1. WHAT, dearest Pair, is this in strength and riches that ye as Priests are bring from the waters?
This sacrifice is your glorification, ye who protect mankind and give them treasures.
2 May your pure steeds, rain-drinkers, bring you hither, swift as the tempest, your celestial coursers,
Rapid as thought, with fair backs, full of vigour, resplendent in their native light, O Asvins.
3 Your car is like a torrent rushing downward: may it come nigh, broad-seated, for our welfare,--
Car holy, strong, that ever would be foremost, thought-swift, which ye, for whom we long, have mounted.
4 Here sprung to life, they both have sung together, with bodies free from stain, with signs that mark them;
One of you Prince of Sacrifice, the Victor, the other counts as Heaven's auspicious offspring.
5 May your car-seat, down-gliding, golden-coloured, according to your wish approach our dwellings.
Men shall feed full the bay steeds of the other, and, Asvins they with roars shall stir the regions.
6 Forth comes your strong Bull like a cloud of autumn, sending abundant food of liquid sweetness.
Let them feed with the other's ways and vigour: the upper streams have come and do us service.
7 Your constant song hath been sent forth, Disposers! that flows threefold in mighty strength, O Asvins.
Thus lauded, give the suppliant protection moving or resting hear mine invocation.
8 This song of bright contents for you is swelling in the men's hall where three-fold grass is ready.
Your strong rain-cloud, ye Mighty Ones, hath swollen, honouring men as 'twere with milk's outpouring.
9 The prudent worshipper, like Pusan, Asvins! praises you as he praises Dawn and Agni,
When, singing with devotion, he invokes you. May we find strengthening food in full abundance.