The Core of the Explicit-Control Evaluator

SICP > Computing with Register Machines > The Explicit-Control Evaluator > The Core of the Explicit-Control Evaluator
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    The central element in the evaluator is the sequence of instructions beginning at eval-dispatch. This corresponds to the eval procedure of the metacircular evaluator described in section [*]. When the controller starts at eval-dispatch, it evaluates the expression specified by exp in the environment specified by env. When evaluation is complete, the controller will go to the entry point stored in continue, and the val register will hold the value of the expression. As with the metacircular eval, the structure of eval-dispatch is a case analysis on the syntactic type of the expression to be evaluated.[*]

      (test (op self-evaluating?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-self-eval))
      (test (op variable?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-variable))
      (test (op quoted?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-quoted))
      (test (op assignment?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-assignment))
      (test (op definition?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-definition))
      (test (op if?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-if))
      (test (op lambda?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-lambda))
      (test (op begin?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-begin))
      (test (op application?) (reg exp))
      (branch (label ev-application))
      (goto (label unknown-expression-type))

    Evaluating simple expressions

    Numbers and strings (which are self-evaluating), variables, quotations, and lambda expressions have no subexpressions to be evaluated. For these, the evaluator simply places the correct value in the val register and continues execution at the entry point specified by continue. Evaluation of simple expressions is performed by the following controller code:

      (assign val (reg exp))
      (goto (reg continue))
      (assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (reg exp) (reg env))
      (goto (reg continue))
      (assign val (op text-of-quotation) (reg exp))
      (goto (reg continue))
      (assign unev (op lambda-parameters) (reg exp))
      (assign exp (op lambda-body) (reg exp))
      (assign val (op make-procedure)
                  (reg unev) (reg exp) (reg env))
      (goto (reg continue))
    Observe how ev-lambda uses the unev and exp registers to hold the parameters and body of the lambda expression so that they can be passed to the make-procedure operation, along with the environment in env.

    Evaluating procedure applications

    A procedure application is specified by a combination containing an operator and operands. The operator is a subexpression whose value is a procedure, and the operands are subexpressions whose values are the arguments to which the procedure should be applied. The metacircular eval handles applications by calling itself recursively to evaluate each element of the combination, and then passing the results to apply, which performs the actual procedure application. The explicit-control evaluator does the same thing; these recursive calls are implemented by goto instructions, together with use of the stack to save registers that will be restored after the recursive call returns. Before each call we will be careful to identify which registers must be saved (because their values will be needed later).[*]

    We begin the evaluation of an application by evaluating the operator to produce a procedure, which will later be applied to the evaluated operands. To evaluate the operator, we move it to the exp register and go to eval-dispatch. The environment in the env register is already the correct one in which to evaluate the operator. However, we save env because we will need it later to evaluate the operands. We also extract the operands into unev and save this on the stack. We set up continue so that eval-dispatch will resume at ev-appl-did-operator after the operator has been evaluated. First, however, we save the old value of continue, which tells the controller where to continue after the application.

      (save continue)
      (save env)
      (assign unev (op operands) (reg exp))
      (save unev)
      (assign exp (op operator) (reg exp))
      (assign continue (label ev-appl-did-operator))
      (goto (label eval-dispatch))

    Upon returning from evaluating the operator subexpression, we proceed to evaluate the operands of the combination and to accumulate the resulting arguments in a list, held in argl. First we restore the unevaluated operands and the environment. We initialize argl to an empty list. Then we assign to the proc register the procedure that was produced by evaluating the operator. If there are no operands, we go directly to apply-dispatch. Otherwise we save proc on the stack and start the argument-evaluation loop:[*]

      (restore unev)                  ; the operands
      (restore env)
      (assign argl (op empty-arglist))
      (assign proc (reg val))         ; the operator
      (test (op no-operands?) (reg unev))
      (branch (label apply-dispatch))
      (save proc)

    Each cycle of the argument-evaluation loop evaluates an operand from the list in unev and accumulates the result into argl. To evaluate an operand, we place it in the exp register and go to eval-dispatch, after setting continue so that execution will resume with the argument-accumulation phase. But first we save the arguments accumulated so far (held in argl), the environment (held in env), and the remaining operands to be evaluated (held in unev). A special case is made for the evaluation of the last operand, which is handled at ev-appl-last-arg.

