Finding Assertions by Pattern Matching

SICP > Metalinguistic Abstraction > Logic Programming > Implementing the Query System > Finding Assertions by Pattern Matching
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    Find-assertions, called by simple-query (section [*]), takes as input a pattern and a frame. It returns a stream of frames, each extending the given one by a data-base match of the given pattern. It uses fetch-assertions (section [*]) to get a stream of all the assertions in the data base that should be checked for a match against the pattern and the frame. The reason for fetch-assertions here is that we can often apply simple tests that will eliminate many of the entries in the data base from the pool of candidates for a successful match. The system would still work if we eliminated fetch-assertions and simply checked a stream of all assertions in the data base, but the computation would be less efficient because we would need to make many more calls to the matcher.

    (define (find-assertions pattern frame)
      (stream-flatmap (lambda (datum)
                        (check-an-assertion datum pattern frame))
                      (fetch-assertions pattern frame)))

    Check-an-assertion takes as arguments a pattern, a data object (assertion), and a frame and returns either a one-element stream containing the extended frame or the-empty-stream if the match fails.

    (define (check-an-assertion assertion query-pat query-frame)
      (let ((match-result
             (pattern-match query-pat assertion query-frame)))
        (if (eq? match-result 'failed)
            (singleton-stream match-result))))
    The basic pattern matcher returns either the symbol failed or an extension of the given frame. The basic idea of the matcher is to check the pattern against the data, element by element, accumulating bindings for the pattern variables. If the pattern and the data object are the same, the match succeeds and we return the frame of bindings accumulated so far. Otherwise, if the pattern is a variable we extend the current frame by binding the variable to the data, so long as this is consistent with the bindings already in the frame. If the pattern and the data are both pairs, we (recursively) match the car of the pattern against the car of the data to produce a frame; in this frame we then match the cdr of the pattern against the cdr of the data. If none of these cases are applicable, the match fails and we return the symbol failed.

    (define (pattern-match pat dat frame)
      (cond ((eq? frame 'failed) 'failed)
            ((equal? pat dat) frame)
            ((var? pat) (extend-if-consistent pat dat frame))
            ((and (pair? pat) (pair? dat))
             (pattern-match (cdr pat)
                            (cdr dat)
                            (pattern-match (car pat)
                                           (car dat)
            (else 'failed)))

    Here is the procedure that extends a frame by adding a new binding, if this is consistent with the bindings already in the frame:

    (define (extend-if-consistent var dat frame)
      (let ((binding (binding-in-frame var frame)))
        (if binding
            (pattern-match (binding-value binding) dat frame)
            (extend var dat frame))))
    If there is no binding for the variable in the frame, we simply add the binding of the variable to the data. Otherwise we match, in the frame, the data against the value of the variable in the frame. If the stored value contains only constants, as it must if it was stored during pattern matching by extend-if-consistent, then the match simply tests whether the stored and new values are the same. If so, it returns the unmodified frame; if not, it returns a failure indication. The stored value may, however, contain pattern variables if it was stored during unification (see section [*]). The recursive match of the stored pattern against the new data will add or check bindings for the variables in this pattern. For example, suppose we have a frame in which ?x is bound to (f ?y) and ?y is unbound, and we wish to augment this frame by a binding of ?x to (f b). We look up ?x and find that it is bound to (f ?y). This leads us to match (f ?y) against the proposed new value (f b) in the same frame. Eventually this match extends the frame by adding a binding of ?y to b. ?X remains bound to (f ?y). We never modify a stored binding and we never store more than one binding for a given variable.

    The procedures used by extend-if-consistent to manipulate bindings are defined in section [*].

    Patterns with dotted tails

    If a pattern contains a dot followed by a pattern variable, the pattern variable matches the rest of the data list (rather than the next element of the data list), just as one would expect with the dotted-tail notation described in exercise [*]. Although the pattern matcher we have just implemented doesn't look for dots, it does behave as we want. This is because the Lisp read primitive, which is used by query-driver-loop to read the query and represent it as a list structure, treats dots in a special way.

    When read sees a dot, instead of making the next item be the next element of a list (the car of a cons whose cdr will be the rest of the list) it makes the next item be the cdr of the list structure. For example, the list structure produced by read for the pattern (computer ?type) could be constructed by evaluating the expression (cons 'computer (cons '?type '())), and that for (computer . ?type) could be constructed by evaluating the expression (cons 'computer '?type).

    Thus, as pattern-match recursively compares cars and cdrs of a data list and a pattern that had a dot, it eventually matches the variable after the dot (which is a cdr of the pattern) against a sublist of the data list, binding the variable to that list. For example, matching the pattern (computer . ?type) against (computer programmer trainee) will match ?type against the list (programmer trainee).

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