stone or wood, 'run-stones, runstaves'; reeds served the same purpose
(p. 1083-4). The OHG. hahalrūna, īsrūna, lagorūna are named after the letters
'hahal, īs, lago'; clofrūna and stofrūna remain doubtful, the latter appar.
the mere tip (stupf, apex). Hellirūna means necromancy, death-rune, and plainly
refers to Halja, Hella; I connect with it our höllen-zwang, control over hell,
by which is understood the mightiest of magic spells, such as Doctor Faust possessed.
Holzrūna is to be taken not of a thing, but of a person, the wood-wife, lamia
(p. 433), not without some allusion to her moaning and muttering. The OHG. women's
names Kundrūn, Hiltirūn, Sigirūn, Fridurūn, Paturūn, are properly those of valkyrs,
but also traceable to a non-personal kundrūna, hiltirūna, sigirūna, fridurūna,
paturūna; and it is worth noticing, that the personal names lack the final a,
and are consigned to a different declension. From the MHG. knierūnen (to croon
over one's knee), MS. 2, 137a, may be inferred a subst. knierūne. The AS. beadorūn,
Beow. 996 is litera belli = bellum, rixa; while helrūne 324 and burgrūne (p.
404n.) are a personal furia, parca, death's messenger; a gloss in Lye puts it
for pythonissa. In Sęm. 194-5 Sigrdrīfa, i.e. Brynhildr, herself a valkyr, enumerates
to Sigurš the runes which it was most needful for her to know: the goblet she
hands him is 'fullr lioša ok līknstafa, gōšra galdra ok gamanrūna,' full of
lays and leech-staves, good spells and runes of bliss. She goes on to name sigrūnar,
ölrūnar, biargrūnar, brimrūnar, mālrūnar, hugrūnar, runes of victory, of ale,
of the rock, the sea, speech and thought. I am only doubtful as to ölrūn, because
the proper name Ölrūn is evidently the Aliruna of Tacitus; we can scarcely derive
all the alirūnes from alus, ölr, ale, and I would rather hazard a guess, either
that Ölrūn stands for Elrūn, Elirūn, having got confounded with ölrūn, or that
the ū of the second syllable converted the a of the first into ö (quite the
rule in declension and conjugation, not in composition). In Sęm. 165b sakrūnar
contentiones. Danish folksongs often speak of ramme runer, powerful runes 1,
235. 280. 2, 33. 3, 335. 4, 47 (see Suppl.). Ošinn passed for the inventor of all runes (p. 181-2), and in
him is lodged the greatest command of words. Yngl. saga cap. 7: 'žat kunni han
enn at gera meš ordum einum (do by words alone), at slöckva eld ok kyrra siā,
ok snūa vindum. Ošinn vissi of allt iaršfź, hvar fōlgit var (earth-fee, where
it was hid), ok hann kunni žau lioš, er upplaukz fyrir hönum (unlocked itself
to him) iöršin ok biörg ok steinar ok haugarnir, ok batt (bound) hann meš ordum
einum žā er fyrir biuggu (dwelt), ok gekk (went) inn ok tōk žar slīkt er hann
vildi.' Afzelius in Sagoh. 1, 4 mentions, too briefly and indistinctly, a strange
Swedish folktale of one Kettil Runske of Kettilsås in Alsheda, who stole Odin's
rune-sticks (runekaflar), and with them cast a spell on his hounds and bulls,
nay at last on the merwoman that would have come to Odin's aid. By this Odin
seems to be meant a shepherd or giant representing the former god; the surname
runske evidently has to do with the acquisition and possession of the staves. Songs and runes then can do very great things. They are able to
kill and bring to life, as well as prevent from dying; to heal or make sick,
bind up wounds, stanch blood, alleviate pain, and lull to sleep; quench fire,
allay the sea-storm, bring rain and hail; to burst bonds, undo chains and bolts,
open mountains or close them up, and unlock treasures; to forward or delay a
birth; to make weapons strong of soft, dull the edge of a sword; loop up knots,
loose the bark off a tree (p. 1085), spoil a crop (fruges excantare); call up
evil spirits and lay them, to bind thieves. These wonders lie in the very nature
of poesy (p. 907-8). The Rūnatal, Sęm. 28-30, specifies eighteen effects of
runes (see Suppl.). Curses, imprecations have a peculiar force of their own. Our MHG.
poets have 'tiefe fluochen,' deeply, Ms. 2, 188a; 'swinde fluochen,' vehemently,
Helbl. 2, 518 and zorn-vluoch, wrath-curse 1, 656. Full of meaning is the phrase:
'ich brach des vluoches herten kiesel,' I brake yon curse's stubborn flint,
MsH. 2, 339b, its action is hard as pebbles, and not easy to break. Walther
says 73, 29:
Zwźne herzelīche flüeche kan ich ouch,
die fluochent nāch dem willen mīn.
hiure müezen's beide esel und der gowk
gehren, ź si enbizzen sīn.
wź in (woe to them) denne, den vil armen! Specimens of the most vigorous cursing might be picked out of
our old poetry; one in the Edda, Sęm. 144a,
nio röstom er žū skyldir nešar vera,
ok vaxi žer ā bašmi barr! Here is a string of curses from a MHG. poem: 'God from thee thy
wife release! Fish, fowl, worm, beast and man Storm the stronghold of thy peace!
Where'er thou go, Be grace thy foe! All good women's greeting shun thee! Thy
seed, thy crop be cankered too, The curse that dried Gilboa's dew Rest upon
thee!' MsH. 3, 52 (see Suppl.). Though as a rule sowing is to be accompanied by prayer and blessing,
there are some plants that thrive better under cursing: 'Nihil ocimo (basil)
foecundius, cum maledictis ac probris serendum praecipiunt, ut laetius proveniat,
sato pavitur terra. Et cuminum qui serunt, precantur ne exeat,' Pliny 19, 7
[36]. (5) 'Napos serere nudum volunt,
precantem sibi et vicinis serere se,' 18, 13 [35]. 1. Pliny 28, 2 (3-5) examines the force of 'verba et incantamenta carminum' in many striking examples. Back 2. 'Var hin verwâzen (begone, with a curse to you), vil gar verteilter snê!' Ms. 1, 23a. 'nu var von mire verwâzen' and 'êweclich verlorn!' Ls. 3, 77. 'var von mir verstôzen!' MsH. 3, 441b. Back 3. Ter novies carmen magico demurmurat ore, Ov. Met. 14, 57. Back 4. A surname of Outkirk must have meant the Excommunicated: Rudolphus de Solodoro cognomine vor chilchun, Hartmannus dictus vor kilchon (A.D. 1260). Solothurner wochenbl. 1827, pp. 128. 160. Back 5. Fischart's Garg. 244b: 'diss furmans gebett treibt schif und wagen, ein hauptmansfluch etzt durch neun barnisch. ich könt dannoch wol basilien, quendel und kressen setzen, dann dieselben vom fluchen gedeien. darumb wards jenes mannes entschuldigung vor dem richter, warumb er sein weib gereuft hette, nemblich darumb weil er hat rauten setzen müssen' ; his excuse for thrashing his wife was, he had to plant some rue. Back << Previous Page Next Page >>
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