It is my intent to simply place here many of my papers, write-ups, information, etc. so that the information is more widely available. As I approach my 70th birthday, I'm very much impressed with how slowly science changes and how quickly we humans age. I realize that every human being is fragile; one could simply depart this life at any moment. So it seemed fitting to at least leave behind what I think I've learned or in some cases discovered. If these are even partially correct, then some of them have potentially significant implications. It is particularly important, I think, to make the material available for all those sharp young grad students and post-docs who are looking for where the real holes are in their present scientific models. Certainly I've not found all of the holes by any means, but I believe I have found a few of them. These we will try to point out, and in some cases we will also indicate what we think is the way to correct them. The purpose of the site is for information only. I do not have time for, nor am I interested in, debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, so to speak. Whether a particular model is "right" or "wrong" is not the question; the question is, is it useful and does it predict some new and useful results? Eventually, technical concepts are useful only if they can do something different, provide a better model, etc. Also, abstract mathematics is a wonderful exercise and set of models, but the physics is in the concepts which the mathematical symbols represent and which the mathematical operations manipulate. The physics is not in the mathematics itself, per se. So we will range across a large field of ideas. We'll indicate those where we've found there is experimental validation or practical use. Others, we will just present for consideration and list some possible implications. The level will be, hopefully, detailed concepts. We will also have a go at some better definitions for such things as charge, potential, energy, time, mind, thought, etc. Slowly we'll put up - and develop - a special glossary. We'll even have a go at pointing out suggested changes in Aristotelian logic and some of its shortcomings. And interspersed throughout the material will be suitable reference citations. These will help the reader to see what influenced my thinking, and let him or her go back to the original source to see if it really does say what I say that it did. This way, the reader can make up his or her own mind about those points and those references. If these papers, concepts, and ideas stimulate further thought and particularly further development by the target audience, then the purpose of this website will have been fulfilled. The first things we will be addressing are in the energy field, particularly with respect to an initial theory of permissible electrical power systems that take EM energy from the vacuum and use it to power loads. Our emphasis will be on mechanisms, concepts, and principles. The second things we will be addressing will be in the medical research field. Particularly, we will extend Becker's work to deal with the electrical operation of the cellular regeneration system, which is the body's healing mechanism. We will also address possible future development of therapeutic systems along the lines pioneered by Prioré, Becker, and others. To do these first two things, we will also have to address the nature of time, the mechanism that generates the flow of a mass through time, and time as a special form of highly compressed energy. Here we will cite some experiments consistent with the thesis taken. A few older papers may be placed on the site to show the original, far more immature thinking at the time, but also to illustrate the thrust of that thinking. These will, I hope, clearly show that real progress has been made. Next we will address the nature of mind, thought, mind operations, and the mind-body connection. We will particularly deal with the type of radically extended electrodynamics required, including transverse, longitudinal, and time-polarized EM waves and photons. In addition, we will address the "infolded" internal longitudinal EM waves, currents, and energy inside all normal EM waves, potentials, and fields. What is in the present textbook are only the "surface manifestations" of a vast, hidden, superelectromagnetics for which all conventional EM entities (fields, waves, potentials) inside matter and in space are just superhighways. As an example, by the time we get a year along into the site, I expect to see a superluminal communication system entering the commercial markets. The system is already working now, and is built by a close colleague and friend. We will say more about that when the time comes. Eventually we will get around, perhaps, to the real decisive weapons presently holding the fate of humanity. They are not the "ordinary" weapons such as nuclear weapons and long range missiles, that so preoccupy the news media. Anyway, we hope you find the material of interest, and perhaps it may be of assistance here and there to some young fellows who will find beneficial applications and extensions I have not yet even thought of. If so, then the purpose of this website will have been fulfilled. In everything we do, we will occasionally point out that the Sachs-Evans unified field theory does possess the ability to model what is being discussed. A little of it has been modeled by Evans; much of it still remains to be fully expressed in good mathematical fashion but in the Sachs-Evans O(3) electrodynamics. I would like to close this "mission statement" with a quotation from Albert Einstein, which succinctly summarizes my own scientific philosophy and also, in a way, the mission of this website material. In his foreword to Max Jammer's Concepts of Space: The History of Theories of Space in Physics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969, p. xi-xii, Einstein made the following profound observation:
At any rate, posting the results of our decades of re-examination of concepts is our task, and we shall get on with it. But it is also just as important, if not even more important, to keep one's sense of humor. So we will also try to not tread too heavily, and ever so often even to "lighten up", so to speak. In that respect, remember that human knowledge is not absolute; at best it is a useful model or a set of useful models. At worst it is a set of biases that are of little utility or even useless. The theory of modeling tells us that we shall never have a perfect theory, but only a theory which is useful perhaps, and still in the act of becoming. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it beautifully:
We have tried to get just a fathom or two deeper, and that is what the material will present. To the reader, we wish you good reading, and also we wish you good fortune in your own quest, whatever it might be. Tom Bearden Nov. 27, 2000 |