Book of Shadows

Vernal Equinox (Ostara, Eostre)

 (Northern Hemisphere March 21st: Southern Hemisphere September 21st)


A Symbol of the Wheel is on the altar, flanked with burning
candles, or with fire in some form - torches, or small tripods
with fire in their cups.

The Symbol of the Wheel may be a plain disc, or an eight spoked
wheel, or the pentacle. Alex and Maxine Sanders used a circular
mirror with a broad frame, also circular, decorated as a twelve-
pointed star.

In the centre of the Circle is either a cauldron full of
inflammable material, or (out of doors) a bonfire ready to be lit.

HPS casts the Circle.

HPS then stands in the West, and the HP in the East, both with carrying
HPS: "We kindle this fire today
         In the presence of the Holy Ones,
         Without malice, without jealousy, without envy,
         Without fear of aught beneath the Sun
         But the High Gods.
         Thee we invoke, O Light of Life;
         Be thou a bright flame before us,
         Be thou a guiding star above us,
         Be thou a smooth path beneath us;
         Kindle thou within our hearts
         A flame of love for our neighbours,
         To out foes, to our friends, to our kindred all,
         To all men on the broad earth;
         O merciful Son of Cerridwen,
         From the lowliest thing that liveth,
         To the Name which is highest of all."

HPS then draws invoking pentagram before the HP and then hands the Wand
to him, together with the scourge.

The Maiden strikes a light and hands it to the High Priest, who lights
the cauldron or bonfire. He (carrying a wand) and the High Priestess
(carrying a sistrum) lead the dance, with the rest following in
couples. Each couple must leap over the fire.  The last couple over the
fire before it goes out must be well purified. The man must then give a
fivefold kiss to each of the women, as the woman to the men, or any
other penalty the HPS shall decide.

Cakes and wine shall follow.