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Grimm's TM - Spells
II. AS. spell for fertilizing land. Oxf. MSS. no. 5214 (Jun. 103). See p. 1236. III. Exorcismus ad pecudes inveniendas. (1) Ne forstolen ne forholen nân uht thäs dhe ic âge, ne mâ the mihte Herod (no more than H. could) urne Drihten. Ic gethohte sce Eád Elênan, and ic gethohte Crist on rôde âhangen. svâ ic thence this feoh tô findanne, näs tô othfeorganne and tô vîtanne. näs tô othvyrceanne and tô lufianne. näs tô odhlædanne. Gârmund, Godes dhegen, find thät feoh, and fêre thät feoh. and hafa thät feoh and heald thät feoh, and fêre hâm thät feoh. thät he næfre n'äbbe landes thät he hit odhlæde, ne foldan thät odhfêrie ne hûsa thät he hit odhhealde. Gif hit hvâ gedô, ne gedige hit him næfre binnan thrim nihtum. cunne ic his mihta his mägen and his mihta and his mundcräftas. eall he veornige svâ er vudu veornie, svâ bredhel theo svâ thistel. se dhe his feoh odhfergean thence. odhde dhis orf odhehtian dhence. amen. This man sceal cvedhan dhonne his ceápa, hvilcne man forstelenne. cydh, ær he ænig other vord cvedhe: Bethlem hâttæ seo burh, dhe Crist on geboren väs. seo is gemærsôd ofer ealne middangeard. svâ dheos dæd vyrthe for mannum mære. per crucem xpi. And gebide the thonne thriva eást, and cvedh thriva: † xpi ab oriente reducat. and thriva vest, and cvedh: crux xpi ab occidente reducat. and thriva sûth, and cvedh thriva: crux xpi a meridie reducat. and thriva north, and cvedh: crux xpi abscondita sunt (fruit?) et inventa est. Judeas Crist âhengon. gedidon him dæda thâ vyrstan. hælon thät hi forhelan ne mihton. svâ næfre theos dæd forholen ne vyrthe. per crucem xpi. Gif feoh sy undernumen. gif hit sy hors, sing on his feotere odhdhe on his bridel. gif hit sy other feoh, sing on thät hofrec, and ontend dhreo candela, and drýp on thät ofrec veax thriva. ne mäg hit the manna forhelan. Gif hit sy inorf, sing on feover healfa thäs hûses and æne on middan: crux xpi reducat. crux xpi per furtum periit, inventa est. Abraham tibi semitas vias, montes concludat Job et flumina, Isac tibi tenebras inducat. Jacob te ad iudicium ligatum perducat. Ic me on thisse gyrde belûce, and on Godes helde bebeode, vidh (against) thane sâra sîce, vidh thane sâra slege, vidh thane grymma gryre, vidh thane micela egsa, the bidh æghvam lâdh, and vidh eal thät lâdh, the in tô lande fare. Sige-gealdor ic begale (sing), sige-gyrd ic me vege. vord-sige and veorc-sige. Se me dege ne me merne gemyrre. ne me maga ne gesvence. ne me næfre mînum feore forht ne gevurdhe. ac gehæle me Aelmihtig and Sunu frôfregâst ealles vuldres vyrdig Drihten. Svâsvâ ic gehýrde heofna scyppende Abrahame and Isace and svylce men, Moyses and Jacob and Davit and Josep and Euan and Annan and Elizabet, Saharie and ec Marie môdur xps. and eác thæ gebrôdhru Petrus and Paulus and eác thûsend thira engla. clipige ic me tô âre vidh eallum feondum. Hi me fêrion and fridhion and mîne fêre nerion. eal me gehealdon, men gevealdon. Vorces stîrende sî me vuldres hyht. hand ofer heáfod hâligra rôf sige-rôfra sceote sôdh-fästra engla biddu ealle blîdhu môde thät me beo hand ofer heáfod. Matheus helm. Marcus byrne leoht lîfes rôf. Lucas mîn svurd scearp and scîreg. scild Johannes vuldre gevlitegôd. vega Seraphin. Fordh ic gefare. frind ic gemête. eall engla blæd. eádiges lâre. bidde ic nu God sigere Godes miltse sidhfät gôdne. smylte and lihte vind veredhum vindas gefran circinde väter simblige häledhe vidh eallum feordum. Freond ic gemête, vidh thät ic on this älmihgian (sic) móte belocun vidh thâ lâdhan. se me lîfes eht on engla blâ blæd gestathelód, and inna hâlre hand hofnarîces blæd, thâ hvile the ic on this lîfe vunian móte. amen. (Munich MS. of 11th cent., Cod. Tegerns. 