Hall of Fame: Tsunami

Havener: Tsunami

Name: Tsunami
Real Name: Maikeru Long
Email: (mlong@khazad-dum.ccsi.com)
URL: http://joe.com/~joe/
Started Havening: 6/6/66
Notable Accomplishments: wore a bathing suit and maintained the Hotel Cailfornia
Bio: It all started in a dorm room at Northern Arizona University in September of 1992 when a young, man when to Northern Arizona University to visit his best friend and entered the relm of haven addiction.

Mike Long spent an afternoon headding up to flagstaff to visit his best friend from high school Mike O'keefe (haven name Panther13). O'Keefe (Haven name Panther13). While he was there, he became friends with Mike's roommate, Dan Marshall (Haven name Wildman), who introduced him to a "new" chat system HIS high school friend (VIXEN of EnergizerRabbit fame). This chat system he later learned was called a haven. The haven it all began with was known as Tenelia's Sanctuary.

Mike long later became addicted, known on the havens as SubZero and Tsunami. He is famed for having rewrote one of the most popular havens of all time, the Hotel California and later one of the smallest and most powerful haven codes, Minihaven.
written and submitted by Brandy Statler
Currently: He is working on his masters degree at the University of Arizona, he is getting ready to get hitched, and wo on working on developing his own inter/intranet software business.

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