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18. (Should it be said that the souls must possess unlimited power) on account of manifest teaching; we reply No, because scripture states him who, entrusted with office, abides in the spheres (of the sun and so on), (to be that one on whom the soul's obtaining lordly power depends).

It remains to refute the remark, made by the pûrvapakshin, that absolute power on the part of those who know must be inferred from texts directly asserting such power, as e.g. 'He obtains self-lordship.'--This refutation the above Sûtra undertakes. Scripture declares that the obtainment of rulership on the soul's part, depends on the

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highest Lord who, as entrusted with definite offices, abides in certain definite abodes, such as the sphere of the sun, &c. This is shown by the text going on to say (after the clause quoted above), 'He obtains the lord of Mind.' For that means that he obtains the lord known to be the lord of all minds. In accordance herewith the text later on says that he becomes lord of speech, lord of the eye, lord of the ear, lord of understanding.--Similarly in other passages also the lordly power of the other souls has to be viewed, according to circumstances, as depending on the eternally perfect Lord.


416:1 Kim ka paraisyaiva nityatvena svahetvanapekshanasya kliptasaktitvâg gagatsarganam prati kalpyasâmarthyâk ka vidushâm îsvaravishayaiva gagatsrishtir eshtavyâ, kim ka paurvâparyâlokanâyâm îsvarasyaiva gagatsargah sabdâd gamyate ganmâdisûtram ârabhya kaitad upapâditam. Ân. Gi.

Next: IV, 4, 19