      (save argl)
      (assign exp (op first-operand) (reg unev))
      (test (op last-operand?) (reg unev))
      (branch (label ev-appl-last-arg))
      (save env)
      (save unev)
      (assign continue (label ev-appl-accumulate-arg))
      (goto (label eval-dispatch))

    When an operand has been evaluated, the value is accumulated into the list held in argl. The operand is then removed from the list of unevaluated operands in unev, and the argument-evaluation continues.

      (restore unev)
      (restore env)
      (restore argl)
      (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl))
      (assign unev (op rest-operands) (reg unev))
      (goto (label ev-appl-operand-loop))

    Evaluation of the last argument is handled differently. There is no need to save the environment or the list of unevaluated operands before going to eval-dispatch, since they will not be required after the last operand is evaluated. Thus, we return from the evaluation to a special entry point ev-appl-accum-last-arg, which restores the argument list, accumulates the new argument, restores the saved procedure, and goes off to perform the application. [*]

      (assign continue (label ev-appl-accum-last-arg))
      (goto (label eval-dispatch))
      (restore argl)
      (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl))
      (restore proc)
      (goto (label apply-dispatch))

    The details of the argument-evaluation loop determine the order in which the interpreter evaluates the operands of a combination (e.g., left to right or right to left--see exercise [*]). This order is not determined by the metacircular evaluator, which inherits its control structure from the underlying Scheme in which it is implemented.[*] Because the firstoperand selector (used in ev-appl-operand-loop to extract successive operands from unev) is implemented as car and the rest-operands selector is implemented as cdr, the explicit-control evaluator will evaluate the operands of a combination in left-to-right order.

    Procedure application  

    The entry point apply-dispatch corresponds to the apply procedure of the metacircular evaluator. By the time we get to apply-dispatch, the proc register contains the procedure to apply and argl contains the list of evaluated arguments to which it must be applied. The saved value of continue (originally passed to eval-dispatch and saved at ev-application), which tells where to return with the result of the procedure application, is on the stack. When the application is complete, the controller transfers to the entry point specified by the saved continue, with the result of the application in val. As with the metacircular apply, there are two cases to consider. Either the procedure to be applied is a primitive or it is a compound procedure.

      (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
      (branch (label primitive-apply))
      (test (op compound-procedure?) (reg proc))  
      (branch (label compound-apply))
      (goto (label unknown-procedure-type))

    We assume that each primitive is implemented so as to obtain its arguments from argl and place its result in val. To specify how the machine handles primitives, we would have to provide a sequence of controller instructions to implement each primitive and arrange for primitiveapply to dispatch to the instructions for the primitive identified by the contents of proc. Since we are interested in the structure of the evaluation process rather than the details of the primitives, we will instead just use an apply-primitive-procedure operation that applies the procedure in proc to the arguments in argl. For the purpose of simulating the evaluator with the simulator of section [*] we use the procedure apply-primitive-procedure, which calls on the underlying Scheme system to perform the application, just as we did for the metacircular evaluator in section [*]. After computing the value of the primitive application, we restore continue and go to the designated entry point.

      (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure)
                  (reg proc)
                  (reg argl))
      (restore continue)
      (goto (reg continue))

    To apply a compound procedure, we proceed just as with the metacircular evaluator. We construct a frame that binds the procedure's parameters to the arguments, use this frame to extend the environment carried by the procedure, and evaluate in this extended environment the sequence of expressions that forms the body of the procedure. Ev-sequence, described below in section [*], handles the evaluation of the sequence.

      (assign unev (op procedure-parameters) (reg proc))
      (assign env (op procedure-environment) (reg proc))
      (assign env (op extend-environment)
                  (reg unev) (reg argl) (reg env))
      (assign unev (op procedure-body) (reg proc))
      (goto (label ev-sequence))

    Compound-apply is the only place in the interpreter where the env register is ever assigned a new value. Just as in the metacircular evaluator, the new environment is constructed from the environment carried by the procedure, together with the argument list and the corresponding list of variables to be bound.

    Previous: The Explicit-Control Evaluator Next: Sequence Evaluation and Tail Recursion