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Table of Contents

You may want to put a table of contents at the beginning of your document. LYX makes this very easy to do. Just hit Return after your document title and before your first section title and choose Insert $ \triangleright$Lists & TOC $ \triangleright$Table of Contents. The words ``Table of Contents'' will appear in a button on the first line of the document.

This may not appear to be very useful. However, if you look at your dvi file, you will see that a table of contents has been generated, listing the various sections and subsections in your document. As usual, if you reorder sections or create new ones, you will see those changes in the dvi file when you update it.

The table of contents is not printed in the on-screen version of the document, because you can't edit it anyway. However, you can display the table of contents in a separate window by clicking on the table of contents button, or by using View $ \triangleright$Table of Contents. The menu command will work even if you don't have a table of contents inset in your document. This is a very useful tool. You can use the Table of Contents window to move around your document. Clicking on a (sub)section title in the Table of Contents window will highlight that line and move the cursor (in the LYX editing window) to that place in the document. You can also use the arrow keys to move up and down in the table of contents. You may therefore find it convenient to leave this window open throughout editing sessions. You can get similar functionality from the Navigate menu, though, where the table of contents appears automatically.

To get rid of the Table of Contents, you can delete the table of contents button just like any other text.

Exercise: Fix the table of contents in example_raw.lyx

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Jay Bolton 2004-04-15