372.) Signo te aer nomine Domini ......... adjuro te diabole et angelos tuos ....... adjuro vos ............. ut non feratis grandinem neque aliquam molestiam in terminum istum, et non habeatis dicere coram Deo, quia nemo vobis contradixerit. contradicat vobis Deus et Dei filius, qui est initium omnium creaturarum. contradicat vobis sancta Maria ........... adjuro te Mermeut, cum sociis tuis, qui positus es super tempestatem, per illius nomen te adjuro, qui in principio fecit coelum et terram. adjuro te Mermeut per illius dexteram, qui Adam primum hominem ad imaginem suam plasmavit. adjuro te mermeut per Jesum Christum filium Dei unicum ............. conjuro te daemon et satanas .......... te conjuro, ut non habeas hic potestatem in isto loco vel ini sto vico nocere nec damnum facere, nec tempestatem admittere nec pluviam valentissimam jacere, etc. A German weather spell in a later Munich MS. (Cgm. 734, f. 208) has: 'ich peut (bid) dir Fasolt, dass du das wetter verfirst (removest) mir und meinen nachpauren ân schaden (without hurt).' (from Cod. Vindob. theol. 259, bottom of right-hand page.) Petrus Michahel et Stephanus ambulabant per viam. sic dixit Michahel. Stephani equus infusus. signet illum Deus. signet illum Christus et erbam comedat et aquam bibat. (from a Bonn MS. of 1070-90, in Wackernagel's Wessobr. Gebet 67-70.) Cum minimo digito circumdare locum debes ubi apparebit, his verbis: ich bimuniun dih suam pî Gode jouh pî Christe. Tunc fac crucem per medium † et dic: daz tû niewedar ni gituo noh tolc noh tôt houpit. item adjuro te per Patrem et Filium et Spiritum sanctum ut amplius non crescas sed arescas. (Cod. Vindob. R. 3282, fol. 32. Twelfth cent.) Dere hêligo Christ was geboren ce Betlehêm, dannen quam er widere ce Jerusalêm, dâ wart er getoufet vone Johanne in demo Jordâne, duo verstuont (stood still) der Jordânis fluz unt der sîn runst. alsô verstant dû bluot-rinna durch des heiligen Christes minna, dû verstant an der nôte, alsô der Jordan tâte duo der guote sce Johannes den heiligen Christ toufta. verstant dû bluot-rinna durch des heiliges Christes minna. Herre sce Michahêl hiute wis-tu (be thou) N. sîn schilt und sîn sper. mîn frouwa sca Maria sî sîn halsperge (hauberk). hiute muoze er in deme heiligin fride sîn, dâ Got inne wâre, dô er in daz paradîse châme. Herre Got dû muozist in bescirmin vor wâge und vor wâfine, vor fiure, vor allen sînen fîandin gesiunlichen und ungesiunlichen. er muoze alse wol gese-ginôt sîn sô daz heilige wizzôt wâre, daz mîn herre sce Johannes mîme herrin dem almehtigen Gote in den mund flôzte, do er'n in deme Jordâne toufte. amên. In nomine Domini. daz heilige lignum domini gisegine mich hiute, undenân und obenân, mîn bûch sî mir beinîn, mîn herze sî mir stâhelîn, mîn houbet sî mir steinîn (my belly of bone, heart of steel, head of stone). der guote sce Severîn der phlege mîn, der guote sce Petir unde der guote sce Stephan gesegineigin mich hiute for allir mînir fîande gewâfine. in nomine Dei patris et Filii et spiritus sancti. alse milte und alse linde (soft) muozistu hiute sîn ûfin mîme lîbe (body) swert und aller slahte gesmîde, sô miner frouwun sce Mariun sweiz (sweat) wâre, dô si den heiligin Crist gebâre. Pater noster. Ich slief mir hiute suoze datz mînes Trehtîns fuozen. daz heilige himel-chint daz sî hiute mîn fride-schilt. daz heilige himelchint bat mich hiut ûf stan, in des namen und gnâde wil ich hiut ûf gân, und wil mih hiute gurten mit des heiligen Gotes worten, daz mir allez daz holt sî (be gracious) daz in dem himel sî, diu sunne und der mâne und der tage-sterne scône. mîns gemuotes bin ih hiute balt, hiute springe ih, Herre, in dînen gewalt sant Marîen lîchemede daz sî hiute mîn frid-hemede. aller mîner vîende gewâfen diu ligen hiute unde slâfen und sîn hiut alsô palwahs als wære miner vrouwen sant Marîen vahs, dô si den heiligen Christum gebære, und doch ein reiniu mait wære. mîn houpt sî mir hiute stœlîn, deheiner slahte (no kind of) wâfen snîde dar în. mîn swert eine wil ih von dem segen sceiden (exempt from the spell), daz snîde und bîze allez daz ih ez heize, von mînen handen und von niemen andern; der heilige himel-trût der sî hiute mîn halsperge guot.
1. Nos. III. IV. from Wanley's Catal. 114-5 (conf. 110b. 186a. 198b. 275a). corrected by Kemble's transcripts. Many more AS spells might be culled out of MSS. cited by Wanley, pp. 44. 83. 223. 231-2-4. 247. 304-5. [Back] 2. Gate of the flood; conf. Egi-dor, vol. i. 239. [Back] 3. Conf. MS. 2, 198b: 'der fröiden tor ist zuo getân.' [Back]
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