Jennifer Bolton Baby Shower - 9/7/2002

Baby Shower Cake (Blue Baby Booties)

Here is the main food table.

Here is the kitchen table, with more food & drinks.

Here is the living room setup (pre-guest arrival)

Here is the table full of presents

And the present table again

Here is a picture of the guests sitting around eatting

Cheryl & Juliette

Cindy browsing in the dining room

Debbie, Jennifer D. & Jen P.

Helen, Debbie, Jennifer D. & Jen P.

Terry & Helen

Susan & Julie


Mom & Cindy

Mom with Pampers

Cheryl with the Bunny Washcloth

Jen opening presents

Jen opening more presents

And more presents

And more...

And more...

And more...

And still more.

Baby Bath

Baby Bjorn

Cute Baby outfits!

Toner Cartridge????

Nope, it was a Bear!

Cute Blue Baby Sleepers

Jen with Various Pampers products

Baby Looney Tunes Mobile

Pull his tail!

Picture Frame (from Cheryl)

Rocking Horse

The Rocking Horse again

VERY soft Moo Cow!

Cute Tan Outfit with hat & shoes!

Soft Blanket with Turtles, Bugs & Frogs

Wipes, etc...


Burp Clothes & Washclothes... you can never have enough

Beautiful Cross-stitch! Being done by Jen P.

HandPrint Bag, Quilt & Pillow and Block Box (by Daun)

Basket O' Goodies (from Terry)

Cute Pooh bumpers (from brother Greg)

Rattle & Teethers

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